Victor Sharpe
Globalists refuse to name the enemy
By Victor Sharpe
July 19, 2016

ISIS is merely one of the many Islamic terrorist organizations which have declared war on Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and every faith and non-faith in the world that is non-Muslim.

ISIS is simply the flavor of the week. It exists in infamy along with Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezb'allah, the PLO, Al Qaida, ad nauseum. But behind them all lies Islam itself to which they all swear allegiance and which is the driving force behind the horrors we see perpetrated around the world today.

It has been thus since Islam's founding in the 7th century. Barbaric Sharia law and jihad reside in the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of Muslims across the world. For them, it is authentic and fundamental Islam. But the global elites and "progressives" led by Obama still refuse to name it as the enemy.

We must understand that increasing numbers of Muslims now reside in our own communities whose loyalty to the state is not only suspect but demonstrably closer to the ummah (the Islamic worldwide community) than to our own Constitution.

Indeed, as Newt Gingrich said in the aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in Nice, France: "We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization."

We must face the real issue, which is the one spelled out for us in Samuel Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations" by contrasting aggressive, expansionist, supremacist Islam with the Judeo-Christian civilization of the West as well as by the beliefs practiced throughout the rest of the non-Muslim world.

So it is not about ISIS or Hamas or Boko Haram but about the fundamental ideology and Sharia driven Islamic jihad in all of its malevolent forms.

Remember Winston Churchill himself described Islam as an ideology wrapped in a religion. This ideology manifests itself not only in unspeakable violence perpetrated daily by its followers, whether it be in France, Britain, America, Israel, India, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Russia, the Philippines – practically everywhere – but also in what can be called the stealth jihad.

This stealth jihad infiltrates every aspect of our lives. Take Britain, for example, where there are almost ninety Islamic Sharia courts operating, which have allowed the burgeoning Muslim community to practically ignore the very laws of Parliament.

This parallel reality has fostered a perilous de facto state within a state which has been allowed to grow by elitist politicians and globalists who have governed Britain for so long and who have been closely associated and allied with the increasingly tyrannical European Union.

Brits in so many places saw their very neighborhoods changing in front of their eyes and scenes that were familiar to them since childhood were being transformed into Middle Eastern bazars. If they had dared to criticize the rampant immigration policies they would be branded as racists and taken to task by leftwing anarchists.

This intolerable multicultural and socialist venture alienated the people so much that they voted in their millions for Brexit. There are those who look at the same malaise affecting ordinary folks in France, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and other western European countries. They may well yet follow Britain's lead and vote to leave.

According to Professor Paul Eidelberg of the University of Chicago and a retired air force officer, "Japan has always refused to allow Muslims to live permanently in their country... Record number of Muslims, (thousands) have been deported from Norway as a way of fighting crime... Since these Muslim criminals have been deported, crime has dropped by a staggering 72% ... The Czech Republic blatantly refuses Islam in their country, regarding it as evil."

It was recently reported that Hillary Clinton, if elected, plans to bring into the United States a million Muslim "refugees" in her first year of office alone. This is a quantum leap in the numbers of such Muslim migrants that President Barack Hussein Obama is already bringing into the country – including many allegedly by surreptitious means.

And only recently Secretary of State Kerry announced that the way has been cleared to increase drastically the numbers of new Muslim migrants into the United States. Note that there is no mention of bringing to safety Christian refugees from the Middle East who are the very people who have suffered grievously from attempted genocide at the hands of Muslim jihadis and fundamentalists. (

And what are we to make of Obama's insane refusal to admit that Muslims acting in the name of Islam are responsible for the terrorism they commit? Obama is wrong. He is misleading the American people and sewing confusion as to the threat we are confronting.

If we fail to name the enemy; if we continue to waffle that the enemy has nothing to do with Islam; if we do not understand that Islam means submission, not peace; if we continue to utter the piffle that Islam is a religion of peace and if we do not realize that the Muslim supremacist Arabic war cry, Allahu Akbar, means "Allah is Greater" and NOT "God is Great," then we will surely perish as did the civilizations before us.

If we utter the same lamentable words of French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, who warned his people that they must "live with terrorism" after the country suffered its fourth mass killing in 19 months at the hands of Muslim jihadis, then we will surely go the way of Byzantium and of the Hindu and Persian civilizations.

All were mighty empires taken down by Islam.

© Victor Sharpe


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Victor Sharpe

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer with many published articles and essays in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines... (more)


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