Victor Sharpe
Obama's blitzkrieg of scandals
By Victor Sharpe
June 18, 2014

Lightning and relentless attacks marked the German Nazi blitzkrieg, which overwhelmed European nations during the onset of World War Two.

Just as each nation fell under successive bouts of German aggression, so too America has been reeling under one scandal after another – coming so fast from the White House and in such a lightning and continuous manner that we have barely had time to understand the latest scandal before another one has enveloped us. Consider some of what we have endured:

As the American President knowingly smiled, while listening in the White House Rose Garden to the father of the American deserter, Bowe Bergdahl, invoking in Arabic the opening words of the Koranic phrase claiming land for Islam – in this instance, claiming the very White House itself – the Taliban warlord, Mullah Omar, gloated over the release of the five top Taliban commanders. He called it a "big victory for the entire Afghan Muslim nation."

In the Muslim dominated Middle East, respect is only reserved for the strong. Obama is happily projecting America as weak while he abases the U.S. at the feet of the assorted mullahs, emirs, kings, imams, thugs and tyrants whose Islamic "ideology wrapped in a religion," as Sir Winston Churchill once described it, pronounces repeatedly that, "They love death more than we love life!"

Senator John McCain, no true conservative, nevertheless correctly called the five Muslim Afghan terrorists "the worst of the worst" as outrage set in throughout the United States of America. McCain added: "There will be a price to pay for this exchange."

Yes, it will inevitably be a high price in the shedding of yet more American blood and treasure and a re-energized Islamic war against Judeo-Christian civilization.

Meanwhile Obama, during his recent visit to Brussels, rejected any apology for releasing the five top Taliban terrorists from Gitmo. But then why should he? Let us not forget that on the second day in office during his first term, Obama signed an executive order directing that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility be closed. This is all part of his "transformation of America," or rather the destruction of this wonderful country.

Senator Lindsey Graham, another Republican who lacks authentic conservative credentials, justifiably described the five thugs as a "Taliban dream team." Indeed, it is a windfall for terror, though Obama maintains he did "the right thing." This is the same president who had no concerns about the thousands of veterans dying in the Veterans Affairs system yet expressed concern for the welfare of a single American whom members of his own platoon called a deserter.

These true heroes are outraged that Bergdahl is being hailed a "hero" by Susan Rice, no doubt at the behest of her lord and master in the Oval Office. Indeed, Mark Levin, the expert on the Constitution and excellent talk show host, described Susan Rice as Obama's "Tokyo Rose." Yes, the same Susan Rice who falsified Benghazi on the Sunday morning shows yet has no shame doing it again and again.

Michael Waltz, Bergdahl's commander in the field, told Bret Baier on Fox News: "He was not captured. He left his post. He left on his own. He has a lot of explaining to do." Waltz went on to confirm that at least six soldiers were killed in a futile search to rescue Bergdahl. Some reports suggest that number may be as high as 14.

Of all the scandals perpetrated by the Obama regime – be it the deliberate IRS targeting of conservatives (and now the suspicious loss of two years of requested e-mails), the dubious war against Ghaddafi with the resulting victory in Libya of anti-Western Muslim terrorists, the Benghazi betrayal of American lives including that of a U.S. Ambassador, the federal gunrunning outrage into Mexico, known as Fast and Furious, the planned decimation of the coal industry with the potential of a painful increase in utility bills and the loss of thousands more jobs, the appalling situation on our southern border – this release of five evil Taliban commanders in return for an American deserter is the one that should bring down the Obama presidency.

For six years, the mainstream news media has served as Obama's comforter and hand maiden. Many millions of concerned Americans have watched as Obama has dismantled the Constitution and cynically bypassed Congress, thus depriving the American people the ability to mobilize against his aiding and abetting of our enemies.

And all the time, this mainstream media has obsequiously acted as a shill for this man. Maybe at last, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and NPR will do their job and ask the hard questions that they have failed so miserably to ask through scandal after scandal.

Bowe Bergdahl's father, Bob, praising Allah while standing next to a beaming president may finally bring Americans of all political persuasions to their senses. But I don't think I will hold my breath because hard on the heels of all the prior scandalous acts emanating fast and furious from the Oval Office we now have the specter of a world becoming murderously unstable.

The so-called Arab Spring, which began immediately after Obama delivered his first overseas and strange speech in Cairo, has led to civil war and mass slaughter in Syria, Libya degenerating into a den of terrorists who murdered the American Ambassador and four American heroes, and, by extension, an emboldened Putin now covertly sending yet more tanks into Ukraine while he remains unchecked by this American president.

Iraq is being overrun and dismembered by Islamic terrorists. The Sunni barbarians, called ISIS, have taken scores of Iraqi towns and cities and murdered huge numbers of Shiites. The Iraqi army we trained for many years, and to which we invested billions of dollars in military support and materiel, has disintegrated.

ISIS has plundered Iraqi banks and stolen billions of dollars, while looting vast ammunition dumps including stinger missiles we provided that may well be used to shoot down U.S. aircraft or be delivered to Muslim terrorists worldwide with a calamitous threat to the world's airlines and passengers.

Obama and Kerry are now reduced to using the Iraqi catastrophe to potentially court Iran's help, the very Islamic theocracy which has been a designated state sponsor of terrorism for 30 years and has provided the means through its proxies to kill so many American servicemen and women.

Pathetically, the President and the Secretary of State hope to save Iraq by making a pact with the Iranian devil, while all the time the mullahs are rushing to obtain nuclear weapons and unleash Armageddon.

Obama's blitzkrieg of scandals is, I fear, continuing apace with no end in sight.

© Victor Sharpe


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Victor Sharpe

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer with many published articles and essays in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines... (more)


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