Paul Cameron
American Psychological Assn. blesses transsexualism
By Paul Cameron
May 16, 2021

In the 1950s and 1960s, as news of sex changes raged, many gays wanted it. Clients pay, and if they don’t like what they’re being told, they often quit. As such, psychiatrists and psychologists tilt toward ‘giving clients what they want.’ With no laws against it, more and more mental health professionals arranged the procedures. Given their endorsement, in 1972, Sweden paid for ‘sex reassignment’ as a cure for dissatisfaction with one’s birth-sex.

What kind of profession touts and what kind of government pays for a lie?

Let’s face it, both the client that seeks it and the team responsible for a ‘sex change,’ know that mutilation, not re-creation, is occurring. Eventually, the truth must be faced:

    “transsexuals…I followed for years all know it is impossible to change sex by ingesting hormones and altering the appearance of genitals; in saying this, they are communicating the despair that came from their knowledge. You must understand that they believe that ‘sex change,’ as helpful it may have been, could not give them what the most wanted: a true change of their sex.

    – Dr. Robert Stoller, 1985, Sex and gender, Yale U Press, p.163.

    They “discover there is no escape from their true biological sex-…They remain mentally disturbed if only because they must believe their change is not the illusion it is. The fantasy world in which these sufferers live both and before and after ‘sex change’ surgery makes them unreal people in an unreal world. “

    – Dr. Georgina Turtle-Somerset, 1990, The transsexual predicament. J Royal Soc Med, 83, June 6:416.

    You can “work with people who request a sex change, with a view to elucidating why their sex is unacceptable to them and to removing this inability to accept a reality that cannot be changed. The fact that the medical profession offers the possibility of sex conversion does not impel transsexuals to make their request, but imprisons them in their crazy dream and closes the path of wisdom to them.”

    – Dr. Colette Chiland, 2003, Transsexualism, Wesleyan U Press. p. 165

Notice the dates of these statements by respected professionals in the mental health field. Further, on December 1, 2020 the British Court system decreed that so little was known about the long-term effects of the various drugs and surgeries on children, that henceforth, no treatments for ‘genital modifications’ on the underage would be permitted. Yet, in February 2021, comes the American Psychological Association [APA] with: “WHEREAS diversity in gender identity and expression is part of the human experience and transgender and gender nonbinary identities and expressions are healthy, incongruence between one’s sex and gender is neither pathological nor a mental health disorder.”

Given the deep disappointments that adults experience from ‘sex changes,’ and in light of the British governments’ careful decision to bar trying to change children’s sex, and that such ‘changes’ stunt what would naturally occur, why this APA statement?

The evidence grows that those seeking ‘sex changes’ are especially vulnerable to direction from authority figures. Is the income derived from destroying the lives of adults and children with ‘sex changes’ so important it transcends common decency, the professional standard of ‘doing no harm,’ and the universal standard of protecting defenseless children?

Are trans healthier with all the professional and legal support? Not according to the two latest polls: 1) one conducted bytrans activists1in 2015 got 27,715 adult trans, and2) the 2020 sample of 1850 trans by the American College Health Association2 within a total sample of 50,307 students.While generally asking different questions, some were the same. Thus, for Kessler’s Psychological Distress Scores [a standard questionnaire measure of mental distress], trans were much more apt to score disturbed (Table 1) – true of most (53%) activist trans aged 18-25.

Not only did trans in the 2020 and 2015 samples exhibit more frequent psychological distress, but in the 2015 survey, trans were “six times as likely to report having serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition (30%),” in contrast to 5% in the U.S. population [and]… almost four times as likely to report difficulty doing errands alone, such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition (22%)” v 6% in the U.S. population.Trans were also considerably more apt to report having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder. These two diagnoses are especially significant as the ADD/ADHD conditions are “frequently associated with … neurodevelopmental disorders, borderline personality, conduct or mood disorders, and psychotic disorders.”3Those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have “very limited social integration, poor job prospects and high rates of mental health problems.”4Those in the 2020sample were much more apt to report both diagnoses (22% reported ADD, 8% autism) constituting 9% of the 4651 with ADD, and 23% of the 648 with autism. Trans tend to be disturbed people in need of assistance, not ‘sex change.’

If a group is 6X more apt to have difficulty “concentrating, remembering, or making decisions” and 4X “doing errands alone,” and many times more apt to be autistic or have ADD, how free of coercion or professional influence is their ‘decision’ (with the help of therapists who derive income from clients’ decision to ‘go trans’) to go into long term, painful, and expensive ‘treatments’ that almost guarantee they will ruin their bodies and therefore their lives?

December 1, 2020, the British court complained about the lack of long-term evidence as to whether children were being harmed. The APA made its “transgender and gender nonbinary identities and expressions are healthy” statement two months later. In March an analysis of 4,174 child trans patients matched with 4 controls each (average age at examination, 16; 66% born female) from 6 of the 43 US centers treating children with gender dysphoria was announced. Patients had a nearly two times higher chance ofdeveloping metabolic syndrome, becoming obese, and getting polycystic ovary syndrome than average kids. Dr. Anna Valentine, the lead researcher, pointed to “adult data showing that adult transwomen on estradiol are more likely to have increased triglycerides and a higher rate of stroke, blood clots, and myocardial infarction.” The evidence the British Court wanted is slowly coming in, and it looks like these children are being made less ‘healthy’by their ‘treatments.’ (Endocrine Society’s 2021 meeting,MedPage3/23/21).

Think of it, the ‘average age’ of these children was 16, and we know some as young as 5 have been ‘treated.’ That 4,174 could be gotten in 6 centers suggests a similar number of kids weren’t included – that is, perhaps as many as 10,000 kids are in these programs at any given time (actual numbers seem impossible to obtain due to ‘privacy concerns,’ etc.).

Dr. Valentine said the differences favoring the normal kids could be “attributed to gender-affirming hormone therapy” – that is, their bodies did not respond well to opposite-sex hormones administered at an abnormal time in their development. How very surprising!

Trans and LGBs Tend to Come from Liberal, Non-Religious Homes

Over the years, various investigators have tried to find out about the kinds of homes homosexuals come from. As the FRI survey from 1983-4 found when asking for retrospective accounts of their childhoods, strongly religious and deeply conservative homes tended to produce fewer homosexuals, the irreligious and liberal homes more of them. Being religious or very traditional did not guarantee an absence of homosexual children, but the ratio was about 4:1 for irreligious:very religious for adults looking back at their upbringing.

Family Research Institute has documented the strong relationship between being a Republican and claiming to be very religious, and a fairly strong relationship between claiming no religion and being a Democrat. Our polls also found that 72% of Republicans considered trans “deeply or somewhat disturbed” while 9% believed them ‘mentally healthy’ (e.g., 8:1 ‘disturbed’). Democrats tended toward the opposite, with 45% holding trans ‘mentally healthy,’ and only 21% believing them ‘disturbed’(e.g., 2:1 ‘healthy’). As Democrats regarded talk-therapists as ‘dispensing science’ 31% of the time v ‘oversold, just have theories’ 7% (e.g., 4:1 positive), they might send their kids to a shrink (e.g., possibly an APA member) more frequently than Republicans who went ‘oversold’ at 33% v ‘dispense science’ at 7% (e.g., 5:1 negative).

Gallup just reported that 8.8% of Democrats, 6.5% of independents and 1.7% of Republicans said they were LGBT, which is not direct evidence as to their upbringing, but as children tend to mimic their parents’ religion and political stance, is supportive. Almost all investigations of children of homosexuals find them much more apt to become homosexual. In the trans activists’ 2015 survey, “half (50%) of trans respondents identified as Democrats, 48% identified as Independents, and 2% identified as Republicans, compared to 27%, 43%, and 27% in the U.S general population.” While the Gallup numbers are close to our 4:1, these 2015 trans numbers are extreme at about 25:1. Of course, these trans were gotten via activist organizations and their websites, so the 25:1 undoubtedly partially comes from that source.

The nation’s children are under assault by a mutilation fad. They must be saved from this growing conspiracy of greedy professionals, power hungry politicians, and the disturbed.

Refs: 1. 2. NCHA-III_SPRING_2020_REFERENCE_GROUP_DATA_REPORT.pdf 3. N Nourredine, et al. Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence online 2/ 24/21 jamapsychiatry. 2020.4799. 4. P Howlin I Magiati. Autism spectrum disorder: outcomes in adulthood CurrOpin Psychiatry 2017 Mar;30(2):69-76 .

© Paul Cameron


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Paul Cameron

Dr. Paul Cameron was the first scientist to document the harmful health effects of second-hand tobacco smoke. He has published extensively on LGBT issues in refereed scientific journals. In 1978 he predicted that equal treatment of homosexuality and heterosexuality would strongly favor growing homosexuality and shrinking heterosexuality. His prediction is coming true.


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