Sher Zieve
JD Hayworth: sole AZ conservative candidate for US Senate
By Sher Zieve
Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing former Arizona US Congressman J.D. Hayworth and current Conservative candidate for US Senator from Arizona. Congressman Hayworth is running against the liberal-progressive incumbent Sen. John McCain. The McCain machine is well-oiled and presents a formidable opponent to those who want to preserve the US Republic. However, J.D. believes the momentum for a resuscitation and reinstatement of the principles upon which our country was founded are with him and his campaign. Below is a candid interview of Conservative candidate J.D. Hayworth.
J.D. Hayworth BIO: Hayworth, John D., Jr., a Representative from Arizona; born in Highpoint, Guilford County, N.C., July 12, 1958; graduated from High Point Central High School, Highpoint, N.C., 1976; B.A., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., 1980; television journalist; radio journalist; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourth and five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1995-January 3, 2007). J.D. hosted a Phoenix drive time talk radio program from April 2007-January 2010 when he quit his popular show to run for the US Senate against liberal Republican candidate Sen. John McCain.
The Interview
Sher: First, thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me and for giving my readers an in-depth look at where you stand on the extreme issues now facing our country. You are up against Sen. McCain's very powerful liberal and progressive money machine. Although there are a multitude of differences, please tell us some of the definitive ways in which your ideologies and actions would differ from your opponent and the ways in which you plan to win against McCain in the Arizona US Senate race.
J.D.: Sher, this is your classic conservative versus moderate race on virtually every issue. Whether the issue is taxes, spending, earmarks, protecting the 2nd Amendment, the sanctity of life, illegal immigration, or national security, John McCain has staked out positions that are to the left of most Arizonans. I am running to offer a consistent conservative voice for Arizona. In such a limited space it isn't possible to list every single difference, but to quickly compare, my lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union is almost 98. McCain's is 81 and falling. I helped write the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that John McCain campaigned against. ¡¡John McCain supported the massive bailouts and earmarks that I opposed, all $850+ Billion of them. McCain wrote the amnesty bill that the Heritage Foundation estimated would cost the taxpayers $2.6 Trillion (with a "T"), and I helped kill that bill. So there is no shortage of differences between us.
Sher: McCain has now been in office for over a quarter of a century and seems to have become increasingly leftist with each passing year. How to you plan to counter McCain's tens of millions donated by the power elite?
J.D.: Like most battles against entrenched incumbents, it ends up a battle of greenbacks versus grassroots. We know that John is going to have millions of dollars to spend on this race, but we have the people behind us, and that is what ultimately matters in politics. That isn't to say that money doesn't matter, because clearly it does. And this is a great time to ask folks to visit www.JDforSenate.com and get involved in the campaign through contributions or by giving of your time. But we feel that we are going to have what we need to get our message out and we'll rely on the people of Arizona to help us win this victory.
Sher: Sen. McCain is now ¡ª again ¡ª running as a conservative. Have you noticed that he always seems to find his ostensible 'conservative roots' just before his campaigns for reelection and then loses them again after he wins? And recently he told the public that he was "misled" about Obama's bail out money; money for which he voted YES. Does it even seem possible that someone who has been a US Senator for over 30 years can be that hoodwinked?
J.D.: I have heard it said that if we had an election every year, McCain's voting record would be as conservative as mine. I think we've seen John attempt these Extreme Makeover: Candidate Edition before so we're not surprised. But I don't think that the voters are going to be fooled. And John can try to re-write history on his bailout vote all he wants, but the record is so very clear that I don't think he will be successful. What is obvious is that John knows that he has a bad voting record. Sadly, rather than simply admit it and apologize for it, he intends to simply deny its existence or pin responsibility for it on others. That is neither principled or leadership.¡¡ Sher: In recent polls, the American people are shown to oppose ObamaCare by over 60%. Then, in a very recent Opinion Dynamics poll ¡ª which combined those who want to start over with the proposed bill and those who want to scrap it entirely ¡ª the opposition to it stands at 70%. However, the Democrats and Mr. Obama seem hell-bent upon passing it. Do you see this as the Democrats' attempt to set up a totalitarian foundation in the USA even if it means they will not be reelected? And how do we stop this monstrosity from passage if the Dems appear to be on suicide missions?
J.D.: I think the American people have been very effective at slowing and even stopping this monstrosity's progress. The Democrats could well try to ram in down our throats and I do think that would be a suicide mission. The good news is that it does not take effect immediately, so there will be time to replace the Democrat Congress and President with Republicans who are committed to reversing it before it can be fully implemented.
Sher: It seems that almost every day, global warming is being shown to have been a con and a hoax ¡ª to the point that one of the founders of the global warming or now called "climate change" movement admitted that there has been no warming of the planet for the past 15 years. Still, Mr. Obama and the Democrats continue to push this scam in order to pass their Cap & Trade bill and raise Americans' taxes. Do you view this as yet another way to ¡ª as did the Obama "stimulus" package ¡ª steal even more of the resources of We-the-People in order to additionally weaken us and continue to destroy our quality of life? And wasn't it John McCain who first introduced the Cap & Trade Lieberman-McCain Climate Stewardship Act of 2003? Now, McCain says he has reversed his position. What do you make of this?
J.D.: John McCain and I have a serious disagreement on this issue. John co-authored Cap & Trade legislation with Joe Lieberman. I'm not sure where John's election year position is on this issue, but I'm not sure that that really matters. We can be sure that John McCain will go right back to being the John McCain of old if he is re-elected, and that means Cap & Trade, Amnesty, bailouts of the financial sector, and higher taxes for the taxpayers as a result. And it also means continued opposition to drilling in Alaska.
Sher: Obama is working to revive an Illegals Amnesty program. Sen. McCain, along with former Sen. Ted Kennedy, has been one of the most vocal and relentless proponents of Amnesty for illegals. At any time, this doesn't seem even remotely sensible to me but, now we are facing financial ruin from the current administration's ill-conceived programs on ever-increasing fronts, can we really afford to add illegal aliens to our country's coffers?
J.D.: We never could afford it, and that is why I, along with so many other good people, fought so hard to defeat McCain's bill the first time. Again, the Heritage Foundation estimated the cost of John's bill at $2.6 Trillion. And that number ignores the other negative effects of rewarding those who have brazenly broken our nation's laws. With so many good and well-intentioned people waiting in line for legal immigration, it is unthinkable that we would simply push 15 million people past them in such a manner. It always amazes me when I hear John running ads attacking me and trying to make me out as some sort of "big spender" when he so strongly supported spending trillions on his amnesty bill.
Sher: Thanks, again, J.D. This has been a real pleasure. Is there anything else you would like to add?
J.D.: I would be remiss if I didn't direct folks to my website at www.JDforSenate.com. We need every bit of support we can get and every contribution, no matter the size, makes a huge difference. Then I need every [person] to talk to everyone they know in Arizona and make sure that they understand the significance of this race. If we are going to turn our Republican Party and our country around, we are going to have to win races like this one in Arizona. Our government is out of control, and August 24th is the day we start taking our country back.¡¡It's the day we can elect a conservative to replace a moderate.
J.D. Hayworth for Senate:
McCain says "misled": http://www.azcentral.com/news/election/azelections/articles/2010/02/22/20100222mccain-tarp0222.html
Climate Scientist Admits No Warming in 15 Years:
McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act of 2003:
© Sher Zieve
February 24, 2010
Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing former Arizona US Congressman J.D. Hayworth and current Conservative candidate for US Senator from Arizona. Congressman Hayworth is running against the liberal-progressive incumbent Sen. John McCain. The McCain machine is well-oiled and presents a formidable opponent to those who want to preserve the US Republic. However, J.D. believes the momentum for a resuscitation and reinstatement of the principles upon which our country was founded are with him and his campaign. Below is a candid interview of Conservative candidate J.D. Hayworth.
J.D. Hayworth BIO: Hayworth, John D., Jr., a Representative from Arizona; born in Highpoint, Guilford County, N.C., July 12, 1958; graduated from High Point Central High School, Highpoint, N.C., 1976; B.A., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., 1980; television journalist; radio journalist; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourth and five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1995-January 3, 2007). J.D. hosted a Phoenix drive time talk radio program from April 2007-January 2010 when he quit his popular show to run for the US Senate against liberal Republican candidate Sen. John McCain.
The Interview
Sher: First, thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me and for giving my readers an in-depth look at where you stand on the extreme issues now facing our country. You are up against Sen. McCain's very powerful liberal and progressive money machine. Although there are a multitude of differences, please tell us some of the definitive ways in which your ideologies and actions would differ from your opponent and the ways in which you plan to win against McCain in the Arizona US Senate race.
J.D.: Sher, this is your classic conservative versus moderate race on virtually every issue. Whether the issue is taxes, spending, earmarks, protecting the 2nd Amendment, the sanctity of life, illegal immigration, or national security, John McCain has staked out positions that are to the left of most Arizonans. I am running to offer a consistent conservative voice for Arizona. In such a limited space it isn't possible to list every single difference, but to quickly compare, my lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union is almost 98. McCain's is 81 and falling. I helped write the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that John McCain campaigned against. ¡¡John McCain supported the massive bailouts and earmarks that I opposed, all $850+ Billion of them. McCain wrote the amnesty bill that the Heritage Foundation estimated would cost the taxpayers $2.6 Trillion (with a "T"), and I helped kill that bill. So there is no shortage of differences between us.
Sher: McCain has now been in office for over a quarter of a century and seems to have become increasingly leftist with each passing year. How to you plan to counter McCain's tens of millions donated by the power elite?
J.D.: Like most battles against entrenched incumbents, it ends up a battle of greenbacks versus grassroots. We know that John is going to have millions of dollars to spend on this race, but we have the people behind us, and that is what ultimately matters in politics. That isn't to say that money doesn't matter, because clearly it does. And this is a great time to ask folks to visit www.JDforSenate.com and get involved in the campaign through contributions or by giving of your time. But we feel that we are going to have what we need to get our message out and we'll rely on the people of Arizona to help us win this victory.
Sher: Sen. McCain is now ¡ª again ¡ª running as a conservative. Have you noticed that he always seems to find his ostensible 'conservative roots' just before his campaigns for reelection and then loses them again after he wins? And recently he told the public that he was "misled" about Obama's bail out money; money for which he voted YES. Does it even seem possible that someone who has been a US Senator for over 30 years can be that hoodwinked?
J.D.: I have heard it said that if we had an election every year, McCain's voting record would be as conservative as mine. I think we've seen John attempt these Extreme Makeover: Candidate Edition before so we're not surprised. But I don't think that the voters are going to be fooled. And John can try to re-write history on his bailout vote all he wants, but the record is so very clear that I don't think he will be successful. What is obvious is that John knows that he has a bad voting record. Sadly, rather than simply admit it and apologize for it, he intends to simply deny its existence or pin responsibility for it on others. That is neither principled or leadership.¡¡ Sher: In recent polls, the American people are shown to oppose ObamaCare by over 60%. Then, in a very recent Opinion Dynamics poll ¡ª which combined those who want to start over with the proposed bill and those who want to scrap it entirely ¡ª the opposition to it stands at 70%. However, the Democrats and Mr. Obama seem hell-bent upon passing it. Do you see this as the Democrats' attempt to set up a totalitarian foundation in the USA even if it means they will not be reelected? And how do we stop this monstrosity from passage if the Dems appear to be on suicide missions?
J.D.: I think the American people have been very effective at slowing and even stopping this monstrosity's progress. The Democrats could well try to ram in down our throats and I do think that would be a suicide mission. The good news is that it does not take effect immediately, so there will be time to replace the Democrat Congress and President with Republicans who are committed to reversing it before it can be fully implemented.
Sher: It seems that almost every day, global warming is being shown to have been a con and a hoax ¡ª to the point that one of the founders of the global warming or now called "climate change" movement admitted that there has been no warming of the planet for the past 15 years. Still, Mr. Obama and the Democrats continue to push this scam in order to pass their Cap & Trade bill and raise Americans' taxes. Do you view this as yet another way to ¡ª as did the Obama "stimulus" package ¡ª steal even more of the resources of We-the-People in order to additionally weaken us and continue to destroy our quality of life? And wasn't it John McCain who first introduced the Cap & Trade Lieberman-McCain Climate Stewardship Act of 2003? Now, McCain says he has reversed his position. What do you make of this?
J.D.: John McCain and I have a serious disagreement on this issue. John co-authored Cap & Trade legislation with Joe Lieberman. I'm not sure where John's election year position is on this issue, but I'm not sure that that really matters. We can be sure that John McCain will go right back to being the John McCain of old if he is re-elected, and that means Cap & Trade, Amnesty, bailouts of the financial sector, and higher taxes for the taxpayers as a result. And it also means continued opposition to drilling in Alaska.
Sher: Obama is working to revive an Illegals Amnesty program. Sen. McCain, along with former Sen. Ted Kennedy, has been one of the most vocal and relentless proponents of Amnesty for illegals. At any time, this doesn't seem even remotely sensible to me but, now we are facing financial ruin from the current administration's ill-conceived programs on ever-increasing fronts, can we really afford to add illegal aliens to our country's coffers?
J.D.: We never could afford it, and that is why I, along with so many other good people, fought so hard to defeat McCain's bill the first time. Again, the Heritage Foundation estimated the cost of John's bill at $2.6 Trillion. And that number ignores the other negative effects of rewarding those who have brazenly broken our nation's laws. With so many good and well-intentioned people waiting in line for legal immigration, it is unthinkable that we would simply push 15 million people past them in such a manner. It always amazes me when I hear John running ads attacking me and trying to make me out as some sort of "big spender" when he so strongly supported spending trillions on his amnesty bill.
Sher: Thanks, again, J.D. This has been a real pleasure. Is there anything else you would like to add?
J.D.: I would be remiss if I didn't direct folks to my website at www.JDforSenate.com. We need every bit of support we can get and every contribution, no matter the size, makes a huge difference. Then I need every [person] to talk to everyone they know in Arizona and make sure that they understand the significance of this race. If we are going to turn our Republican Party and our country around, we are going to have to win races like this one in Arizona. Our government is out of control, and August 24th is the day we start taking our country back.¡¡It's the day we can elect a conservative to replace a moderate.
J.D. Hayworth for Senate:
McCain says "misled": http://www.azcentral.com/news/election/azelections/articles/
Climate Scientist Admits No Warming in 15 Years:
McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act of 2003:
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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