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July 17, 2022
ART MOORE — Amid low morale fostered by "bad science," frustrated and alarmed experts with the NIH, CDC and FDA are quitting, creating serious staffing shortages, reports Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary. Leadership of the agencies is being questioned, with the authorization, for example, of COVID-19 vaccines for children 4 years old and younger. Pfizer's trial data found no statistically significant evidence that the shots provide benefit for young children. Meanwhile, members of FDA vaccine panels have expressed concern about the lack of safety data for children.... (more)

July 15, 2022
NAOMI WOLF — I recently spoke at a gathering for medical freedom advocates in a little community center in the Hudson River Valley. I cherish this group of activists: they had steadfastly continued to gather throughout the depths of the "lockdown," that evil time in history – an evil time not yet behind us – and they kept on gathering in human spaces, undaunted. And by joining their relaxed pot-luck dinners around unidentifiable but delicious salads and chewy homemade breads, I was able to continue to remember what it meant to be part of a sane human community.... (more)

July 15, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — Oprah Winfrey's last major foray into politics was backing Barack Hussein Obama, who promised a fundamental transformation of America and delivered. Now, Oprah is backing Wes Moore for governor of Maryland. He is supposed to be the next Obama, assuming he can win the July 19 primary. In a campaign ad, she says, "The type of transformational leader that these times demand – that's Wes Moore for Maryland governor."... (more)

July 15, 2022

July 14, 2022
RUMBLE — The President & VP of the Border Control union joined Kari Lake for the first-ever LIVE tour of the Arizona Border. Thanks to Brian Glenn w/ RSBN for documenting this for all to see the failure of the Biden border policies.... (more)

July 14, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — There is evil abroad in the land, and it's a cancer overtaking our society. Any naive belief in the inherent goodness of man was shattered by what happened on July 4, 2022, in Highland Park, Illinois. What would possess – and that's exactly the right word – a young man with his whole life ahead of him to take to the roof of a building and systematically shoot off about 60 bullets, killing many and wounding dozens? He shot fellow Americans enjoying an Independence Day parade. As far as we know, he killed total strangers....... (more)

July 14, 2022
WORLDNETDAILY — The left's harsh attacks on President Trump for his charges that the 2020 presidential election was stolen – they've accused him of everything up to treason for his comments – largely have overshadowed the evidence about what actually happened. Democrats have insisted all along that the 2020 election essentially was the most secure election ever – that there was no evidence of fraud or malfeasance. But more and more evidence is surfacing they're not right, including the fact that states simply didn't follow their own election laws.... (more)

July 14, 2022
FREE BEACON — The Biden Justice Department has yet to take action against abortion extremists menacing pro-life clinics and members of the Supreme Court. Republican lawmakers are resolved to hold leadership accountable after the midterm elections--even if that means impeaching Attorney General Merrick Garland. Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), who is in line to take over the House Judiciary Committee if Republicans prevail in November, didn't take a Garland impeachment inquiry off the table in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon. Jordan cited a range of alleged misconduct, from failure to enforce black-letter law to protect clinics and justices, to secret collusion with leftwing groups opposed to parents protesting woke curricula changes.... (more)

July 14, 2022
NEWSMAX — Montgomery County police in Maryland are warning the public that officers will enforce laws against disturbing the peace at protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices. On its website Wednesday night, Montgomery County police posted the following message: "The Montgomery County Department of Police is committed to preserving the First Amendment rights of all individuals. There are content-neutral Montgomery County Code and Maryland Law provisions that restrict protesting and assembling in a private neighborhood, as well as disturbing the peace."... (more)

July 12, 2022
TOWNHALL — A group of Republican lawmakers is demanding the Committee on Oversight and Reform investigate the "extremely troubling" election fraud allegations made in the documentary "2000 Mules." "The film documents activities that raise serious questions about potential widespread coordinated efforts to illegally harvest and cast votes," Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) states in a letter sent to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) on Wednesday, which was provided exclusively to Townhall.... (more)

July 12, 2022
YOUTUBE — In an exchange with a leftist Berkeley law professor during a Senate hearing on Tuesday, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley exposed the irrational thinking of the "woke" professor – who suggested the senator was unavoidably inciting violence against "cis," "trans," and other persons at odds with their birth gender, simply by asking relevant questions.... (more)

July 12, 2022
YOUTUBE — On Tuesday, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy called the Biden administration's "latest bad decision," following a series of other bad decisions, "deeply, profoundly stupid" – and said he was referring specifically to the administration's "assault on sustainable, affordable energy," thereby harming Americans not just at the pump, but with regard to the cost of a long list of everyday products derived from oil, such as plastics, mascara, medicines, and countless other common necessities. MUST WATCH.... (more)

July 12, 2022
YOUTUBE — At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) displayed old quotes of now-radical Joe Biden condemning Roe v. Wade and opposing late-term abortions – nullifying Joe's moral authority and demonstrating he will say and do anything to gain (and keep) power. Cruz praised the Supreme Court for overturning the unelected 1973 Court's unsound Roe decision and allowing voters, themselves, to decide the contentious issue of abortion.... (more)

July 12, 2022
LINDA GOUDSMIT — Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course. Globalism has declared war on the nation state, and cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The tactical strategy is the incremental movement of America from constitutional republic > socialism > globalism > feudalism. The target is your children. This is how it works.... (more)

July 12, 2022
REV. MARK H. CREECH — It's been said that "silence is golden." Is this always true?—especially when something desperately needs to be said —especially when we need a word from God—especially when we need to hear from heaven about how to navigate a complex world of social issues?... (more)

July 11, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — In the deep blue state of Maryland, as primary elections approach, an anti-Trump Republican governor, Larry Hogan, is attempting to curry more favor with Democrats by passing the baton to Kelly Schulz, another liberal anti-Trump Republican regarded as the RINO-anointed heir to Hogan. Hogan, considered a major RINO, is term-limited. The Democrats, on the other hand, are offering what some observers are calling "another Obama"--a black advocate of marijuana legalization by the name of Wes Moore.... (more)

July 11, 2022
FOX BUSINESS — Elon Musk responded to the latest major development in his ongoing feud with Twitter early Monday morning – tweeting out a meme of him laughing after Twitter reportedly lawyered up to sue him for moving to drop his $44 billion takeover of the company. The post has a series of four photos of the Telsa founder laughing with captions that read: "They said I couldn't buy Twitter; Then they wouldn't disclose bot info; Now they want to force me to buy Twitter in court; Now they have to disclose bot info in court."... (more)

July 11, 2022
PJ MEDIA — "Who controls the past controls the future," writes George Orwell in 1984. "Who controls the present controls the past." Were he with us today, Orwell would be getting tired of being right all the time, but he has just been proven right again: Thomas Jefferson's famed mansion Monticello has been turned into a fount of woke propaganda that denigrates Jefferson and treats unsuspecting visitors to an over-the-top orgy of victimhood and white guilt regarding slavery. The Left hates America and wants very much for you to hate it, too.... (more)

July 11, 2022
PJ MEDIA — In the ongoing devolution of our once-proud nation into a banana republic where unctuous and unscrupulous "public servants" use the full weight of the state apparatus to persecute their political opponents and call this persecution a campaign against corruption, the U.S. Army has suspended a three-star general from his job advising senior military officers. His crime? Poking gentle fun at that most sacred of sacred cows, Jill Biden, uh, check that, I meant "DOCTOR" Jill Biden; please don't kick in my front door at four in the morning.... (more)

July 9, 2022
YOUTUBE — In 2000, NRA President Charlton Heston responded to the possibility of Al Gore becoming president of the United States and curtaining citizens' right to bear arms. Holding up a Revolutionary War-era flintlock rifle in front of the NRA's 129th convention, the actor declared he'd refuse to let the government confiscate the gun, and he specifically called out Vice President Gore: "Mr. Gore — from my cold dead hands."... (more)

July 9, 2022
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — It's all out in the open now. We have a traitor and figurative suicide bomber in the White House. No one is even bothering to hide it. President Joe Biden is clearly a suicide bomber, owned by the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican drug cartel, and put in place to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and most importantly, the great American middle class.... (more)

July 9, 2022
WORLDNETDAILY — There really seems to be no limit to the convolutions that develop when the Biden family works on its international business schemes. Probably one of the most famous was when Joe Biden was vice president and traveled to Ukraine for Barack Obama. At that time Hunter Biden was taking in tens of thousands of dollars a month from a Ukrainian company under investigation for corruption.... (more)

July 9, 2022
JD RUCKER — When Brian Deese, Director of the National Economic Council, famously referred to the "Liberal World Order" last week, conservative pundits and news outlets rightly jumped on the globalist reference. But what was missed by most is that Deese isn't just a Democrat true-believer in building back better and surrendering our sovereignty. He's a plant who ran BlackRock's notorious ESG program between his stints in the Obama and Biden regimes.... (more)

July 9, 2022
NEW YORK POST — A steady stream of mourners on Saturday visited the scene of the bloody assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's in the western city of Nara, an unusual act of political violence that has shocked the nation.... (more)

July 9, 2022
BETSY MCCAUGHEY — Despite its name, the Democratic Party has no time for democracy. Public opinion and democracy be damned, especially when it comes to battling climate change. On June 30, the Supreme Court struck down an Environmental Protection Agency plan compelling states to shutter coal-fired power plants and shift to low-carbon alternatives such as natural gas and wind. The justices ruled 6-3 in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency that it's up to Congress, the people's elected representatives, to answer "major questions," like whether the federal government should shut down coal-fired plants and demand states adopt other ways of generating electricity.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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Wicked spirits v. the Holy Spirit (and miracles)

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Debate was a display of deception versus determination
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