Cliff Kincaid
The Iranian assassination campaign against Trump and America
By Cliff Kincaid
August 13, 2024

As a more than 40-year veteran observer of the American political scene, I have never seen anything like this presidential campaign, where one political party, the Democrats, have eliminated their own candidate from the race and tried to kill the opposition candidate. But this is the situation America finds itself in. I believe that, for his own sake and survival, Trump should pause his campaign until he can be assured that his life will be protected and that his enemies, such as the Iranian terrorist regime, will be stopped from interfering on behalf of the Democratic Party.

We understand there is a November 5 date for the presidential election, but it is unfair to the point of insanity to require that the Republican candidate try to avoid being killed on the campaign trail as the Iranian regime sends professional killers into the United States to arrange his death.

Trump is running against the Democrats and the Iranian regime, while federal agencies under the jurisdiction of the Biden/Harris administration such as the Secret Service and the FBI are siding with those dangerous elements by engaging in systematic “security failures” that leave Trump constantly exposed to death threats.

When Trump says the Democratic Party is the party of Hamas, he is not kidding. Behind Hamas is Iran, which has wanted Trump dead for years, ever since he ordered the assassination of notorious Iranian terrorist general Soleimani.

This situation is unprecedented in American political history. How can anyone who sincerely believes in “American democracy” think this campaign is being conducted on a level playing field?

Yet Kamala Harris and her media allies want to ignore all of this, proceeding with “politics as usual” and keeping up their threats against Trump.

Every time Trump goes out on the campaign trail, exposing himself to the public, he is risking his life. And he should have no confidence that the Secret Service or the FBI will protect him. Under these circumstances, how can he campaign effectively against a candidate—Harris—who is being promoted and supported by the Iranian terrorist regime?

It has always been the case, in my experience, that the media are biased against Republicans. But this year we have seen something extraordinary. A specialized left-wing organ called Politico just confirmed it has been leaked internal documents from the Trump campaign that were obtained through hacking by Iranian operatives. However, Politico claims it “has not independently verified the identity of the hacker or their motivation,” other than his name “Robert,” a bogus claim considering what we already know about Iranian attempts to interfere in this campaign on behalf of the Democratic Party ticket and even try to kill Trump.

The Iranian interference, confirmed by Microsoft, is real, not a fake plot paid for by Hillary and using Russian disinformation, as we saw in the Russia-gate hoax against Trump several years ago.

Here is what Microsoft reported on Friday:

“Today we’re sharing intelligence about activity we’ve been tracking that increasingly points to Iran’s intent to influence this year’s U.S. presidential election. In recent weeks, groups connected with the Iranian government have upped two kinds of activity. First, they’ve laid the groundwork for influence campaigns on trending election-related topics and begun to activate these campaigns in an apparent effort to stir up controversy or sway voters – especially in swing states. Second, they’ve launched operations that Microsoft assesses are designed to gain intelligence on political campaigns and help enable them to influence the elections in the future.” (emphasis added).

In a reference to what Politico is now reporting, in terms of being a recipient of the Iranian-supplied documents, Microsoft said one Iranian campaign against Trump is “connected with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC,” and “sent a spear phishing email in June to a high-ranking official on a presidential campaign from the compromised email account of a former senior advisor.”

Politico claims not to know the source of these documents but anyone with a brain can put two and two together.

For the record, Suleimani headed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Quds (IRGC) Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization responsible for producing many of our wounded warriors from Middle East conflicts. More than 600 American soldiers died at his direction.

Trump killed this anti-American terrorist leader, while the Biden/Harris regime has been paying off the sponsors of Iranian terrorism. And that terrorism is now on American soil, targeting Trump! Perhaps the money given to Iran is designed to arrange the assassination of Trump, for the benefit of the Biden/Harris regime and Iran. In any case, considering the “security failures” in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, can we rule anything out?

I have seen enough corruption in the federal government over a 40-plus year career to know that this regime is desperate and determined to maintain its power, and they perceive Trump as a threat.

What is needed, when Congress comes back from its recess, is to hold hearings into what the Iranian regime is now doing on American soil, and how its operatives are using the major media in support of the Kamala Harris candidacy.

In terms of the national threat, it looks increasingly like the “open borders” engineered by Biden/Harris has been designed to allow into the U.S. hundreds or even thousands of “dangerous individuals,” some of whom are on a terrorist watch list, and some of them are on a mission to kill Trump. Of course, some of them are killing our fellow citizens.

It appears that congressional Republicans are promising to examine how an Iranian agent who recently plotted to kill Trump got into the U.S. The House Judiciary Committee wants to see his immigration records.

Clearly, however, the evidence indicates that the Iranians have been sending agents into the U.S. to kill Trump for quite some time, and there are still outstanding questions about whether Thomas Crooks, the would-be assassin on July 13, was acting on behalf of Iran or possibly another enemy state.

Faced with these threats, the left-leaning Daily Mail reports that President Trump, in a recent meeting with supporters, described himself as “angry” because “the Democrats had tried to bankrupt him and kill him.” That means he understands his would-be assassin was on a mission that may have been motivated by Democratic Party claims that he was a Hitler and a threat to democracy.

But another motive is certainly possible. Although the Biden/Harris Justice Department recently arrested a Pakistani linked to Iran trying to pay people to kill Trump, there is no indication that he is the only other would-be assassin or professional killer out there. This Iranian agent may just have been too sloppy in his techniques and procedures to escape the attention of some FBI agents.

It is likely in my view that Thomas Crooks was a paid assassin as well and that, if he had lived after the assassination attempt on Trump, he would have escaped and gone abroad, in order to collect millions from his overseas accounts. The FBI claims they can’t crack into these accounts, a dubious claim considering they have every reason to cover up the nature of the foreign threats against the former president.

There is no reason to believe the FBI wants to protect Trump against foreign threats, considering the FBI peddled disinformation against Trump that came from Russia.

With the Democrats, the Secret Service, the FBI, the Iranians and now their American media lackies arrayed against his campaign, Trump must know the odds are stacked against him. He has a right to be angry but continues to plow on.

At this point, however, he should pause his campaign and deliver a national address to the American people explaining that not only is his life in danger but that the American system of government is being subverted by powerful domestic and global forces that want to install Kamala Harris in the White House.

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

    © Cliff Kincaid


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