Michael Oberndorf
Democrats' war on capitalism
By Michael Oberndorf
December 30, 2013

Democrats, especially ones in the executive branch, love to delcare "war" on "problems." We've seen the War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, the War on Terror. They also, along with their running dog propagandists in the "mainstream" media, love to accuse their opponents of things like waging War on Women, War on Education, War on Science, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Republicans stoop to this too on occasion, having accused Obama of a War on Coal. But to cut to the chase, the Democrats and Establishment Republicans use all this as obfuscation – distraction and cover – for the fact that what is going on, and has since at least 1913, is a War on Capitalism.

Take the War on Coal, for instance. This is not about, as the so-called "environmentalists," or "greens," or "conservationists," or whatever euphemistic, misleading name they are calling themselves, claim, an impending environmental disaster. We have had coal-fired plants since 1910, and America's air and water are among the cleanest in the world. The phony "science" and hysterical, unchallenged Chicken Little assertions of imminent planetary destruction are lies aimed at scaring the public into allowing the shutdown of our power supply, the life-blood of our economic engine.

The same is true of the attacks by the eco-fascists on the oil and gas industries. Again, the technology and methods developed and used for the past 50 years have made these industries some of the cleanest in the world. Yet the greenies, the media, and their Democrat storm troopers in Congress have virtually strangled oil and gas production offshore and on public land, keeping us dependent on oil and gas supplied by foreign sources like Venezuela, Mexico, and the Muslim OPEC states. We have reserves on the land ostensibly owned by We, the People, large enough to meet our needs for the next 300 years. However, the Marxist Democrats and the eco-fascists have twisted the laws and the courts so that they have standing as the definitive experts, the arbiters whose word is final, and leftist judges, legislating from the bench have allowed them to dictate how our land can be used, the majority, science, and common sense be damned.

The left also used concern for largely non-existent threats to the environment to create the totally unconstitutional and deceptively named Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Although created by Republican Tricky Dick Nixon, a fiscal conservative, but otherwise liberal, Rockefeller Republican who also, along with arch-globalist, Henry Kissinger, "opened China," the EPA has been run and done the bidding of Democrats ever since. No one actually knows how much the thousands of regulations – issued by unelected agency bureaucrats, not by our elected representatives in Congress – cost the American economy, since the ripple effect from them is so huge, but it is estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The "benefits" from these regulations exist only in computer models and the deluded minds of fanatic greenies, not in reality. However, the damage done to American capitalism, and thus, We, the People, is very real indeed.

The massive "bailouts" begun by Bush, but put on steroids by Obama, did nothing for We, the People. They were colossal exercises in income redistribution: our hard earned income, in the form of tax money, was redistributed to already vastly wealthy neo-fascist bankers, brokers, and unions. The ever-increasing national debt exacerbated by this and subsequent unchecked spending on "entitlements" and other government boondoggles will, if not reversed, eventually swallow us entirely, like a Florida sinkhole. This is a fact. Period. Yet Obama and the Democrats incessantly demand we increase the debt even more, like passengers urging a drunk driver on a mountain road to go even faster. And if you still don't get it that the Affordable Healthcare Act is about total government control of your life, you are probably a Democrat, yourself.

Part of the problem is that far too few Americans actually know what Marxism (communism, in its various manifestations) or fascism are. If they are under 50, chances are it was only briefly covered in the indoctrination that passes for education in modern government schools, or not mentioned at all. Capitalism, too, has been given short shrift, and if brought up, is portrayed as greedy, evil, oppressive, and unfair. They have been taught that "socialism" and "the collective good" – euphemisms for communism – are best. What they have not been told is that communism has never succeeded and where it has existed has been through police states, military oppression, and often mass murder on a scale that makes Hitler look like an amateur.

Many have no idea who Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, and Mao were, and almost none have read Antonio Gramsci. If you haven't read Gramsci, I suggest you do so as soon as you can. Gramsci was an Italian communist theorist in the 1930s, who laid out how to achieve a revolution without firing a shot. This was to be accomplished by infiltrating and taking over the news media, education, and entertainment. Sound familiar?

The result of this is that even though a cursory reading of Obama's "biographies" and the public statements of his appointees, e.g., Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, makes it crystal clear that they are hard-core communist revolutionaries, most people haven't a clue as to what that means or how dangerous it is. Americans need to turn off the idiot box, aka TV, and get educated while they still can.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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