Susan D. Harris
Is Illuminati obsession overshadowing Jesus Christ?
By Susan D. Harris
Conspiracies exist. Ever since the serpent started chatting up Eve in the Garden of Eden, evil people have been conspiring against someone, somewhere. Evidence the fact that the word "conspired" appears 19 times in the King James Bible. It's a fact of life; it's human nature.
More powerful in man's consciousness than conspiracies against the individual are conspiracies against principalities and nations; those ancient conflicts that originated when the first boundary lines were drawn.
Later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, we saw ideologies such as Socialism, Communism and Fascism emerge as political conspiracies against nations.
The Christian belief system teaches that all evil perpetrated by mankind is initiated by the fallen angel known as Lucifer. The Apostle Paul called Satan the "god of this world" in 2 Corinthians. He said that if the gospel is hidden, it's hidden from those who Satan has blinded, "lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
So we know that there are people walking amongst us who Satan actively works to control; whom he blinds to the truth of Jesus Christ. On any given day, it's probably the person to the left of you, the person to the right of you...maybe it's you.
With the advent of the internet, millions of people have been educated on the idea of an "Illuminati" – an evil force of men who maniacally manipulate global events. Disturbingly, revealing the existence of an "Illuminati" has turned into a cult-like obsession with many of these folks, so much so that many people "studying" the Illuminati are more familiar with that subject than they are with the Bible. It's also lucrative – there are thousands of books, websites, movies and YouTube videos catering to an unhealthy, increasing hunger to learn more about this shadowy cabal.
There are many atheists and agnostics involved in the Illuminati obsession. Many of those are simply drawn to Illuminati theories that are, at their core, anti-Semitic. Those new to Illuminati beliefs might say, like Hitler did in Mein Kampf, "I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time, I read arguments which gave me some food for thought."
If you are going to be an Illuminati-obsessed Christian, you should realize that you are walking arm-in-arm with people who passionately hate the Jewish people. You can't carve out your own definition of "Illuminati" and ignore that its seed sprouted from Jewish hatred. An even greater consideration is that the Illuminati obsession is actually part of Satan's' plan to increase Jewish hatred around the world.
Another branch of Illuminati believers concentrate on the Free Masons. They will "prove" to you that America was conceived in Masonic influence and is therefore evil. So you can scratch off any admiration you may have had for the founding fathers, your ancestors...even your parents for that matter. The Masonic-focused Illuminati belief holds that America was founded by Satanists, not God. Millions of good, decent, God-fearing Americans who have come and gone throughout her history were, apparently, dust in the wind.
By the time the Illuminati obsession is complete in a person – he realizes he has no say in his own country, so there is no reason to vote. He realizes America was founded on evil and should be destroyed. He realizes that Jews are the root of evil in the world. Those negative thoughts hardly sound inspired by the empowering Word of a God who conquered the grave. Indeed, the Illuminati obsession sounds more like a page ripped from the Progressive playbook; a massive brainwashing to convince people that free will and individual liberty have never, and will never, exist. In short, all is for naught. (Is life worth living at this point?)
The Apostle John said "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." So why beat people over the head to tell them there are dark forces at work? We've known that for thousands of years.
I get the fact that Satan is in high gear, ripping down every good and decent thing that America ever established. So I shouldn't be surprised – though I constantly am – that our president seems to be seeking our global demise – and that the people around me are blinded to basic moral concepts of good and bad, right and wrong.
When I see a preacher on YouTube ranting that God is using a Triple Crown horse race to tell us that we have an "American Pharaoh" in power, I'm highly suspect. I already knew we had a self-appointed pharaoh in power. I didn't need a horse race to tell me that. I don't need to be informed that the horse jockey said the number "12" three times – that that adds up to "36" and that translates to three "6's" – the mark of the beast! (Then consider that the Triple Crown race occurred on 6/6/15 – which adds up to 666. Kinda. Before you know it, Christians start to sound like the people in line for lotto, playing the serial numbers from their lucky dollar bills.)
I know we are surrounded by imagery and actions inspired by Satan; I only have to look out my window to see it. Joyously, I also see signs from God.
One of the first things God told us in the Bible was that the moon, the sun and the stars would be used for signs. Luke spoke of the end times, telling us: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring...."
There are many signs coming from God right now: blood moon eclipses, planet conjunctions, distress of nations, waves roaring, earthquakes, famines and a host of other prophesied signs are happening at an alarming rate.
So why are so many people focusing on the signs coming from Satan? We're told that the anti-Christ "shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Of course we need to sound the alarm in anticipation of the rise of the anti-Christ and the coming mark of the beast. But we should be countering Satan (and his followers) the way Jesus did...with the Word of God.
Instead, many Illuminati-hipsters are playing a game of Where's Waldo with Satan, trying to find him in every corner...and he takes great joy in tipping them off.
Certainly as watchmen on the wall, Christians are called upon to warn the sinner to turn away from his wickedness. However, if – in the process – Christians begin to feel themselves "illuminated" and brag of knowledge of the darker forces, they need to take a step back and look up instead of down; unless that is where they wish to go.
When people spend so much time studying the evil Illuminati, how does that reflect on God? How does it reflect on Christians when internet-centric people have heard more about the Illuminati than they have about the force that's going to destroy them?
Does exposing the existence of an Illuminati convince people that Satan is a real force operating on earth? Are people being led to Jesus Christ by being shown that Beyonce is wearing a Baphomet ring, (a goat-headed representation of Satan)? I'd like them to step forward and give testimony.
Christians ARE the Illuminati. THEY are the "illuminated ones." The book of Hebrews calls Christians "the enlightened ones." So why are they panting after a knowledge of darkness and calling it by an antithetical name? Why are they chasing after Satan?
Jesus Christ is coming back soon – and every dark force that existed since time began – especially evil conspirators some call "Illuminati," will be cast into the eternal fire. I wouldn't waste my time studying something that will soon be incinerated.
Even though he may not be as popular as the Illuminati are right now...the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...the God of Israel...the true sovereign God of creation....will have the final, ultimate victory. Pray that you will be focused on righteousness that day; and you won't be saying, "Wait a minute, God; I wanted to ask them about the triangle hand sign first before you reduce them to ash...."
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." ~ Jesus Christ
Susan D. Harris can be reached at www.susandharris.com
© Susan D. Harris
July 29, 2015
Conspiracies exist. Ever since the serpent started chatting up Eve in the Garden of Eden, evil people have been conspiring against someone, somewhere. Evidence the fact that the word "conspired" appears 19 times in the King James Bible. It's a fact of life; it's human nature.
More powerful in man's consciousness than conspiracies against the individual are conspiracies against principalities and nations; those ancient conflicts that originated when the first boundary lines were drawn.
Later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, we saw ideologies such as Socialism, Communism and Fascism emerge as political conspiracies against nations.
The Christian belief system teaches that all evil perpetrated by mankind is initiated by the fallen angel known as Lucifer. The Apostle Paul called Satan the "god of this world" in 2 Corinthians. He said that if the gospel is hidden, it's hidden from those who Satan has blinded, "lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
So we know that there are people walking amongst us who Satan actively works to control; whom he blinds to the truth of Jesus Christ. On any given day, it's probably the person to the left of you, the person to the right of you...maybe it's you.
With the advent of the internet, millions of people have been educated on the idea of an "Illuminati" – an evil force of men who maniacally manipulate global events. Disturbingly, revealing the existence of an "Illuminati" has turned into a cult-like obsession with many of these folks, so much so that many people "studying" the Illuminati are more familiar with that subject than they are with the Bible. It's also lucrative – there are thousands of books, websites, movies and YouTube videos catering to an unhealthy, increasing hunger to learn more about this shadowy cabal.
There are many atheists and agnostics involved in the Illuminati obsession. Many of those are simply drawn to Illuminati theories that are, at their core, anti-Semitic. Those new to Illuminati beliefs might say, like Hitler did in Mein Kampf, "I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time, I read arguments which gave me some food for thought."
If you are going to be an Illuminati-obsessed Christian, you should realize that you are walking arm-in-arm with people who passionately hate the Jewish people. You can't carve out your own definition of "Illuminati" and ignore that its seed sprouted from Jewish hatred. An even greater consideration is that the Illuminati obsession is actually part of Satan's' plan to increase Jewish hatred around the world.
Another branch of Illuminati believers concentrate on the Free Masons. They will "prove" to you that America was conceived in Masonic influence and is therefore evil. So you can scratch off any admiration you may have had for the founding fathers, your ancestors...even your parents for that matter. The Masonic-focused Illuminati belief holds that America was founded by Satanists, not God. Millions of good, decent, God-fearing Americans who have come and gone throughout her history were, apparently, dust in the wind.
By the time the Illuminati obsession is complete in a person – he realizes he has no say in his own country, so there is no reason to vote. He realizes America was founded on evil and should be destroyed. He realizes that Jews are the root of evil in the world. Those negative thoughts hardly sound inspired by the empowering Word of a God who conquered the grave. Indeed, the Illuminati obsession sounds more like a page ripped from the Progressive playbook; a massive brainwashing to convince people that free will and individual liberty have never, and will never, exist. In short, all is for naught. (Is life worth living at this point?)
The Apostle John said "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." So why beat people over the head to tell them there are dark forces at work? We've known that for thousands of years.
I get the fact that Satan is in high gear, ripping down every good and decent thing that America ever established. So I shouldn't be surprised – though I constantly am – that our president seems to be seeking our global demise – and that the people around me are blinded to basic moral concepts of good and bad, right and wrong.
When I see a preacher on YouTube ranting that God is using a Triple Crown horse race to tell us that we have an "American Pharaoh" in power, I'm highly suspect. I already knew we had a self-appointed pharaoh in power. I didn't need a horse race to tell me that. I don't need to be informed that the horse jockey said the number "12" three times – that that adds up to "36" and that translates to three "6's" – the mark of the beast! (Then consider that the Triple Crown race occurred on 6/6/15 – which adds up to 666. Kinda. Before you know it, Christians start to sound like the people in line for lotto, playing the serial numbers from their lucky dollar bills.)
I know we are surrounded by imagery and actions inspired by Satan; I only have to look out my window to see it. Joyously, I also see signs from God.
One of the first things God told us in the Bible was that the moon, the sun and the stars would be used for signs. Luke spoke of the end times, telling us: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring...."
There are many signs coming from God right now: blood moon eclipses, planet conjunctions, distress of nations, waves roaring, earthquakes, famines and a host of other prophesied signs are happening at an alarming rate.
So why are so many people focusing on the signs coming from Satan? We're told that the anti-Christ "shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Of course we need to sound the alarm in anticipation of the rise of the anti-Christ and the coming mark of the beast. But we should be countering Satan (and his followers) the way Jesus did...with the Word of God.
Instead, many Illuminati-hipsters are playing a game of Where's Waldo with Satan, trying to find him in every corner...and he takes great joy in tipping them off.
Certainly as watchmen on the wall, Christians are called upon to warn the sinner to turn away from his wickedness. However, if – in the process – Christians begin to feel themselves "illuminated" and brag of knowledge of the darker forces, they need to take a step back and look up instead of down; unless that is where they wish to go.
When people spend so much time studying the evil Illuminati, how does that reflect on God? How does it reflect on Christians when internet-centric people have heard more about the Illuminati than they have about the force that's going to destroy them?
Does exposing the existence of an Illuminati convince people that Satan is a real force operating on earth? Are people being led to Jesus Christ by being shown that Beyonce is wearing a Baphomet ring, (a goat-headed representation of Satan)? I'd like them to step forward and give testimony.
Christians ARE the Illuminati. THEY are the "illuminated ones." The book of Hebrews calls Christians "the enlightened ones." So why are they panting after a knowledge of darkness and calling it by an antithetical name? Why are they chasing after Satan?
Jesus Christ is coming back soon – and every dark force that existed since time began – especially evil conspirators some call "Illuminati," will be cast into the eternal fire. I wouldn't waste my time studying something that will soon be incinerated.
Even though he may not be as popular as the Illuminati are right now...the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...the God of Israel...the true sovereign God of creation....will have the final, ultimate victory. Pray that you will be focused on righteousness that day; and you won't be saying, "Wait a minute, God; I wanted to ask them about the triangle hand sign first before you reduce them to ash...."
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." ~ Jesus Christ
Susan D. Harris can be reached at www.susandharris.com
© Susan D. Harris
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