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January 26, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Around this time of year, we remember the infamous Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade of January 22, 1973, which condemned some 65 million preborn people in America to death in abortions. Although Roe was overturned, abortion is very much a pressing issue today. And it has been and continues to promoted in the name of “choice.” Pro-choice is a misnomer. Those who are pro-choice are in reality pro-abortion.... (more)

January 24, 2024
CLIFF KINCAID — You have probably heard about the scandal involving anti-Trump prosecutor Fani Willis and her well-paid lawyer lover/boyfriend. Their bizarre romantic and financial relationship may sink her case against Trump. If so, she will be replaced, and the case will go on. But having a lover on the payroll is not the real problem that taints the prosecutions against Trump, and it’s not the most important case.... (more)

January 24, 2024
PJ MEDIA — Donald Trump has handily won the New Hampshire Republican Party primary. DecisionDesk HQ called the race at around 8 p.m. ET, with 19% estimated reporting. Trump came in with 55.5% of the vote, followed by Haley in second place with 43.8% (see real-time results below). The result was widely expected, though the margin wasn't easily predicted. Prior to Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race, Trump reportedly had a roughly 10-point lead. Back in December, polls showed her much closer. Haley's campaign bet on a strong showing in Iowa but she came in third. She really needed a win in New Hampshire, or at least a strong second-place showing, to justify continuing her campaign. It is an indisputable landslide victory assuming Trump holds at 55% or more.... (more)

January 23, 2024
DAVID HARSANYI — The government shows up at your business and demands you pay the salaries of the regulators who lord over you. If you refuse, you’ll be ruined. You have little recourse. You’ve never even voted on the policy because no law implementing it exists. Bureaucrats in D.C. cooked up the idea, and a political appointee signed off on it.... (more)

January 21, 2024
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Among the left’s multi-pronged war on Western civilization, one of the most prominent is its assault on parental rights. Recall how when parents learned of and opposed radical public-school systems’ aims to diminish and, in some instances, terminate parental rights regarding their own child’s education, moral instruction, and physical well-being, these leftist indoctrinators colluded with the Biden Department of Justice and far-left mercenary smear merchants to harass and brand these dissenting parents as potential domestic terrorists.... (more)

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — Last November, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten annoyed the vast American homeschooling community by expressing bafflement at the trend to remove children from school. "What's behind the increase in homeschooling?" Weingarten posted on X (formerly Twitter), referencing an article on Axios with the same title. This apparent cluelessness drew snorts of derision from parents all over the nation, who didn't hold back on their responses by the thousands – so much so that Weingarten turned off replies to her post.... (more)

January 19, 2024

January 17, 2024
DAVID HARSANYI — Granted, I’m not a professional political consultant, but I’m starting to get the sense that the Democrats’ 2024 focus on “saving democracy” suffers somewhat from their constant efforts to demolish every basic norm of constitutional governance. Then again, maybe we just need to define our terms, since “democracy” has been stripped of any useful meaning. The word certainly doesn’t signify adherence to the Constitution — a document barely, if ever, mentioned by the contemporary left for obvious reasons.... (more)

January 16, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — Concerns are intensifying among far-left national security “experts” and Pentagon insiders over the possibility that former President Donald Trump might leverage the U.S. military to enforce his political will if he returns to the Oval Office. In a detailed report, NBC News inadvertently admitted the existence of a “Deep State,” allegedly working to facilitate a military coup against former President Trump if he is freely and fairly elected by Americans.... (more)

January 16, 2024
NEW YORK POST — The first contest was no contest at all. Former President Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus in a blowout Monday night — confirming his standing as the clear front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. With 97% of the expected vote in, Trump had 51.1% support, followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (21.2%), former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (19.1%) and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (7.7%), who ended his campaign and gave Trump his support as the result became clear.... (more)

January 16, 2024
NEW YORK POST — Dr. Anthony Fauci “should go to prison” for mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic and making the “worst decision ever made by a public health official in the history of time” regarding the origins of the deadly outbreak, Sen. Rand Paul charged Sunday.... (more)

January 15, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — In the secret thinking of America’s ruling elites, dominated as they are by today’s ever-more deranged and totalitarian Democratic Party, absolutely nothing is more valuable, indispensable, and life-giving to their great cause than the Jan. 6, 2021 “armed insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.... (more)

January 15, 2024
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — At 4:08 am on January 15, 2024, a person claiming to be a representative of Facebook sent RenewAmerica a threatening message regarding RenewAmerica’s Facebook page, which we operate for the benefit of those who frequent social media. The threatening message said: "Important Notification: Your Facebook page will be permanently deleted due to a post that infringes our trademark rights. We have made this decision after careful consideration and in compliance with our intellectual property protection policies.... (more)

January 12, 2024
YOUTUBE — Oxford mathematician and apologist John Lennox is joined by Samuel Marusca and Justin Brierley at the Practical Wisdom Conference in London to discuss faith in the age of science. John Lennox challenges conventional beliefs about science's explanatory scope, and exposes that science doesn't even explain what you think it does. Lennox delves into the assertions of Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, who propose that the Universe originated from nothing, presenting a compelling case for creationism. He adeptly critiques the limitations of the theory of evolution while simultaneously clarifying his position on the age of the Earth, claiming he is NOT a young earth creationist and emphasizing its compatibility with the Christian worldview. Moreover, meaning and the semantics of language suggest that there is intelligent design in the universe.... (more)

January 11, 2024

January 10, 2024

January 9, 2024
PRIESTS FOR LIFE — Travelling to DC for the March for Life? Start the day at the 29th Annual National Prayer Service on Friday, January 19, 2024, at DAR Constitution Hall, 1776 D St. (18th and D), Washington, DC, from 8:30-10:30am! Catholic Mass at 7:30 a.m. Priests for Life will present the Pro-Life Recognition Award to Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, TX; Mark Lee Dickson, founder of the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn initiative; Sr. Deirdre Byrne, POSC; and Mark Houck. It will be a time of prayer, praise, music, and inspiring speakers. Veteran pro-life leader Frank Pavone will deliver a powerful pro-life message. Sponsored by Priests for Life and the National Pro-Life Religious Council. Admission is free.... (more)

January 8, 2024
THE FEDERALIST — To say that contemporary Western culture is not family-friendly would be something of an understatement. Rather, it’s positively hostile to families. Whether it’s popular entertainment, schools, politicians, or even one’s neighbors, parents and their children are regularly pushed into terminal dysfunction. Virtue is derided while vices are celebrated; confusion and contradiction frequently overwhelm decency and common sense; and the feeling of optimism and commitment to excellence is now smothered by widespread anxiety and nihilism. As one would expect in such an environment, marriage and birth rates continue to plummet with little hope of recovering.... (more)

January 8, 2024
YOUTUBE — The Babylon Bee sits down with Siaka Massaquoi to talk about how the FBI recently separated him from his pregnant wife at the airport and arrested him over charges related to January 6th. What really happened on January 6th and what was Siaka doing at the Capitol Building?... (more)

January 7, 2024
YOUTUBE — The decline, the deception, the dogmas... Thomas Sowell details an assessment of the state of education in the United States.... (more)

January 6, 2024
TOWNHALL — Late last month, Townhall reported how one Republican governor vetoed measures to protect women’s sports and to protect children from irreversible, experimental transgender “care.” This includes puberty blockers, sex reassignment surgery, and hormone therapy treatment.... (more)

January 5, 2024
YOUTUBE — On a snowy Thanksgiving Day, two strangers — Robert, a construction worker, and Catherine, a pediatrician — find themselves stranded in a blizzard. Being forced to seek shelter in an abandoned cabin gradually gives way to an unexpected connection. Through their candid conversations, they discover a mutual understanding and a spark of attraction that defies their differences.... (more)

January 4, 2024
CLIFF KINCAID — Congress is back in session on January 8 and a government-shutdown deadline is weeks away. Funding for Ukraine and Israel and securing the border are major issues. But there is another major issue: the consolidation of a communist dictatorship in the United States if “Special Counsel” Jack Smith is allowed to continue his persecution of former President Trump, persecution that subverts our system of free and fair elections.... (more)

January 4, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — History is filled with people who quit too early, and thus never fulfilled their key task in life. With a new year upon us, it’s good to think about how God pours His blessings on those who persist. Even when facing adversity, when the time comes, they push forward with what they feel He has called them to do. Of course, in the eight Beatitudes of Jesus (“Blessed are…”), He never said, “Blessed are the persistent.” But throughout the Bible, we do find encouragements to press on, to keep plugging away at doing the right thing.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Pete Riehm
Has the LGBTQ+ rebellion jumped the shark?

Cliff Kincaid
Russia’s KGB and ours

Cliff Kincaid
The armed enemies within plot Trump’s murder

Cliff Kincaid
Trump is a marked man

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Frank Louis
Fearmongering? I don't think so

Curtis Dahlgren
Hammer & Tickle: A cultural history of Communism by Ben Lewis, 2009

Jerry Newcombe
The Bible and public policy
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