Michael Oberndorf
Interesting times
By Michael Oberndorf
July 29, 2018

It is said that there's an old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times," wherein "interesting" appears to be sarcastically ironic. Well, folks, I can't speak for anyone else, but as I look around each day, I cannot help but conclude that we are, indeed, living in "interesting times."

China, on many levels, second only to the United States, has performed the Great Leap Forward that Mao dreamed of, but since he was a raging, dogmatic communist, couldn't pull off. They've gone from a Third World, blatant, heavy handed, rigidly communist police state to a First World, semi-capitalist, relatively free – the police presence is still very much there, but is toned way down – world power. However, what has never changed with the Chinese, for some 5,000 years, is the certainty that they are the rightful rulers of the world. They now have the economic, technical, and military wealth to move aggressively toward that goal, and are doing so at a disturbingly rapid pace.

Russia, while no longer the Number 2 Superpower in the world, is still a potential hostile and bellicose force to be reckoned with. Their new alliances in the Middle East, made during the American presidencies of two far leftists – Clinton and Obama – and a die-hard globalist – Bush – have wreaked havoc with the balance of power there. They have been saber rattling all along their borders with Eastern Europe, threatening to take back the subject states that were freed when the Soviet Union collapsed. Indeed, the Crimea has been re-subjugated and the Russian military has interfered in Ukraine directly. During the Obama administration, Russian warplanes, ships, and submarines were often reported at, or within, our air and sea territorial boundaries.

Iran, thanks to the outrageous submission of Obama – an apostate or closet Muslim – is on the verge of developing useable nuclear weapons. They have been a well-known state sponsor of terrorism, supplying money, weapons, and expertise to jihadists and militant Islamists all over the world. Obama removed the sanctions we had placed on them, unfroze their assets, showered them with billions of dollars, and virtually required nothing from them in return. The result has been a resurgence of support for worldwide Islamic terrorism, and an escalating stream of threats from the mullahs in Tehran. It is thought the at least some of the rumored missing "suitcase" tactical nukes that disappeared from Russia at the end of the Cold War ended up in Iran. Their threats to "destroy all you possess" in the "Mother of All Wars" suggests that while they may not have full-blown nukes, they may have the capability of creating an EMP attack, launched from commercial vessels at sea.

The Islamic invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by leftist/globalist European governments has raised, too, the very the possible collapse of Germany, France, Britain, and the Scandinavian countries. The poorest nations in the world are Islamic and Europe seems hell-bent on joining them.

Here at home in the Good Ol' USA, the left has gone into an insane panic and a violent rampage over the re-emergence of American pride, the election of Donald Trump as president, and his remarkable and undeniable success in undoing much of the damage done by Obama over the past eight years. On Capitol Hill, the leftist Democrat Party has become openly "socialist," encouraging the violence from their shrinking base, very reminiscent of the National Socialist German Nazis in the late 1930s. They've been colluding with the RINO Republican misleadership to block and undermine Trump as he works to Make America Great Again. This communist/fascist alliance is also aiding and abetting a criminal invasion of America by foreigners, one that is aimed at destroying traditional American culture and capitalism by overloading it with ignorant, uneducated, unskilled cheap laborers who have no understanding of our Constitution nor loyalty to our laws, or systems of government and economics.

These are just the most obvious examples of the apparent slide into turmoil that is occurring all over the world. Many more localized, but equally disturbing examples could be cited, but I'm sure your get the idea.

All this, to me, adds up to nothing less than "interesting times." We've had them before, and America has, so far, survived. As with Britain which had Winston Churchill during WWll, we have Donald Trump. In spite of the constant denigrating attacks from the leftist propaganda machine – aka, the "mainstream" media – and Democrat seditionist politicians like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters, Trump is proving himself to be one of the most competent and extraordinary presidents in history of the nation. He has not failed yet and I, for one, trust him implicitly. If anyone can bring America through these "interesting times," he can. And I, like millions of other real, patriotic Americans, will support him in every way I can.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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