Pete Riehm
On this Memorial Day, it’s time we mourn the passing of our Constitutional Republic and ponder how we failed generations of brave Americans who sacrificed their lives to fight for freedom. It’s hard to admit, but the evidence has been growing for years and is finally unavoidable that our Constitutional Republic has been hijacked by an unaccountable, unelected cabal of bureaucrats. The long-awaited and long-overdue Durham Report was finally released confirming what most Americans already intrinsically knew. The findings of total politization and gross abuses of power by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies was not as shocking as the fact that no one has been held accountable, but more disturbing is the sinking realization that no one probably will be held accountable.
The rule of law has become a cynical charade as average Americans like parents and pro-life activists are intimidated and dissenters persecuted, but the real crimes committed by the federal government go unpunished, ignored by the media, and even celebrated by leftists deconstructing our republic and society. Our federal bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical. Political appointees change with each administration and certainly cast a partisan shadow in policies, but the rank and file are supposed to carry out or enforce the laws of the land as passed by Congress.
No more! For some time now, a deep state has asserted itself within the federal government as all powerful. They are immune to Congressional oversight and indifferent to presidential direction. Our federal government literally now serves itself and only tolerates elected officials as a thin veneer of democratic process to deceive the public. Hidden away in a Byzantine labyrinth of bottomless bureaucracy, they have appointed themselves as the ultimate arbiters of control of the United States. They believe they should decide our elections and apparently have had their greasy fat thumbs on the electoral scales for longer than we know.
Although too late to undo any wrongs, the Durham Report validates what Americans have long suspected. In 2016, the Deep State with the knowledge and possible direction of President Obama weaponized the federal government to influence the 2016 presidential election. Then FBI Director James Comey very publicly contorted the law to unilaterally exonerate Hillary Clinton, but we now know the FBI at that time abruptly dropped FOUR criminal investigations into the Clintons for the same influence pedaling the Bidens have thus far gotten away with. Hillary Clinton sold her influence as Secretary of State for millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation. She was the chosen successor to Obama and so her sullied slate was wiped clean.
About the same time, Durham confirmed then CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama that the Clinton campaign intended to smear Donald Trump by connecting him to the Russians. And what ya know? Clinton paid for a fabricated “dossier” alleging Trump paid prostitutes to urinate in a Moscow hotel bed where supposedly Obama had slept. They passed this fake intel to the FBI who dutifully used it to initiate “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” to spy on the Trump Campaign, even though they knew no one from the Trump Campaign ever communicated with Russians about the election.
Durham shows the FBI NEVER substantiated the dossier and in fact the DOJ and FBI knew it was false from the beginning, but still used it to illegally obtain FISA Court warrants to spy on Candidate Trump, and then incredibly to continue spying on President Trump! The Deep State tried to install Hillary, but after failing, they colluded to undermine a sitting president with endless investigations based on nothing. That was quite simply sedition!!!
Coming into the 2020 election, the National Institutes of Health’s pet COVID virus they had developed in CHINA was conveniently released creating a panic that allowed multiple states to subvert their own election laws and allow people like Mark Zuckerburg to spend $400 million in swing states to harvest ballots and even count them for local authorities. The media continued their relentless unfounded demonization of Trump, so with the extraordinary ballot harvesting, basement Biden could handily walk into the Oval Office.
The Deep State again set the stage for a Democrat victory, but the Hunter Biden laptop surfaced with mountains of evidence of boorish and criminal activity that implicated the Biden crime family. The Deep State swung into action. The FBI confiscated the laptop and buried it for years. To this day, they have not acted on it. However, too much information had escaped into the public realm, so Anthony Blinken enlisted former CIA deputy director Michael Morrell to assemble 50 intelligence officials to sign a letter claiming the Hunter laptop was just Russian disinformation. It diffused the incriminating laptop and removed it as a campaign issue, but it was all a huge LIE!
The Durham Report is stunning documentation of brazen corruption, but are the CIA, DOJ, FBI cowed? Embarrassed? NO! They are not backing down. None of the 50 intelligence officers who blatantly lied to affect the 2020 election have had their security clearances suspended, but the whistleblowers trying to expose this exploitation have had their security clearances suspended in an official effort to silence them. Further, the DOJ had the IRS cease their investigation into Hunter Biden’s manifest criminality.
These rogue agencies are unrepentant in their sleazy determination to protect their chosen candidates and preserve their power to choose our leaders, but there is also a degree of panicked self-preservation. They know they have broken laws, usurped Constitutional powers, and likely committed treason by grossly violating their oaths to uphold the Constitution, so they are scared to death of a Republican Administration and Congress that might actually investigate and prosecute their nefarious double dealing. Therefore, they must at all costs deprive Trump of another term as president and retain their leftist puppets to save their own skins.
Again, the Durham Report did not really reveal anything truly new except it did demonstrate that Obama knew about all this corruption and may have encouraged it, if not endorsed it. The problem is the Durham Report is too late. The 2020 and 2022 elections were manipulated by the government, but they will not and really cannot be undone. They achieved their objectives, but these incriminating revelations will be absorbed by the news cycle and will soon be pooh-poohed as old news. Nothing will be done as the deep state prepares to roll the 2024 election. Without justice, there will be no correction, healing, or reform.
Our elected officials pretend the republic is still functioning, but they have ceded or lost power to the deep state. The federal government runs America for their own designs, and the people have no real say anymore. The Kabuki theater will continue in Washington, but it’s just a pretense to not alarm the citizens. Unless these traitors are brought to justice, the republic is lost. The Republican House is making some noise, but it’s just noise. The noise may force the deep state back into the shadows, but it will not remove them. Without courage and integrity in the Congress and White House, nothing will change. The CIA, DOJ, and FBI must be completely eviscerated and reformed if not abolished and restarted or our Constitutional Republic has no hope of recovering. Vote like freedom depends on it, because it does indeed!
“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan” (Proverbs 29:2).
Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.
© Pete RiehmThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.