Michael Oberndorf
Where the power lies
By Michael Oberndorf
February 1, 2012

It seems pretty clear that what many of us warned about months ago is taking place. The "mainstream" media and the Republican (RINO) Establishment are again dictating who we will have as a candidate to run for president against the fraud currently squatting in the White House. They have savaged all the real conservatives who were running, giving new meaning to the term, "character assassination," leaving us with a field of has-beens and never-weres to choose from. We have a businessman and failed political candidate who flip-flops more than a fish out of water, a failed Congressman, Third Way Socialist, and paid-up member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), an over the edge libertarian who has never been able to convince more than a handful of his colleagues to vote for the bills he's introduced in Congress, in spite of many of them being quite worthwhile, and a failed Senator who is nearly as exciting as listening to your neighbor's tax problems, but not quite. However, the really pathetic thing is that they are all head and shoulders more acceptable than Obama-Soetoro.

The scary part, though, is how few people seem to grasp the relative unimportance of who the president is. Even constitutionalists seem to have forgotten how little authority the president is actually granted by that founding document. His powers are few and specific, with the power of the purse and to write legislation firmly and unequivocally given to the Legislative Branch. There's not a thing that the president can do — even a "president" like the current one who seems hell-bent on violating the law and the Constitution at every opportunity — if the Congress chooses to deny the funds needed to carry out the actions. Enforcement of every regulation, the salary of every bureaucrat and judge, the funding for every agency and department, and so on, is dependent on Congress providing the money. And of course, presidential vetoes can be overridden if a majority in Congress chooses to do so.

The Marxist Media have done an excellent job of subverting our election process and of misleading and manipulating much of the electorate. Even though election campaigns have become virtually endless, the new one beginning the day after the election, it's a safe bet that many, if not a majority, can't name either the incumbents or challengers running for the House or the Senate where they live. The media, of course, profit mightily from this drawn-out process, selling billions in advertising. And as did the Nazis, our Ministry of Propaganda lives by the notions that a lie is as good as the truth, if you can get people to believe it, and that even the biggest lie will eventually be taken as truth if it is repeated often enough.

Thus, we see the Party of Marx fundraising like there's no tomorrow, so they can pour money into the pockets of the liemakers, so they will make new Democrat lawmakers. Special interests have, indeed, bought Congress, but their purchases have been mainly Democrats. When you hear Democrats brag about how much money they've raised, the vast majority of it has come from Big Banks, Big Brokerage and Hedge Fund operators, Big Unions, Big Environmentalists, Big Fake Green Energy companies, Big Lawyers, et cetera, ad nauseam. Then, knowing the "mainstream" media will never call them on it, they have the unmitigated brass to turn around and point the self-righteously accusatory finger at Republicans. It's enough to make a vulture puke.

Taking conservative control of Congress — both the House and the Senate — is essential. It will mean getting candidates to run for nearly every open seat, candidates who will take their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic as sacred. It will mean working even harder than we did in 2010. It will mean supporting candidates we may not agree with on some issues (though not Constitutional ones), and facing the fact someone who you agree with all the time is only to be found in the mirror. Infighting and quibbling over fine points needs to be put on hold until the rescue of America from the brink of totalitarian disaster is complete. United we stand, but divided we fall was never truer than it is today.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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