Michael Oberndorf
The age of outrage
By Michael Oberndorf
September 3, 2018

The history of American government has never been free from scandals and corruption of one sort or another. However, what we're witnessing today makes these past incidents seem like mere peccadillos. The millions and billions of dollars involved in the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play deals, the Uranium 1 deal Hillary Clinton arranged for Putin and Russia, and the millions and billions in contracts the FBI, under the directorship of supposedly squeaky-clean Robert Mueller, awarded to Lockheed-Martin after his old buddy, James Comey, left the FBI and become their General Counsel, and who was then personally compensated with millions of dollars, are just a few examples of the financial crimes that appear to be committed regularly by denizens of the Swamp, and conspicuously ignored by the Department of Justice.

Unfortunately, these outrageous crimes pale in comparison with the political ones, often committed by the same bad actors. Comey and numerous high-ranking FBI co-conspirators like Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr (and his wife), Peter Strzok, lawyers Lisa Page and James Baker, just to name the most obvious ones, have conspired to overthrow the 2016 Presidential Election. Repeat: overthrow. And Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein enabling Robert Mueller and his totally illegitimate "investigation" are part and parcel of this attempted coup d'état. America has never experienced anything so clearly aimed at the destruction of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, our democratic republican form of government, and ultimately, our traditional American freedom and liberty. It is without doubt a scheme concocted at the highest levels of the blatantly leftist Democrat Party – Can you say, "Barack Hussein Obama," boys and girls? Sure, you can! – and clearly approved of by Hillary Clinton, since it has, so far, kept her out of jail.

The list of crimes includes, too, massive election fraud by the Democrats, who admittedly rigged their own primaries so Bernie Sanders couldn't win. It's estimated that at least three million illegal votes went to Clinton in the general election, but it likely was closer to five million. Outrageous, the number of districts that had more votes cast than they had registered voters, and yet crickets from the FEC (Federal Election Commission) and the Justice Department, and the lying, fake news enemy of We, the People, the "mainstream" media. The evidence is undeniable, and completely negates the hysterical claims that Clinton won the popular vote.

But perhaps the most outrageous of all these outrages is the flagrant, unabashed complicity of the Department of Justice, and the Department of State, in abetting and covering up these crimes. Add to this, the so-called "Resistance" among lower level government employees, employees guilty of insubordination and not uncommonly, sabotage of Trump administration programs and policies, and you have a government infested with conspirators in sedition. Calling it a Swamp is an understatement.

This, of course, brings us to the dishonorable Jeff Sessions, former U.S. Senator, and now, ostensibly, Attorney General of the United States.

Donald Trump has done an extraordinary job as president, perhaps the best job of any president since Washington. However, he's a human just like the rest of us, and therefore not perfect, and capable of making occasional mistakes. Appointing Sessions AG was clearly a mistake. The evidence of criminal behavior of all of the above-mentioned miscreants and many not named is clear and unequivocal, yet the DoJ under Sessions has yet to appoint prosecutors, impanel any grand juries, hand down indictments, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Instead, they have enabled the outrageous Mueller political witch hunt to continue unabated, in spite of its total failure to come up with any evidence of wrong-doing by Donald Trump, his administration, or his campaign.

Sessions needs to resign. Now. The fact that he has not, and will eventually force Trump to fire him, is another transparently political Swamp conspirator move, trying to get Trump to do something that the leftist Democrats and their Propaganda Ministry, aka, the "mainstream" media, can claim is an attempt to "obstruct justice." I assume that Trump is waiting until the day after the mid-term elections to fire this cowardly turncoat, thus depriving the seditionist conspirators of another phony accusation against him, to be used, to paraphrase B. Hussein Obama, to "wee-wee up" the wacko leftist Democrat base.

I trust Donald Trump implicitly. He has shown many times that mistakes can be learned from and corrected, and I expect him to do so in this case. I also expect him to take the coming Red Wave as a mandate to aggressively clean out the disloyal, scofflaw, seditious government employees who have willingly participated in this attempted coup, especially in the departments of Justice and State.

Then, at last, we can get down to the business we elected him and the Republican majority to do: Build the Wall, and repeal ObozoCare.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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