Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
Read the text found at this link: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/4137167/posts
In it, Naomi Wolf (who should need little, if any, introduction) apologizes, in a full-throated way according to her, to conservatives and Republicans. That's ... nice.
When I was reading it I found a question kept popping into my consciousness – why? Ms. Wolf keeps elaborating on lies she so willfully accepted. But, why? Why was she ever so willingly duped? Certainly she's capable of critical thinking. Certainly she understands that to achieve balance of viewpoints and discern truth one has to pay attention to all sides of any argument. Rarely is one side totally right and the other totally wrong. Her continual litany of things she admits to being wrong about are evidence only of her one-sided approach to argumentation. In other words, she's spent her life avoiding any habit of critical thinking, and instead wrapped herself in a comfy cocoon of rigid liberal biases. Why apologize now? Why in such a way? What is it she wants? I may have a clue. You decide.
Naomi Wolf has been wrong on many issues over the years, but her favorite crowd, liberals and progressives (neo-commies) of the so-called "left," embraced and lauded her for her errors. She's the prime victim of her own long history of confirmation bias. Do I blame her for that? Not really. She was born into that self-righteous, liberal cocoon of hers. She grew up in it. It was her natural habit. She was always surrounded by people who occupied cocoons just like hers— cocoons with hard shells that rejected any notion that wasn't already shared in common with all the other cocoon-dwellers. The amazing thing about Naomi Wolf never has been her viewpoints (they are merely verbal extensions of her lifelong habits), but that she ever managed to adopt any idea that challenged those habits.
Ms. Wolf characterizes her "apology" as "full-throated," but I did not find that to be the case. Though she elaborates a bit on the media and Democrat-led hoax regarding Officer Brian Sicknick, you will note she makes no mention of the truth that the events of the day were indeed deadly. She makes no mention of the four protestors who did die during events that occurred that day. She does not mention the people who were murdered by Capitol Police and D.C. Metro Police actions. Jan. 6 was a day marked with death—that is truth. But not of the death of anyone the Democrats and their ilk willingly point to.
She makes no mention of the "party line" of the Democrat machine, which is exemplified by the article written by Chris Cameron of the New York Times. On Jan. 5, 2022, the NYT published his account of the people who died on the day. Mr. Cameron updated his article on Oct. 13, 2022, to account for some outliers that Democrats want to be counted. The excerpt below is from his article, found today at: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html
WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.
- Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as rioters tried to breach the House chamber.
- Kevin D. Greeson, died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
- Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.
- Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.
Mr. Greeson and Mr. Philips died of natural causes, the Washington medical examiner said in April. He added that Ms. Boyland’s death was caused by an accidental overdose.
In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died.
- Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob, died on Jan. 7.
- Officer Jeffrey Smith of the Metropolitan Police Department killed himself after the attack.
- Officer Howard S. Liebengood of the Capitol Police also died by suicide four days afterward.
The Capitol Police had previously said that Officer Sicknick died from injuries sustained “while physically engaging with protesters.” The Washington Medical Examiner ruled that he had died of natural causes: multiple strokes that occurred hours after Officer Sicknick’s confrontation with the mob. The medical examiner added, however, that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”
A bipartisan Senate Report, released in June, found that the seven deaths were connected to the Capitol attack. But the report was issued a month before two Metropolitan Police officers — Gunther Hashida and Kyle DeFreytag — died by suicide in July.
This is where we need to understand departures from truth—truth even Ms. Wolf seems reluctant to deal with.
Ashli Babbitt was killed by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd. Her offense? She was crawling through a window into the Speaker's Lobby. She was obviously unarmed and presented no threat. Even Officer Byrd admitted she carried no weapon. Some call it murder. You be the judge.
Rosanne Boyland was pushed to the pavement by the crowd, but she was beaten while she lay there by D.C. Metro Police Officer Lila Morris. At that time, people were trying to extract Boyland from the pile of people pushed down by the phalanx of D.C. Police inside the West Entrance Tunnel. The official D.C. Medical Examiner's report states Boyland died of "acute amphetamine poisoning." She most likely did have Adderall in her system—she had a prescription for Adderall as treatment for her ADD. No mention was made in the report of bruises on her body. She was cremated in D.C. and her ashes were turned over to her family. All evidence of her beating was erased, except for the videos, which clearly show Officer Morris striking her with a long stick as she lay on the pavement.
No police officer died on Jan. 6. Officer Sicknick suffered a stroke the following day, but not due to any physical attack. His family stated Officer Sicknick had a congenital problem that made him prone to such an event. He suffered a subsequent stroke while in the hospital and died on Jan. 8.
Police suicides have been blamed on the protesters. While it is sad and regrettable that any officers have taken their own lives since Jan. 6, it isn't fair to blame others. Suicide is a personal decision that is often the result of undiagnosed and untreated depression. There are myriad reasons why people commit suicide, but to blame anyone else is almost never a fair thing to do. We are all responsible for our actions. Police suicides since Jan. 6 are being used as a political cudgel. There's something akin to a crime in that. At least, I think so.
I also note that Ms. Wolf omits any comment about the incarceration of hundreds of people arrested since Jan. 6. Does she think all those arrests are warranted or remotely fair. Many of those who are rotting in jail today didn't do anything other than walk into the Capitol Building, meander about like starry-eyed tourists, and leave without touching anything or anyone. Their real crime was being identifiable on surveillance videos and being at the Trump rally that day. In other words, their real crime was in believing Donald Trump's assertions that the election was stolen.
The "apology" omits any mention of the acknowledged facts regarding the presence of undercover FBI, D.C. Police, and others in the crowd who were observed in surveillance videos exhorting the crowd or otherwise taking provocative actions.
There are many things omitted from Ms. Wolf's "apology." While she's suddenly in the news and something of a new darling for the semi-Right, I find her conversion from being a "neo-commie" to be half-hearted. No matter how genuine she is, she's still mostly in the wrong camp. Her apology is very specific. She apologizes for believing things that are 100% proven to be lies, but no more. She doesn't apologize for things that are 100% lies, but still can't pass any legal test as such. She's very lawyerly about that. If something is in the public discourse that's been irrefutably proven a lie, she apologizes for her former support of the lie—but for all other lies...well, we gotta pony up the evidence on those if we want a syllable out of Ms. Wolf on those.
So...take these admissions by Ms. Wolf with a big shaker of salt. She's seeking absolution for being stupid and gullible, but only for those things she's been caught at. She's not seeking any sort of blanket absolution for her decades of stupidity and gullibility. She wants to have it both ways. She wants to be granted absolution, but only for the things she can be called out on. For anything beyond that...she reserves her right to maintain her long-held positions until such time as they, too, are outed.
We need to be very wary of such people.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.