Pete Riehm
Now, that’s weird
By Pete Riehm
August 13, 2024

The silly season for campaigning, elections, and politics is upon us. Some Americans are captivated by it, while others will remain blissfully unaware, but most are annoyed by the incessant bickering and posturing. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of the beast as each party tries to sell their candidates to a cynical and weary electorate. Despite Democrats’ concerted efforts to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, he is the Republican nominee, but with the surprising bait and switch that anointed Kamala Harris the Democrat nominee, Trump is the only candidate truly known to the American public. Beyond the Democrat media complex’s unwarranted adulation over Harris, she has yet to define herself and her policies.

Now we also have two more relatively unknown players on the field with Republican vice-presidential nominee, J. D. Vance, and Democrat vice-presidential nominee, Tim Walz. The Harris-Walz campaign adopted a bizarre approach, trying to cast Vance and Trump, for that matter, as “weird.” This was ironic and puzzling as Democrats have historically embraced weird. Liberal cities like Austin, Portland, and Seattle flaunt their weirdness, and the militant LGBTQ+ movement touts weird as the new normal. So what’s weird about Vance?

Trump has been included, but the target was Vance. A famously successful entrepreneur, Trump is simply objectionable to Democrats, but Vance has the quintessential American rags to riches success story. He rose above a broken family in poverty ravaged by drug addiction to become a successful Marine, attorney, businessman, and then became a U.S. senator from Ohio—all before the age of 40. He married his college sweetheart, a first generation Indian American, and they are raising a beautiful family. How is that weird?! Sounds pretty wholesome, but Democrats have come to scorn traditionally normal folks.

So, who is Tim Walz? A Nebraska native, Walz enlisted in the Minnesota Army National Guard at the tender age of 17 and served 24 years. He became a teacher and football coach. He was elected in 2006 to Congress from Minnesota, and then was elected Governor of Minnesota in 2018. That thumbnail summary is also an American success story and sounds normal, so Democrats are selling Walz as the epitome of Midwestern values. But a closer examination of his history and record reveals a rabid progressive. Now, that’s weird.

Having served 24 years in the military should be a respectable accomplishment, but Walz is having trouble shaking accusations of “stolen valor.” He was being promoted to Command Sergeant Major when his unit was to be deployed to Iraq, which coincided with his first run for Congress. Rather than deploy with his unit, he chose to retire to pursue his political career, so he retired as a Master Sergeant. Perhaps an understandable decision if he had left it at that.

However, Walz embellished his record, claiming he retired at the higher rank and repeatedly took credit for being a combat veteran, when in reality he dodged the deployment to combat. This is not a new controversy. Since his initial congressional campaign, his comrades have criticized him for abandoning his troops, but still benefiting from falsehoods about his service. His 24 years of service should stand alone as a proud achievement, but Walz himself denigrated those years with his exaggerations. Now, that’s weird.

Despite experience and knowledge of firearms as a hunter and soldier, Walz has repeatedly called for gun control, declaring that Americans should not be allowed to possess “the weapons he carried in war,” which he didn’t. As a hunter and veteran, he conflates and confuses hunting and self-defense. Now, that’s weird.

Walz is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which prays the “sparkle creed”—which claims God is non-binary and Jesus had two dads, implying an acceptance of homosexuality. It goes on to extol the “rainbow spirit who shatters our image of one white light.” Now, that’s weird.

Perhaps Walz’s faith explains his ridiculous expenditure to put tampons in boys’ bathrooms across the state, but his law making Minnesota a sanctuary state for gender affirming care for minors is an abomination. In effect, the state can take custody of your children to poison or mutilate them with heinous sex-change procedures if you do not cooperate, and Minnesota will harbor children from other states escaping their parents. Now, that’s weird!

Walz also has close ties to radical Imam Asad Zaman, who openly preaches antisemitism, promotes Hamas, and even praises Hitler! Walz’s administration has funneled about $100,000 to Zaman's Mosque. So, a U.S. military veteran and American elected official supports terrorists?! Now, that’s weird.

Possibly most troubling is Walz’s close and decades-long relationship with China. Walz taught American history and English for a year in China in 1989-1990, and then returned numerous times with American exchange students. He even took exchange students with him and his wife on their honeymoon TO CHINA. They even married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, so he would remember the date—the date 10,000 Chinese freedom protesters were murdered. Now, that’s weird!

Walz is hopelessly enamored with China. Inviting Chinese officials to his gubernatorial inauguration, he praises their infrastructure programs and lauds their lack of crime. He was an outspoken proponent of “Defunding the Police,” while in 2020 he watched Minneapolis burn for 3 days with over a billion dollars in property loss before acting. He even surrendered a police precinct to violent rioters, but ironically, he allows a secret communist Chinese police station to operate in the Twin Cities. Now, that’s weird.

Between his teaching excursions and political trips, Walz admits he has visited China over 30 times in 35 years! His student exchange programs were largely funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Remember Senator Diane Feinstein’s 20-year chauffeur was a Chinese spy and China propelled their asset—third-rate politician Eric Swalwell—into Congress, where he still serves. And the Biden family has received over $30 million from China. Does anyone think Walz has spent that much time in China on their dime without some symbiotic relationship involved? The CCP has put people in elected office in the USA. Are they aiming higher with Walz?! Now, that’s weird!

“But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).


Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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