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June 10, 2022
STEVE A. STONE — The miracle of the Pentecost actually begins near the beginning of history. If you understand the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9, you know the people in the story all spoke the same language. They lived in the land of Shinar, which modern scholars believe to be the region of Iraq where Babylon existed. The story in Genesis is metaphoric, describing the people's desire to build a tower to glorify their own achievements and to reach into Heaven itself.... (more)

June 10, 2022
SOUTHERNMINN.COM/OWATONNA — In a letter to the editor published May 29, 2013, in the Owatonna edition of SOUTHERNMINN.com, Bob Nesbit wrote, "The New England Primer" was the first textbook published in America for use by all schools. Prior to that 1690 book, students used the Holy Bible imported from Europe. The Primer was then used in American schools into the 1930s, over 200 years later. It contributed – perhaps more than any other book except the Bible – to America's freedom, liberty, and...institutions." He then cited some of the Bible-based contents of this vitally important influence on America's early history. A MUST-READ....... (more)

June 10, 2022
PETER LEMISKA — Since America's inception, guns have been a part of our culture. Our inherent right to self-defense is enshrined in our Constitution. But in recent years, senseless mass killings by deranged gunmen have become almost commonplace. As a result, many Americans have come to see firearms as nothing more than instruments of mass destruction, serving no purpose but to dispense death, misery, and heartache.... (more)

June 10, 2022
ART MOORE — President Biden has called his son Hunter the "smartest man" he knows. That could be true, but, then again, wisdom is something quite apart from native intelligence. And sage wouldn't be the best word to describe a man who has admitted to living a distinctively reckless life under the control of crack cocaine while selling access to his father to Chinese communists and Russian oligarchs.... (more)

June 10, 2022
YOUTUBE — Hours before President Biden taped a late-night comedy interview with ABC host Jimmy Kimmel, he attempted a pratfall of his own -- tripping up the steps of Air Force One as he embarked on another day without a one-on-one interview with a journalist. Biden began his fraught ascension of the plane's stairs after declining to take questions from reporters, who grumbled during the flight to Los Angeles about Biden's lack of press availability.... (more)

June 9, 2022
YOUTUBE — "The Five" discuss the fallout from the arrest of an armed assailant near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home, and focus especially on the culpability of those who have incited violence against the justices, such as Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer.... (more)

June 8, 2022
YOUTUBE — Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, joins 'Hannity' Thursday to respond to the Maryland Democratic congressman's desire to remove 'fundamental' piece of American democracy.... (more)

June 8, 2022
WORLDNETDAILY — A man armed with at least one weapon and burglary tools was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's home after telling police officers he intended to kill Kavanaugh, the Washington Post reported. The California man in his mid-twenties was on a street near Kavanaugh's Montgomery County, Maryland, home when he was stopped by officers and admitted his plans to kill the justice, according to the Washington Post. It remains unclear who alerted authorities to the threat.... (more)

June 7, 2022
NEWSMAX — A lethal mercenary for Vladimir Putin known as "The Executioner" was reported killed by a Ukrainian sniper in Kharkiv last week. Vladimir Andonov, 44, believed to be a member of Putin's Wagner Group, a private army group, was alleged to have slaughtered prisoners of war and civilians, the New York Post reported. "He was killed overnight during a reconnaissance of the area, along with a comrade, presumably at the hands of a sniper," according to a Telegram post Sunday.... (more)

June 7, 2022
YOUTUBE — A night of classical music, conducted by famous comedian actor Danny Kaye, is something for the whole family to watch. Kaye — whose real name was David Daniel Kaminsky — was born in New York to Ukrainian Jewish immigrant parents in 1911 (or 1913), and is one of a long list of world-renowned Ukrainian composers, performers, and entertainers. Part 1 (an hour long) is must-see. Broadcast from Lincoln Center in 1981 (pardon the low quality of the 16:9 ratio video).... (more)

June 7, 2022
JOE KOVACS — The new film "2000 Mules," which probes evidence of massive cheating in the 2020 presidential election, is "hitting home" with voters who have seen the movie, according to a new poll. The survey by Rasmussen Reports finds 77% of likely U.S. voters who have viewed the documentary by Dinesh D'Souza say the film strengthened their conviction of systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election, possibly leading to a "stolen election," as former President Donald Trump has maintained.... (more)

June 7, 2022
MEDIAITE — Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich hit the Biden administration for ignoring the invasion of northern France for a second straight year on Monday. People across the world honored veterans of Operation Overlord on the 78th anniversary of a day thousands of men breached Hitler's Atlantic Wall. A memorial service was held in Normandy, France Monday morning. Throughout the day, the 4,414 American soldiers who died fighting the German war machine on June 6, 1944 were honored.... (more)

June 7, 2022
FOX NEWS — MSNBC finished May with its smallest monthly audience among the advertiser-coveted demographic of adults age 25-54 since November 1999, and its lowest-rated month among the demo in primetime since May 2004, as Rachel Maddow's reduced schedule continues to harm the network.... (more)

June 6, 2022
THE FEDERALIST — Less than one week ago, a Washington D.C. jury acquitted former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann of lying to former FBI General Counsel James Baker. Since then, pundits on both the left and the right have painted the verdict as an indictment of Special Counsel John Durham, suggesting his investigation into the perpetrators of Spygate is a bust.... (more)

June 6, 2022
TOWNHALL — The untold story about "green energy" is that it can't possibly be scaled up to provide anywhere near the energy to replace fossil fuels. (Unless we are headed back to the stone ages, which is what some of the "de-growth" advocates favor).... (more)

June 5, 2022
NEWSMAX — Russian forces have reportedly shelled an Orthodox church in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, killing two monks and a nun, according to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Sviatohirsk Lavra monastery in the north of the region was housing hundreds of civilians, according to Ukrainian Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko.... (more)

June 5, 2022
NEWSMAX — Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., on Sunday blasted Democrats for "wanting to take away guns" in response to mass shootings like the one in Uvalde, Texas, that killed 19 fourth-graders and two teachers. In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Scalise said red-flag laws in 19 states are unconstitutional.... (more)

June 3, 2022
YOUTUBE — If we eliminated all firearms in America, there would be substantially more murders than there are today. But Democrats don't want to talk about what we should actually do to prevent more mass murders. They're just "demagoguing the issue." Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Michael Knowles as they look closely at this important controversy.... (more)

June 3, 2022
RED STATE — A once-proud bastion of journalism, WaPo has devolved into a clown show. It is the paper built on the heritage of Woodward and Bernstein, of the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers. Names like Ben Bradlee and Katherine Graham hang above Washington, D.C., to this day. Movies have been made centered on the Washington Post newsroom.... (more)

June 3, 2022
NEWSMAX — Nothing President Joe Biden said in his comments urging Congress to pass strict gun control laws would have stopped the recent spate of mass shootings, retired U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Oliver North said in a Newsmax interview Friday. "They're going about it the wrong way," North said on Newsmax's "National Report." "What you need to do is protect the children in the schools. There's absolutely nothing he said last night that deals with any of that. There's not a single person would who has been killed by one of these crazies out there in these mass murders that have happened that would have been stopped by any of those measures he announced last night."... (more)

June 3, 2022
NEWSMAX — Legal experts say the indictment filed on Friday against former Trump White House official Peter Navarro is nothing more than a political witch hunt. Navarro was indicted on contempt charges after defying a subpoena from the Democrat-dominated House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol.... (more)

June 3, 2022
STEVE A. STONE — Dear Friends and Patriots, I want you to watch a couple of video interviews done since the school shooting in Uvalde TX. The first is Sandra Smith on Fox News Sunday interviewing Mo Brooks. It aired on 30 May. The video is on the general page for the show. If it doesn't come right up, look for it. I recommend you view the video at least twice. When you watch it, listen very intently to the way Smith phrases her questions. Pay very close attention.... (more)

June 2, 2022

June 2, 2022
NEW YORK POST — What was the role of the FBI? In the Russiagate probe, in which special counsel John Durham has been tasked with getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia "collusion" farce, that is the key question. If you don't get the bureau's role right, you're apt to get the most consequential things wrong.... (more)

June 2, 2022
YOUTUBE — 'The Five' discuss the jury's verdict in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's defamation trial with $15M to Depp and $2M to Heard... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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