Michael Bresciani
Kamala: Biden 2.0 -– Same stuff, different day
By Michael Bresciani
July 24, 2024

Although Harris will provide a new face to the Dem’s ticket, her endlessly giggling and cackling face provides only a slight edge over Joe Biden against Donald Trump in almost every poll.

As a “Border Czar,” Harris has done nothing. So exactly what can we expect if she were to become the next President of the United States?

The only thing she could produce is the steady flow and continuation of all of Joe Biden’s policies. This spells disaster for a nation already exhausted with the destructive and almost anti-American efforts of the Biden Administration.

By telephone, Biden was heard saying, “The name at the top of the ticket has changed, but the mission is the same.” This ominous declaration is what we fear the most.

The best Kamala could do is to give us “Joe Biden 2.0” – all imagined additions notwithstanding.

Could we stand more of this…

    Embarrassing pull-out from Afghanistan or another country.

    The tragic death of military people, that could have been avoided.

    The loss of billions of dollars’ worth of the finest military equipment left behind in Afghanistan.

    Highest taxes in history.

    Highest inflation in history.

    Debilitating prices for food and fuel.

    An attempt to codify Roe v. Wade.

    Wars in the Mideast and Ukraine.

    Placing the burden of school loan re-payments on the working class.

    Giving our enemies (China) favored trade status.

    Buying oil from our enemies.

    Refusing to drill for, and recover, our own abundant supply of oil and gas.

    The loss of billions of dollars dumped into the panicky hoax called climate change.

    Using the entire justice system to come against political opponents.

    Endless lying about everything.

    The evil and dangerous support for the trans-gendering of America’s children.

    The certification of every perverse notion, including drag queens in schools, and topless women at Whitehouse events.

    The snarling, demeaning, and hateful character assassination of their opponents.

    Kamala failed at the one and only job she was given as the "Border Czar" of this nation. The border is an open disaster under Joe and will be worse under Kamala.

These 19 reminders of the best of Biden’s policies, mean only one thing, A Kamala presidency is at best – the lesser of two evils.

Already the polls seem to reflect the doubtful feelings that citizens have about Kamala.

Siena College and New York Times polls are showing only a slight rise over Biden, but Trump remains in the front. Demographic groups may vary, but we have yet to see if Harris can secure the nomination, and on what spurious campaign policies and promises she may possibly launch that might change anyone’s mind.

They will laud Biden’s great bravery for pulling out of the race to save the nation, but it is a ruse. They intend to save their own power – nothing more, and nothing less.

They have left the nation in shambles and the people do indeed mourn as the old Word so clearly warns. Kamala can only bring more grief.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn”(Proverbs 29:2).

Photo: Flickr

To read more articles by Michael Bresciani click here.

© Michael Bresciani


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