Cliff Kincaid
The "joys" of marijuana, murder, mental illness, and mayhem
By Cliff Kincaid
February 25, 2019

Will President Trump resist the demands of the paid-off politicians for marijuana legalization on the federal level? California's far-left Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris says marijuana brings "joy" to people and it should be legalized nationally. But Sheriff Jon Lopey of Siskiyou County, California, says the Mexican drug cartels are moving into California under the cover of legalization, producing death and destruction in the Golden State and "exporting" these problems to the rest of America. Lopey, once the target of a bribery attempt by a marijuana producer, cites evidence and studies linking marijuana to mental illness and violence. He supports the Border Wall and urges President Trump to expand resources for law enforcement. "The federal government has to stand strong" against legalization, he says.

© Cliff Kincaid


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