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July 15, 2018
CONRAD BLACK — On the heels of my misguided intuition, expressed on another site last week, that Judge Coney was the president's most likely selection for the Supreme Court vacancy, the president should be (but won't be), commended for choosing the least controversial candidate, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The nomination of Kavanaugh, a Bush appointee and friend, may be taken as (but again probably won't be) a conciliatory gesture to traditional Republicans. Whatever appearances, conservatives are placated, moderates have nothing to complain about, and an obviously highly qualified candidate is unlikely to be seriously damaged by the Democratic kamikaze attacks, which did not await the banal formality of having the name of the justice-designate before hurling themselves at the unnamed choice.... (more)

July 14, 2018
NEWSMAX — Former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Friday heaped praise on GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas for his fiery remark about FBI agent Peter Strzok's extramarital affair during an explosive hearing on Capitol Hill. "God bless Louie Gohmert. He's such a truthful guy and you never misunderstand where he's coming from," DeLay said in an interview with Newsmax TV's "America Talks Live."... (more)

July 14, 2018
NEWSMAX — Ex-CIA Director John Brennan has complained about the treatment that FBI agent Peter Strzok received from GOP House leaders, Reps. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, during a hearing conducted on Thursday by the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees.... (more)

July 14, 2018
ART MOORE — At the contentious hearing Thursday with FBI agent Peter Strzok, Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, revealed the FBI didn't follow up on a government watchdog's finding that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails were sent to a foreign entity.... (more)

July 14, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — FBI agent Peter Strzok was grilled by House Republicans Thursday about anti-Trump bias allegations, the Steele dossier, and his infamous texts with Lisa Page. Here are some of the highlights.... (more)

July 14, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — A group of House conservatives is preparing to file impeachment charges against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein over his lack of cooperation with their efforts to investigate political bias in the FBI. House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows had the impeachment document with him when he spoke to reporters on Capitol Hill and plans to file the charges as soon as Monday, Politico reported Friday afternoon.... (more)

July 13, 2018
GREG COROMBOS — Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russians, accusing them of hacking key individuals and institutions, and even stealing the information of some 500,000 voters. However, a former federal prosecutor says while it's vital to know how Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 campaign, there's still no connection to the Trump campaign and still no basis for why a special counsel is on this case.... (more)

July 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitted Thursday he doesn't like President Trump but insisted his personal political views, including text messages promising to "stop" Mr. Trump or facilitate his impeachment, did not influence two of the country's most important investigations.... (more)

July 13, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — During his congressional testimony Thursday, anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok denied that political bias affected his professional conduct and said that the opinions he expressed in the text messages that resulted in his firing were sent "out of deep patriotism."... (more)

July 13, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — FBI agent Peter Strzok, whose anti-Donald Trump text messages have become fuel for the Republicans, was defiant and apologetic during a blockbuster hearing on Capitol Hill.... (more)

July 13, 2018
NEWSMAX — Embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok drew fire from CNN on Thursday, with the network's political director saying he should have been more careful with his text messaging habit.... (more)

July 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert on Thursday blasted FBI agent Peter Strzok for his affair with former FBI attorney Lisa Page, drawing outrage from his Democratic cohorts. Mr. Strzok was testifying before the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees investigating the FBI and Justice Department's role investigating the 2016 presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and President Trump.... (more)

July 13, 2018
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — The populism and identity politics of the moment have some odd and confusing contours. The white working class recently took over a party from a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Connecticut dynasty with CIA roots. They took over by electing a billionaire real estate heir who lives in a golden mansion with his immigrant wife atop a tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.... (more)

July 13, 2018
MONA CHAREN — Twelve boys and their adult coach trapped in a dank, oxygen-deprived cave in Thailand riveted the world's attention for two weeks. Why, people ask at times like this, are we so focused on these individuals when half a million Rohingya refugee children are in danger of starving on the Bangladesh border, or when 400,000 Yemeni children are severely undernourished?... (more)

July 12, 2018
YOUTUBE — 'Anti-Trump texts' FBI Agent Peter Strzok testifies before Congress on Russia probe.... (more)

July 12, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok will face hostile questions from Republicans on Thursday when he appears before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees for a public hearing. In his first public hearing since the Department of Justice inspector general released a report outlining his anti-Trump texts to his FBI lawyer mistress, GOP lawmakers will be looking hard for signs that Strzok's bias swayed decisions he made in the FBI's investigations of Hillary Clinton and then-candidate Donald Trump.... (more)

July 12, 2018
NEWSMAX — House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows tweeted Wednesday that lawmakers learned that former FBI lawyer Lisa Page "did review documents" at the agency on Tuesday, contrary to what her lawyer had told Congress.... (more)

July 12, 2018
CAL THOMAS — If Alexander Hamilton had been nominated for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court today, Democrats would likely oppose him. About the court, Hamilton said: "[A] limited Constitution can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void. Without this, all the reservations of particular rights or privileges would amount to nothing. To deny this would be to affirm that men acting by virtue of powers may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid "... (more)

July 12, 2018
BONNIE CHERNIN — Judge Brett Kavanaugh has stellar credentials, an impeccable resume, and a long track record of over three hundred published opinions, holds a conservative judicial philosophy, and believes a judge must interpret the Constitution as written. How many times have you heard that repeated in the past 24 hours?... (more)

July 11, 2018
BRYAN FISCHER — While we here at AFA vigorously supported Amy Coney Barrett to be President Trump's next nominee to the Supreme Court, the president instead selected Brett Kavanaugh, whom we initially opposed. However, we have withdrawn our official opposition and will allow the process to play out. We are not in a position to endorse him, but neither will we fight this nomination.... (more)

July 11, 2018
PHILIP KLEIN — Though President Trump's pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court has been broadly praised among the conservative legal establishment, it has produced its share of grumbles among other conservatives. Part of the division is based more on intangible cultural factors. Though nobody would question his credentials, there's fear among a subset of conservatives that as a Washington insider and former Bush administration lawyer, Kavanaugh could turn out to be overly cautious and fearful about upsetting elites, thus upholding unconstitutional laws and sustaining bad precedents.... (more)

July 11, 2018
PAUL BEDARD — There were a lot of warnings from left-leaning pundits that President Trump's pick of U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh could mean the end of America, but The View's Joy Behar stood out and is our Liberal Media Scream of the week.... (more)

July 11, 2018
LINDA GOUDSMITDear America: Who's Driving the Bus? is a philosophy book that offers a universal paradigm for understanding the often confounding and contradictory ways in which people behave. America is currently embroiled in a second civil war that it is unaware of and that threatens our way of life. The civil war in this country is being fought over the same thing all great wars are fought over: power. But in this war, the adversaries are ourselves. Civil War II is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control.... (more)

July 11, 2018
FOX NEWS — President Trump on Tuesday pardoned the father and son ranchers from Oregon whose imprisonment for setting fires on federal land sparked a 41-day takeover of a wildlife refuge in the state. Trump signed the order granting clemency to 76-year-old Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven Hammond, 49, who were convicted of arson in 2012 for fires that burned on federal land in 2001 and 2006.... (more)

July 10, 2018
ALAN KEYES — I recently came across an article entitled "The Fourth of July once meant speeches, not fireworks." I thought it would be a thoughtful piece about the reasons why July 4th was once observed as a political memorial day -- i.e., a day on which citizens in the United States remembered the basis for their rights, including the right of self-government. Instead, it turned out to be a denigration of the emphasis on speechifying that was once characteristic of the observance. It sneeringly portrays Fourth of July speeches as boring displays of bombast and verbal fireworks.... (more)


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