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May 21, 2023
ROBERT SPENCER — Old Joe Biden said it again last Sunday: “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.” Old Joe has told this particular whopper before, as has Gestapo chief Merrick Garland and the FBI. Yet actual white supremacist terrorists in any significant numbers have been notably lacking. But you’ll be relieved to know, however, that our nation’s intrepid G-men are on the case: an FBI whistleblower testified before Congress Thursday that the bureau had actually fudged data in order to make domestic terrorism related to the Jan. 6 fake “insurrection” look much bigger than it really is.... (more)

May 21, 2023
PETER LABARBERA — A recent encounter between an up-and-coming conservative women's advocate and a rising "progressive" congressional star shows Democrat politicians simply aren't used to the idea of actually having to debate the "trans" agenda and the real-world effect it is having in society. Riley Gaines, former elite collegiate swimmer turned women's advocate battling the "trans" takeover of female sports, explained in a recent interview how she tried to confront Rep. Katie Porter, California Democrat, after Porter maligned her in an appearance April 14 on Bill Maher's HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher."... (more)

May 19, 2023
BOB UNRUH — A new plan from the Biden administration to update guidance regarding prayer in public schools means a crackdown on that activity, suggests a new report from Decision Magazine. In fact, a lawyer for the ADF, which has fought multiple court cases regarding student speech in schools, warned the new Biden plan appears to be "suggesting that schools have to purge religious messages from any student speech if the school in any way controls the student’s speech."... (more)

May 19, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — Six years ago, in our 2017 book on Barack Hussein Obama, Red Star Rising: The Making of Barack Hussein Obama and the Transformation of America, we concluded that Russia-gate was a diversion from the Russian penetration of the national Democratic Party and Russian control over, even blackmail of, Barack Hussein Obama.... (more)

May 19, 2023
PETER LEMISKA — If nothing else, leftist propaganda can be fiendishly clever. Using selected facts and distorting them to suit their needs, those on the left are working hard to brand loving and courageous parents as radical enemies of free speech. Their disgusting claim that parents, and conservatives in general, are out to ban books is a transparent attempt to equate them to the fascists of 1933 Germany and the burning of all books designated as anti-government. Those books included works by Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Helen Keller. Today, the left would have us believe that there’s no difference between those works and the pornographic material being thrust on young students across the country.... (more)

May 19, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — An interesting event occurred last month without receiving much attention. An Arizona state representative was caught on video swiping Bibles in a House-members only lounge and hiding them, presumably so that others could not read them. A local TV reporter approached her and asked her why she had been taking the Bibles. But she walked away with no response. She did this on more than one occasion, hiding the scriptures under seats and in a refrigerator. An irony to this story is that the thieving legislator is supposedly an ordained Presbyterian minister—obviously a very liberal branch of Presbyterians.... (more)

May 19, 2023
NEWSMAX — A former FBI agent-turned-whistleblower over the agency's alleged handling of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot investigation tells Newsmax he blames troubles at the bureau on rules that have it acting "like a cop trying to hit a quota." Appearing Thursday on "Rob Schmitt Tonight," former special agent Steve Friend said the FBI's "integrated program management protocols," which were implemented a decade ago, mean the agency sets "quotas for itself to meet. And in order to meet those, they have to gin up the numbers in any way possible to justify the funding that it receives from Congress."... (more)

May 17, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Yesterday in these pages Margot Cleveland rightly noted that the most damning finding in the 306-page report from Special Counsel John Durham is not necessarily the FBI’s scandalous Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016, but that the egregious abuses of power detailed in the report cannot be remedied “absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”... (more)

May 17, 2023
YOUTUBE — Prosecutor John Durham has finally concluded his report and the FBI’s probe into alleged Trump ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign season. And the findings are HUGE — despite what some in the mainstream media may say. In this clip, Glenn explains exactly what the Durham Report says, what it means for the FBI, and why Glenn wouldn’t be happy until "people GO TO JAIL."... (more)

May 17, 2023
DR. RUSSELL BLAYLOCK — French social critic Frederic Bastiat (1801–1850) once said, “The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.”[1] During much of the history of our republic, our intellectuals and those who digest these ideas for consumption by the general public did a poor job of defending the basic foundations of our freedom. Until the 60s, it was taken for granted that private property, absolute moral principles, and free enterprise were desirable. But while these things were based on a foregone conclusion, few were adequately prepared to defend these ideas against the modern liberal intellectual assault.... (more)

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023
PETER LABARBERA — Ex-CIA director under Barack Obama, John Brennan, admitted that the infamous public letter in October 2019 signed by 51 ex-intelligence officials – who strongly suggested that emails found on Hunter Biden's laptop were part of "Russian disinformation" campaign – "was political," according to the Daily Mail.... (more)

May 16, 2023
NEWSMAX — Former President Donald Trump stated he would release all the files related to former President John F. Kennedy's assassination if reelected in 2024. Trump's statement follows after Democrat Party challenger, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said last week that there was "overwhelming" evidence that the CIA was involved in his uncle's murder.... (more)

May 16, 2023
TOWNHALL — As the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI were left reeling in the wake of John Durham's report on the "sobering" finding that there was no basis for the investigation into Trump's "Russian collusion," the DOJ reportedly wasted no time apparently trying to use the fury of media scrutiny to make another confounding decision.... (more)

May 16, 2023
BABYLON BEE — The mainstream media has been heaping praise on President Biden for finally drawing a larger crowd than former President Trump. According to reports, hundreds of thousands are gathering in El Paso and it's all because of President Biden. "These are truly historic numbers we are seeing! Trump could never get this many people even at his biggest rallies," gushed CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. "This is an incredible moment for President Biden. He's clearly resonating with the American people -- well, the people, anyway -- and it's clear that his policies are making a real difference."... (more)

May 15, 2023
BABYLON BEE — Joe Biden was recently awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Howard University, a rare honor bestowed upon him just three years after he became Honorary President. Howard University, named after intellectual and philosopher Howard The Duck, granted the Honorary President the prestigious Honorary Doctorate because of his "unity-based unification" and "popularity among oligarchs and oil tycoons."... (more)

May 15, 2023
MIRANDA DEVINE — Now we know that the CIA conspired with former acting director Mike Morell and the Biden campaign to produce a letter falsely claiming that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation — and solicited signatures from at least one former intelligence official. But there is much more to come from the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees on the origins of that “Dirty 51” letter cooked up by five former CIA directors and 46 fellow spooks to discredit The Post’s reporting on the laptop.... (more)

May 14, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — "CBS Saturday Morning" featured a segment suggesting adding insects into a diet could provide benefits for a growing world affected by climate change. To counter meat, soybean derived proteins or other high-carbon foods, the segment described efforts by climate experts and scientists to explore farming bugs to protect the planet.... (more)

May 14, 2023
REV. MARK H. CREECH — In his book Laugh Again, Charles Swindoll tells this fabulous story about a three-year-old, freckled-face boy in a hallway. The little guy's pajamas are unsnapped, his diaper sagging, and he has a little teddy bear dangling from his hand. He's standing in front of his parent's bedroom door, which is closed. On the door is a sign written by a weary mother: "Closed for Business. Motherhood Out of Order."... (more)

May 13, 2023
KATIE PAVLICH — The House Oversight Committee is out with a new report detailing how the Central Intelligence Agency may have directly helped President Joe Biden win the 2020 presidential election. How? By helping to recruit signatures for the now infamous letter, which was signed by 51 former intelligence officials, calling Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop "Russian disinformation." That laptop contained endless information about Biden's overseas business dealings, which he conducted with his father as a business partner.... (more)

May 12, 2023
NEWSMAX — Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson told Newsmax Friday that the FBI's refusal to answer a Congressional subpoena for information relating to President Joe Biden and his family's overseas business dealings shows the evidence of scandal is "irrefutable."... (more)

May 12, 2023
JOAN SWIRSKY — In 2021, the satire site Babylon Bee released a short video about a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist and proceeds to set a world cycling record. The 5 1/2-minute spoof—viewable here—is titled "Switching Gears: The Norm Hiccup Story." It pokes fun at today's transgender movement. It should be obvious to the viewer that this clever, well-acted spoof is a compelling metaphor for the transgenderism craze, whereby confused Gen Z youth have been made to believe they were born in the wrong body—that is, in a body of the wrong gender—and will never be happy unless they can "switch gears" and reverse their gender.... (more)

May 12, 2023
PETE RIEHM — Since their founding, the healthy interservice rivalry between the Armed Forces of the United States has always been fierce and often acerbic. Marines like to say that within the Department of the Navy, they are the men’s division – or the Navy created the Marine Corps, so sailors would have someone to dance with. Marines already thought sailors wear dresses, so imagine the shame and shock, when the U.S. Navy officially designated a Second-Class Petty Officer Drag Queen as a digital ambassador for Navy recruiting! That’s a joke? Right? Nope. It’s all part of the new “woke” Navy, but don’t pile on just the Navy – all the services have lost their moral moorings and are running aground.... (more)

May 12, 2023
PETER LABARBERA — Interrupted and barraged with hostile, biased, "gotcha" questions all evening by moderator Kaitlin Collins at Wednesday's CNN's "Republican Presidential Town Hall" in New Hampshire, Donald Trump still managed to thrill his MAGA base, look confident and relaxed, and gain a huge conservative endorsement as he builds on his momentum as the party's clear frontrunner for 2024.... (more)

May 11, 2023
DENNIS PRAGER — There are four primary reasons fewer and fewer people in America and the West take God, the Bible, or religion seriously. 1) The belief that science disproves religion. 2) The belief that reason and feelings supplant God and the Bible as the only necessary vehicles to morality. 3) The “progressive” ideologies of at least 100 years that seek to replace religion. 4) The failure of religious people to convince the next generation to be religious. As I have dealt with the first three reasons on many occasions, I will only note that it should be obvious to any rational person that the first three reasons are . . . irrational.... (more)


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