Paul Cameron
Do the just and wicked hate each other?
By Paul Cameron
February 6, 2021

Do those who do good and those who do ill hate each other? So contends Proverbs 29:27, indicating that even in an ancient agrarian society, people grouped into two – at odds – ‘parties.’ The pattern of two major antagonists endures. After George Washington’s Presidency, the two major parties were highly antagonistic regarding their Presidential candidates, and from the colorful rhetoric of the newspapers, even more at odds than today’s Republicans and Democrats are.

Much of Corporate America has joined the Democrat side, as have most media. While ‘everybody’ has not bought the notion that ‘all that is, is right here, there is no future after you die,’ the vast majority of our intelligencia have. Christians, the middle and working classes are therefore ever more frequently Republicans, while those with ‘no religion’ are ever more frequently Democrats. While it is too simple to say Democrats = the wicked, Republicans = the righteous, there is a great deal of truth to it. Democrats are, after all, the party of ‘things must be changed,’ and tend to look beyond religion to ‘science’ for ‘how to change them.’ Their loadstars are increasingly mental healthism, ‘man-made global warming,’ plus ‘all races and sexual preferences must somehow be made equal’ by denigrating whites.

Biden appears to be a hostile-to-Christianity President, given his executive orders on abortion and transsexualism. In the past, the Democrats supported notions that equalized citizens (e.g., social security). Besides suppressing ‘white supremacy,’ Biden believes in two ‘scientific’ causes: saving us from ‘man-made global warming’ (supported by a collection of environmental scientists) and LGBT rights and needs (especially trans ‘people’) (supported by mental health scientists). Biden is moving rapidly to address trans concerns (a fellow who pretends womanhood is to be Assist. Sec of Health and Human Services).

Biden is not alone in being anti-white. Consider the email “just sent to everyone in America applying to college through the Common App [McGurn, WallSteet 1/12/21]

    “We witnessed a deeply disturbing attack on democracy on Wednesday, when violent white supremacist insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undo a fair and legal election. The stark differences between how peaceful Black and brown protesters have been treated for years relative to Wednesday’s coup again call attention to the open wound of systemic racism.”

“White supremacist insurrectionists” and “systemic racism” are treated as ‘obvious facts,” as that ‘Blacks and browns’ are victims of ‘systemic racism.’

And this was sent to everyone applying for college – everyone!

In 2020, the Insurance Commissioner of California ruled insurance companies must cover “male chest reconstruction surgery” (e.g., breast removal for trans females) and age cannot be a reason for excluding coverage. Following mental health philosophy, he said this was to ensure trans-identified minors could receive “gender-affirming care in order to be their true selves.” This, though no long-term studies of the physical and mental effects of such surgery have been performed! And though almost a third of women who have their breasts removed due to cancer suffer Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome (which can be chronic and debilitating). The same girls of an age they cannot have sex with a man, drive a car or vote must be mutilated at common expense (about $10,000) if they feel it’s necessary to meet the mental health philosophy’s goal to be “their true selves!”

Other – highly expensive, painful, and unknown-long-term-outcome mutilations are usually done: vaginas shaped into a pitiful imitation of penises (~ $60,000) [looking through Google, no surgeon showed other than breasts (pretty good) and vagina-like mutilations of penises (generally passable) – none showed off his ‘penises’ (which are horrid)]; faces are often masculinized ($50,000), even the supposed ‘holding pattern’ puberty blockers for a year run $20,000.

The long-term consequence of these procedures are unknown. But the benefits to the surgeons and counselors [who now get paid to listen to the troubles of and coach those who have been mutilated as to the wonders of ‘now you are your authentic self’] go on until clients’ death or resignation. How can anyone, much less a professional, do these painful, debilitating things to children?

Why have so many professionals and professional associations gotten behind this life-destroying madness? FRI has been studying Child sexual abuse molestations in 9 countries (including the US, UK, Italy, Russia). In doing so, we have uncovered one possible explanation: a great deal of child molestation is homosexual. By determining the proportion of homosexual perpetrators, we can estimate how many people in a given status or profession ‘are’ homosexuals. Briefly, our methodology examines every Google News story in which the sex of perpetrator and sex of victim was reported – over 5,000 stories were examined and tallied over 6-month to 3.5-year periods during 2012-2016 and 2017-2018.

Table 1, row 1, tells us that in the US, there were 60 Catholic clergy [priests, bishops, seminarians. etc.) who were caught molesting children homosexually, and these 60 accounted for 394 victims (almost all boys). At the same time there were 32 Protestant clergy caught molesting homosexually, who accounted for 119 victims. The last two columns inform that 87% of Catholic and 43% of Protestant perpetrators engaged homosexually; 98% of Catholic’s and 64% of Protestant’s were homosexually victimized. Non-US figures were similar for Catholic v Protestant clergy.

Table 2 depicts mental health professionals caught molesting clients or charges. [group housing ‘counselors;’ 48 homosexuals for 496 victims, 9 heterosexuals for 22 victims, are not included]. Thus, 2 female professionals molested a boy client and a girl client; 23 male professionals molested 100 boys, 3 molested 7 girls (the mental health professionals’ violations are similar to those of the Catholic clergy,).

Homosexual psychological and psychiatric professionals engaged in lying and trickery in the 1960s-1970s to get their non-gay colleagues on-board to declare homosexuals ‘normal.’ These child abuse data further prove the crusade non-scientific as so many of the tricksters were gay.

The ‘wicked’ (e.g., Democrats) of US politics is tied not only with westing the unborn from their womb, but mutilation and sexual abuse of the living. Is the hate of the righteous compounded by the wicked destroying children for a living?

© Paul Cameron


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Paul Cameron

Dr. Paul Cameron was the first scientist to document the harmful health effects of second-hand tobacco smoke. He has published extensively on LGBT issues in refereed scientific journals. In 1978 he predicted that equal treatment of homosexuality and heterosexuality would strongly favor growing homosexuality and shrinking heterosexuality. His prediction is coming true.


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