Grant Swank column
Joseph Grant Swank, Jr., is a pastor at New Hope Church in Windham, Maine, and is the author of five books and thousands of articles that have appeared in various Protestant and Catholic publications. He currently writes a column for,,,,, The Conservative,,, Republican and,, Conservative,,,, Chalcedon Report, and others.

He has been married for 46 years and has three adult children. He has BA and MDiv degrees, with graduate work at Harvard Divinity School.

Grant maintains a website at You can e-mail him at

Easter resurrection
Grant Swank
March 26, 2011

The cross is not the end. The cross leads to resurrection dawn. Resurrection dawn is the most awesome miracle known to human history. God Himself came back from . . .

The second coming of Christ
Grant Swank
February 15, 2011

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 19 1-10 Heaven rejoices in the Second Coming. "Hallelujah! Salvation is from our God. Glory and power belong to Him alone. . . .

Abortion cripples China
Grant Swank
February 12, 2011

It's the health of an entire nation. China may run out of females. That means a culture with nothing but males. Now it won't come to such an extreme; then . . .

Obama as Muslim
Grant Swank
February 9, 2011

America Talks reports that Barack Obama was reared as an Islamic, though Obama discounts that, and understandably so now that he is seeking the US presidency.  . . .

The way to worship excellence
Grant Swank
February 4, 2011

Those wanting the 'contemporary' worship set up their stage and chairs and equipment in the gym. Then after the worship, all that had to be taken down for the . . .

Lifting up Christ in China
Grant Swank
January 31, 2011

More and more, Christ is becoming popular and acceptable throughout China. Even the political powers are recognizing that religious faith bolsters a culture's . . .

USA: separation of church and state? Not
Grant Swank
January 27, 2011

Liberals have run off with this phrase, prostituting it per usual.. The matter is simple. It's this: America does not want a state church. England has a . . .

Glory in God
Grant Swank
January 24, 2011

". . .He shall glorify me. . ." John l6:l4 We are here to glorify Jesus. If the Holy Spirit came upon Church Age disciples to glorify Jesus, then cross . . .

Thanksgiving: God and Mayflower Compact
Grant Swank
November 22, 2010

The Mayflower Compact underlines in no uncertain terms the faith in God characteristic of America's early settlers. The authoritative language is there. Even . . .

Jesus came to save
Grant Swank
October 28, 2010

THE WAY TO HEAVEN The most important question known to man is: "How can I find the way to heaven?" Therefore, the answer given to that question is most . . .

God's word and abortion
Grant Swank
October 26, 2010

It is alarming to realize the nonchalance on the part of many concerning abortion. But it is not new. Years ago Newsweek (July 19, 1971) quoted one medical . . .

Worship wars
Grant Swank
October 22, 2010

Those wanting the 'contemporary' worship set up their stage and chairs and equipment in the gym. Then after the worship, all that had to be taken down for the . . .

God can take care of the climate
Grant Swank
October 19, 2010

Let the Creator be in charge of climate. Mortals are playing God when they move into changing climate and moving continents and sludging taxpayers and . . .

The gift of listening
Grant Swank
October 9, 2010

At the Bible study was a young man who looked athletic, energized and open to talk. So I asked him his name and where he lived. Before long, we were in . . .

Who is Jesus?
Grant Swank
October 5, 2010

When it comes to Jesus, born of Mary, there are these choices a person has. Jesus was a first-class liar. Jesus was a charlatan of mega-proportions. Jesus was a . . .

King Jesus rules
Grant Swank
September 29, 2010

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, . . .

God's judgment levels United Church of Canada
Grant Swank
September 22, 2010

The Bible states that God builds His church. God brings blessing upon His obedient church. God brings judgment in condemnation upon his disobedient church.  . . .

Muslims plan to rule the planet
Grant Swank
August 16, 2010

OBSESSION is one of the most informative web sites regarding the deceitful ploys of Islam. Visit it at  . . .

Liar Ahmadinejad thirsts for fire
Grant Swank
August 14, 2010

Iranian thug President said: "The bottom line is we do not need a bomb. The time for nuclear bombs has ended," per AP. Then is he going to wipe out Israel . . .

Truth about Mohammed: rape, murder, molestation, beheading
Grant Swank
August 9, 2010

Mohammed was "a psychopath (with) Allah (as) nothing but his own alter ego," according to Ali Sina, ex-Muslim, webmaster of Visit http://www . . .

Jakarta teaches America how to rip Muslim Obama
Grant Swank
August 5, 2010

America should learn from Jakarta's protesters how to clog the streets with cries of imploding the Oval Office imposter. Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama . . .

Obama = quintessential spoiled brat
Grant Swank
July 30, 2010

Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama typify this nation's typical spoiled brat couple. It is disgusting and should never be the profile of an American president . . .

Commission? Fraud Obama's deficit
Grant Swank
July 26, 2010

When Barack Hussein Obama does not know what to do about a matter, he calls for a commission to gather. What does that mean? Nothing but wasted time and cost . . .

Muslims front row, Christians to the basement
Grant Swank
July 17, 2010

Muslim mats available in the hospital chapel. Torahs available for the Jews. Christians could not find a Bible in the chapel. However, traditionally . . .

It's OK: Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston to marry
Grant Swank
July 14, 2010

The couple is back and they are announcing. They will be husband and wife. That does not surprise me. Bristol believes in the power of forgiving love. . . .

Refining prayer
Grant Swank
July 9, 2010

There are times when your thoughts jam together so much that there's nothing but mush. You're overstressed so that thoughts circulate over and over again.  . . .

Pray for Marxist Muslim Obama
Grant Swank
July 1, 2010

"The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much." That's the biblical promise. Therefore, biblical believers are privileged to pray for anything, . . .

I'm in love with Intelligent Design
Grant Swank
June 25, 2010

I am in love with Intelligent Design. Is that not a hoot? You see, there is much debate going on in the so-called intellectual circles about how the world . . .

God crashes NazNet
Grant Swank
April 18, 2010

NazNet lost its content. It crashed. Why not? NazNet claims to be a "friend" of the holiness Church of the Nazarene. Instead, it is Judas to that . . .

Today's church lacks the voice of conviction
Grant Swank
March 4, 2010

The voice of conviction is fading from today's pulpit. Why? Partly because a premium has been put on appeasement, cordiality, management methods, . . .

Sanctification is sweet surrender
Grant Swank
March 1, 2010

For many, the Bible teaching regarding sanctification is difficult to understand. Perhaps it is the length and strange sound of the term itself. Maybe it is . . .

Discover holiness
Grant Swank
February 26, 2010

Can the advertised Nazarene-friendly NazNet website discover once again its holiness heritage that sparked its start at Pilot Point, Texas in 1908? Some . . .

Obama beheads America
Grant Swank
February 24, 2010

Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama is carrying through with Islam World Rule by destroying the most powerful nation on Earth. He does this by beheading . . .

Do not reject God's infallible Word
Grant Swank
February 21, 2010

God Himself attests to His Word being perfect: 2 Peter 1:20-21 "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own . . .

Reps: learn from tea baggers
Grant Swank
February 18, 2010

The Tea Party Nation represents healthy-raw, committed patriotism. What a breath of fresh air. So the Reps had better keep their mitts off the Nation. Let . . .

Let God oversee climate
Grant Swank
February 16, 2010

Let the Creator be in charge of climate. Mortals are playing God when they move into changing climate and moving continents and sludging taxpayers and . . .

Presidents' Day & then there is Obama
Grant Swank
February 15, 2010

Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama has brought such confusion and depression to the title "United States President" that celebrating Presidents' Day leaves one . . .

Congress: moral convictions await
Grant Swank
February 11, 2010

This "reaching across the aisle" business has got to stop. In other words, bi-partisanship must be passe. There is no Congress worth listening to, let . . .

Yes, you can believe in the Old Testament God
Grant Swank
February 9, 2010

In the Old Testament, God commanded the death penalty in twenty-some cases. This was not because God was barbaric, but because God was civil. The Israeli twelve . . .

Obama: show your birth papers
Grant Swank
February 7, 2010

Isn't this what makes patriots distrust Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama all the more? In his address to the National Prayer Breakfast, he inserted this:  . . .

Emerging Church = the old hippies with religion
Grant Swank
February 3, 2010

Once you proclaim that there are no absolutes, you put yourself outside Christianity. Christianity is constructed on the biblical absolutes or it's not . . .

Christian vs. Voodoo in Haiti
Grant Swank
February 1, 2010

Christians are taking over. Voodoo priests feel left out. So goes the bickering as people suffer and die. It is sad. Christians are quick to respond when . . .

Israelis squeezed between truth and Obama
Grant Swank
January 31, 2010

Grassroots Israelis true to their own heritage are angry with their politicians playing up to Barack Hussein Obama. These Israeli leaders in recent days . . .

Obama lies: 'to do our work openly'
Grant Swank
January 28, 2010

How can one believe Barack Hussein Obama on anything when he plants in the middle of his State of the Union speech these words: ". . .to do our work openly."  . . .

Scott Brown for marriage amendment
Grant Swank
January 25, 2010

It was mistakenly reported by some newsfeeds that Scott Brown voted against the Massachusetts Marriage Amendment. Fact: he voted for the Massachusetts Marriage . . .

Righteous remnant: remain strong
Grant Swank
January 22, 2010

Numbers don't count with God. God has lost in the numbers game. That is why Jesus said that the larger number is on the road to hell. The smaller number is on . . .

People vs. power snobs
Grant Swank
January 20, 2010

The Scott Brown win encourages grassroots to believe in the people's power to rescue America from the Obama dictatorship. When Brown pronounced that the . . .

Christian conscience says 'no' to abortion
Grant Swank
January 17, 2010

It is alarming to realize the nonchalance on the part of many concerning abortion. But it is not new. There are those who state: "Abortion is finding its . . .

How can a good God allow a quake?
Grant Swank
January 13, 2010

So many dead. So many grieving. So many distraught. Where is God? Where is the good God? Good God created all things sound and pure. Then He placed our . . .

Brit Hume re Tiger Woods: 'true conversion' would be 'magnificent'
Grant Swank
January 10, 2010

Brit Hume stated: "If Tiger Woods made a true conversion we would know it. It would show through in his being and he would know it above all. And he would feel . . .

Muslim Obama: heed Idaho gov hopeful: God save America
Grant Swank
January 6, 2010

Separation of church and state? No need to tell Idaho GOP gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell. He holds that religion is a guaranteed expression in America. . . .

African letter exposes Muslim Obama
Grant Swank
January 2, 2010

This site provides "A Letter From Christian Missionaries in Africa." Thanks for sending out an alert about Obama. We are living and working in Kenya for . . .

Obama's ho-hum airline threat speech
Grant Swank
December 29, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama's speech reveals his Muslim connection. He was late. He had no passion. He was once again empty. We are getting to expect this. He has . . .

God in charge of climate
Grant Swank
December 20, 2009

Mortals are playing God when they move into changing climate and moving continents and sludging taxpayers and kissing up to unbelieving loudmouths and passing . . .

Will Nelson cave on abortion: health care bill
Grant Swank
December 18, 2009

Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson says he won't vote for the "health care" bill if it has any support for killing womb babies. Will he cave? If he's an . . .

Sheikh to US Muslims: Act friendly, then kill
Grant Swank
December 16, 2009

Sheikh Mubarak Gilani tells Muslims to "act like you're his friend. Then kill him." Muslim killer camps increase in America, particularly in the northeast. . . .

Sen. Diane Feinstein: Government = God
Grant Swank
December 14, 2009

Now the Dem libs have gone way over the line with California Senator Diane Feinstein laying out the devil's doctrine. She focuses especially regarding abortion. . . .

Christians, Hanukkah is for you, too
Grant Swank
December 10, 2009

The Feast of Lights! It is a Christian celebration. Yes. It is a Jewish feast. Yes. Yet Christians have ignored their opportunity to celebrate along with . . .

God nixes mortals' plans
Grant Swank
December 7, 2009

There is a God Almighty. He is the Bible's deity. All other deities are false gods. This biblical deity created the universe; He is the ultimate authority. . . .

No wonder Muslim Obama gagged Fort Hood Muslim Hasan
Grant Swank
December 3, 2009

Muslim Barack Hussein Obama was quick to tell the public not to jump to conclusions regarding Army psychiatrist Muslim Nidal Malik Hasan's killing spree. One . . .

Biblical Christianity attacks apostasy worldwide
Grant Swank
November 30, 2009

"Banners for revivals, sermons and blessings dot nearly every street in Lagos, a teeming flatland of tin-roof shanties and rain-streaked concrete high-rises. . . .

Palin's God vs. Obama's God
Grant Swank
November 27, 2009

Sarah Palin's deity is the God of the Bible. Her personal Savior is Jesus Christ. Her holy writ is the infallible, inerrant Bible. Her hope for eternity is . . .

Obama's lies
Grant Swank
November 24, 2009

This Barack Hussein Obama lies. It is unfortunately believed by the uninformed. That is utterly abominable but once again underlines that Obama . . .

Obama's pro-Muslim words
Grant Swank
November 22, 2009

Let Barack Hussein Obama speak for himself: "The person who made me proudest of all though was my (half-brother), Roy. He was converted to Islam." (DREAMS OF . . .

Palin's Pentecostal faith: liberals will pounce
Grant Swank
November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin will be quizzed about political this and that. But when she runs for Oval Office, if she does, and it surely does appear as if it's in her . . .

Bible not the whole Word of God?
Grant Swank
November 16, 2009

Bible not the whole Word of God? That is correct. Site overseers such as NazNet Manager Scott Cudliff and Moderator Hans Deventer champion those who doubt . . .

God, the unseen power
Grant Swank
November 12, 2009

America's unseen Power at work on behalf of moralists is God. The Republic Party does not have a strong front person as leader. How is it then that the . . .

Obama states he is Muslim
Grant Swank
November 7, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama's stance as a Protestant — theologically liberal in keeping with the United Church of Christ (Congregational) — is a cover for the . . .

You pay abortions, Pelosi
Grant Swank
November 5, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so intent on slaughtering womb babies that she vows to cement it in the blanket health care travesty. For those who want to . . .

Obama's hubris negates final check-out
Grant Swank
November 2, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama discounts the realism of the final check-out. His pride is in zenith gear at the moment; no doubt his residence at Pennsylvania Avenue does . . .

Hate crimes don't come down on real Christians
Grant Swank
October 30, 2009

Real biblical Christians don't hate. That the Barack Hussein Obama administration does not get. That is because Obama is not a Christian. He may belong to . . .

Eastern Nazarene College anti-Christian play presented
Grant Swank
October 18, 2009

Dear ENC President Corlis McGee: I just sat through the 4 pm October 17 musical, "Once On This Island," in Cove Center. I am disappointed and . . .

Obama kisses up to homosexuals
Grant Swank
October 11, 2009

"Obama plans to speak Saturday at a dinner hosted by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group" per AP's Andrea Miga. Now this is the . . .

More earthquakes. Where's God?
Grant Swank
September 30, 2009

God speaks through earthquakes. God made the Earth. The Earth will answer to God. According to the Bible, End Times occurrences include multitudinous . . .

How long will God intervene?
Grant Swank
September 27, 2009

Biblical Christians hold that the God of Scripture has intervened on numerous occasions in order to keep our Republic intact. Why? One major reason is . . .

The republic's foundation was Christian
Grant Swank
September 8, 2009

President George Washington wrote a prayer addressed to "O most glorious God, in Jesus Christ" and ended it with this: "Let me live according to those holy . . .

Fox ousts Obama's communist racist Jones
Grant Swank
September 6, 2009

Shame on liberal media. Kudos to conservative reportage. Communist racist Van Jones hit the pits Saturday night. Others under Obama's heel need to do . . .

Leftist Obama lures public school students
Grant Swank
September 2, 2009

On September 8, Marxist Muslim Barrack Hussein Obama will address public school students. I don't want this left of left celeb-won via mob hysteriacs . . .

Baby killer Ted Kennedy praised?
Grant Swank
August 28, 2009

Sane people know for sure that this sphere is laden with crazy people and crazy situations. Ted Kennedy is one of those personages and his passing is one of . . .

Where liberals are wrong about 'separation of church and state'
Grant Swank
August 16, 2009

Liberals have run off with this phrase, prostituting it per usual.. The matter is simple. It's this: America does not want a state church. England has a . . .

Stop conservative political religion
Grant Swank
August 12, 2009

Too many political conservatives with biblical values as their base have inadvertently turned their zeal into a religion without realizing it. What happens . . .

America: God is in charge
Grant Swank
August 9, 2009

God is in charge of unique America especially because of its founders who loved God supremely. Their loyalty to God will be honored particularly for this . . .

Terrific times for biblical believers
Grant Swank
July 21, 2009

This is one fantastic era for the truly biblical believers. We stand out more than ever. It used to be that all church folk were all logged as believers. . . .

America's real hope
Grant Swank
June 30, 2009

It's there. I walked into a huge church in Texas. The parking lot was packed to the gills. Young adults were heading toward the doors of the sanctuary, . . .

Sometimes church is more politics than gospel
Grant Swank
June 24, 2009

When I first went into the ministry, I carried with me the 'layman's view.' That is, I trusted everyone — especially the clergy. And more particularly those . . .

So America's founders weren't Christian?
Grant Swank
June 17, 2009

President George Washington wrote a prayer addressed to "O most glorious God, in Jesus Christ" and ended it with this: "Let me live according to those holy . . .

The dark side of religion
Grant Swank
June 8, 2009

Pastor, the dark side of religion is what you were never told in Bible college or seminary. Why? One of the reasons is that the profs there have never been in . . .

Glory of His name
Grant Swank
May 4, 2009

"That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you. . ." II Thessalonians l:l2 The name of Jesus has been scorned throughout the world . . .

Pharaoh Obama vs. Moses' God
Grant Swank
April 28, 2009

As Marxist Muslim B. H. Obama strains to install his left-of-left secularization throughout America, he's proud obviously of his "I won" proclamation. So it . . .

So you're good and angry, are you?
Grant Swank
April 23, 2009

Remember the "good" part. For sometimes it is good to get good and angry. Are you? If you have been ditched by the system, betrayed by the higher-ups, . . .

I believe in miracles: Paul and Evelyn
Grant Swank
April 20, 2009

I had just attended my 40th high school reunion in Maryland. It was one of those emotional mixes — both grand and confusing. I had not seen those friends . . .

Tex gov tells Obama where to get off
Grant Swank
April 16, 2009

The Texas Governor puts it on the table for B. H. Obama to digest right quickly or else. Governor Rick Perry means business. He's sick of DC robbing states . . .

Wipe out pirates vs. America
Grant Swank
April 14, 2009

Arm our ships. Kill pirates threatening our ships. Sink the pirates' vessels. Go for the Muslim terrorist camps in Somalia in particular. Our . . .

Socialist 'The Boy' will lay low America
Grant Swank
April 10, 2009

Mob hysteria rushed The Boy where he is today. Liberal media worked alongside mob hysteria. Now The Boy sits in the White House, surrounded by the crooks . . .

Can Obama be as dumb as Bush?
Grant Swank
April 7, 2009

"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own . . .

Easter joy in the open
Grant Swank
April 3, 2009

Throughout the Lakes Region there are numerous churches. That bodes well for communities who value communion with the One who molded our striking environs.  . . .

Personal Pentecost
Grant Swank
March 30, 2009

A four-liner goes like this: It's a very odd thing — As odd as can be, That whatever Miss T. eats Turns into Miss T. Compare this now with the intake . . .

At Easter, I'm reminded that Jesus lives in Ireland
Grant Swank
March 26, 2009

The attractive red head heard our speech slant to conclude we were from the US. Therefore, when my wife and I left the village shop, the stranger approached to . . .

Obama links up with pastors?
Grant Swank
March 23, 2009

B. H. Obama is trying to tell evangelicals that he has hooked up with evangelical pastors for leadership counsel. The main supposed evangelical person he . . .

Obama's mandatory uniformed 'volunteer' corps?
Grant Swank
March 20, 2009

Will America soon have its mandatory corps in uniform from shore to shore. Doing what? Seeing through the Obama 'military watch,' of course. Is this an Oval . . .

Crisis times 'prove' God
Grant Swank
March 16, 2009

"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not." (Lamentations 3:22) The globe is in major crises. Why are we then . . .

Don't trust Snopes
Grant Swank
March 13, 2009

One would think an entire think-tank university staff is behind Snopes. Not so. It's a couple — husband and wife. Their opinions are considered bible by . . .

Dire times: God will fight for Christians
Grant Swank
March 10, 2009

Genuine biblical believers must keep faith mighty. World-think whispers to believers to give up, cave in and throw in the towel. But those into Scripture . . .

B. Hussein nabs anti-Jew for National Intelligence Council
Grant Swank
March 6, 2009

Charles Freeman, anti-Jew voice, is named by B. Hussein Obama, Marxist Muslim, as the new head of the National Intelligence Council. Freeman was US . . .

Baby killer B. Hussein bucks pro-lifers willing to go to prison
Grant Swank
March 3, 2009

"Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), who is also an OB/GYN, told on Friday that many medical practitioners, including himself, will go to prison before . . .

Will you be at the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Grant Swank
February 24, 2009

NOTE: Pastor Swank authored MOMENTS TO GO, A STUDY OF THE SECOND COMING, Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1974, the book now out of print. However, a few . . .

Abortion: Pope knocks Pelosi
Grant Swank
February 20, 2009

Nancy Pelosi, active womb baby slayer advocate, has been informed in no uncertain terms by Pope Benedict that all Roman Catholic politicians are to oppose . . .

Muslim Brit Univ student blows up 20+
Grant Swank
February 17, 2009

He was born in Somalia. He was reared in Britain. He was enrolled as a student at Oxford Brookes University. He left Britain to return to Somalia. There he . . .

B. Hussein elevates atheists
Grant Swank
February 12, 2009

In his inaugural address, B. Hussein Obama lifted atheists on the level of Christians. He spoke of the nation having Christians, of course. But then he . . .

Darwin: 'I was a young man with uninformed ideas'
Grant Swank
February 9, 2009

Quoted from True Science Agrees with the Bible, Malcolm Bowden, Sovereign Publications, Kent, 1998, section 6.6, pp 259-276 available from The Berean Call, P.O . . .

Michael Steele pro-life, anti-B. Hussein
Grant Swank
February 4, 2009

"This is their creation. He is their creation. Not vetted. Not challenged and now he's President." That's Republican National Chairman Michael Steele giving . . .

B. Hussein blurs bailout recipients
Grant Swank
January 30, 2009's Mark Pittman and Alison Fitzgerald report that the touted "transparent" B. Hussein Obama is not that at all. Instead, he keeps frustrating . . .

Israel-Gaza: B. Hussein offered too much
Grant Swank
January 25, 2009

B. Hussein Obama offered too much counsel regarding Middle East proposals. This is what he said: "The outline for a durable ceasefire is clear: Hamas must . . .

Obama: 'God's grace'
Grant Swank
January 21, 2009

"Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with . . .

Black Christian, how can you be pro-life & pro-Obama?
Grant Swank
January 18, 2009

I thought my black pastor friend was genuinely biblical — theologically and politically. He told me of his evangelical position. He related how he, a . . .

Obama serve forever?
Grant Swank
January 15, 2009

Per Rush Limbaugh, there are those who want B. Hussein Obama to have unlimited terms in the Oval Office. Jose Serrano, Democrat, New York, wants the Twenty . . .

Lying photo op: Muslim family with food cries starving
Grant Swank
January 11, 2009

Muslims believe that lying to further Islam World Rule is moral. Mosque leaders preach it. Muslim world leaders practice it. Per Israel News' Gaza reporter . . .

Hamas' bloody record screams
Grant Swank
January 7, 2009

Hamas cries that Israel is hammering Gaza into oblivion. Why not? Israel has been hammered by terrorist Hamas. Hamas is not a nation. It is not a country. . . .

When Anti-Christ controls the internet
Grant Swank
January 2, 2009

Already the United Nations has put out its bid to control the Internet. Other countries say that the US should not have front seat. But within the US there . . .

New Year's Day: taking personal stock
Grant Swank
December 28, 2008

New Year's Day is an opportune moment in time to contemplate timelessness — eternity — and one's personal place therein. In other words, it is the change-of . . .

Christians, Hanukkah belongs to you, too
Grant Swank
December 23, 2008

The Feast of Lights! It is a Christian celebration. Yes. It is a Jewish feast. Yes. Yet Christians have ignored their opportunity to celebrate along with . . .

What will God do with Rick Warren's inaugural invocation?
Grant Swank
December 21, 2008

What will God do with Rick Warren's inaugural invocation? Isn't that the real question? What will God do with the prayer offered by pro-life Rick Warren, . . .

What to do about UN pro-homosexual resolution
Grant Swank
December 19, 2008

Can it be that biblical believers and Muslims agree? At the UN there are those countries proposing that discrimination against homosexuals cease. There are . . .

Christmas: why all the rush?
Grant Swank
December 16, 2008

Obviously God was in no rush for Christmas. Then why should you be in such a bustle? If you are not careful, you will miss Christmastide. You may celebrate . . .

Winter fellowship surprises
Grant Swank
December 11, 2008

Esther opened her home for fellowship — Christian sharing. Mid-winter — post-Christmas drab. But not for Carl Miller as he poked his hot dog on metal . . .

B. Hussein close to hand-cuffed Illinois gov
Grant Swank
December 10, 2008

B. Hussein claims this morning that he and Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich have no connections when it comes to shady doings. Rod presently sits awaiting . . .

Hindus slaughter Christians in India
Grant Swank
December 9, 2008

India is "Hindustan," according to one Hindu leader who is out to slaughter as many Christians as possible. The world media has remained relatively silent . . .

Sarah Palin wows the crowds again
Grant Swank
December 4, 2008

"Fresh off his runoff victory Tuesday night, Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss credited Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with firing up his base. "'I can't . . .

Christmas: The Good Friday baby
Grant Swank
December 2, 2008

Heidi stretched across her bed, looking straight ahead into the nursery where her baby boy lay in his crib. Grant Michael Wray was born on Good Friday that . . .

Mary, the child, and the sword
Grant Swank
November 30, 2008

As I sat in that courtroom — cold, impersonal, austere space — I looked straight ahead at my adopted teen son with his feet in chains. He was dressed in . . .

Mayflower Compact & God: Thanksgiving
Grant Swank
November 26, 2008

The Mayflower Compact underlines in no uncertain terms the faith in God characteristic of America's early settlers. The authoritative language is there. Even . . .

The church that lost its way
Grant Swank
November 24, 2008

I just returned from another visit to our country home in Kennetcook, Nova Scotia. It was a delightful couple of weeks with real friends and real . . .

The unfairness of the 'Fairness Doctrine'
Grant Swank
November 10, 2008

The so-called Fairness Doctrine is not at all fair. Its bottom line is to mug conservative broadcasters. The Doctrine says that for every conservative caster . . .

Senator Sarah Palin?
Grant Swank
November 7, 2008

It could be. If Republican Senator Ted Stevens can win over his opponent Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich, Stevens lands back in Congress where he has sat for 40 . . .

Rupert Murdoch: Obama will ruin America's economy
Grant Swank
November 3, 2008

NEWS Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch says B. Hussein Obama's economic solution is "crazy." His tax policies are not at all logical. His projection to  . . .

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Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Jerry Newcombe
Let freedom ring

Linda Kimball
The sacrificial fall of Lucifer and the evolutionary rise of the death cult’s global Luciferian religion

Steve A. Stone
The Slow Coup, Part 7

Curtis Dahlgren
There isn't much difference between slaughter and laughter

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Father Kunz murder, 27 years unsolved

Victor Sharpe
Gaza’s ancient and modern Jewish History

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The first AI computer hunts Jews – The last AI computer hunts all of us

Jerry Newcombe
The Constitution and education

Selwyn Duke
As a matter of fact, I DO care what people do in their bedroom

Stephen Stone
The property tax is corrupting America
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