Linda Kimball
Teilhard's opus magnum: the cosmic liturgy (golden calf)
By Linda Kimball
On July 24, 2009 Pope Benedict XVI delivered a homily in northern Italy's Cathedral of Aosta before Vespers. Toward the end of his homily he praised the French Jesuit heretic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin as a model for priests, attributing to him the idea of a cosmic liturgy, which he said was something they should aim to achieve:
"So our address to God becomes an address to ourselves: God invites us to join with him, to leave behind the ocean of evil, hatred, violence and selfishness and to make ourselves known, to enter into the river of his love...."Let Your Church offer herself to You as a living and holy sacrifice. This request, addressed to God, is made also to ourselves. It is a reference to two passages from the Letter to the Romans. We ourselves, with our whole being, must be adoration and sacrifice and, by transforming our world, give it back to God." (Benedict XVI Praises Cosmic Liturgy of Teilhard de Chardin; traditioninaction.org)
Teilhard (1881-1955) was an evolutionary scientist, New Age Hindu-style pantheist and occult Hermetic and alchemical magician who, on behalf of his Great Work, sought fusion of opposites, for example, of Jesus Christ with both Shiva (The Destroyer) and Lapis Philosophorum (enlightenment, elixir of life, the Omega Point), and man with Omega point, the very substance of God.
"Secrecy was a trait of all (occult organizations) and was inseparable from the very concept of esotericism, which flourishes among men who enjoy the distinction of possessing rare knowledge." Wayne Shumaker, "The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance"
Western esotericism, or occultism, is the search for and study of an unseen reality. It is arcane knowledge of the hidden and its' powers. This arcane knowledge is meant only for certain people such as Teilhard de Chardin and fellow practitioners of the magic way.
Occult sciences include, but are not limited to, Hermetic magic, alchemy, astrology, divination, and spiritualism (contact with spirits). Interpretation of occultism and its concepts can be found in nature philosophies, esoteric evolutionary biology and occult pagan systems such as Gnosticism, Theosophy, Wicca, Satanism, Thelema and neo-paganism.
A general definition is offered by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:
"Occultism has its basis in a religious way of thinking, the roots of which stretch back into antiquity and which may be described as the Western esoteric tradition. Its principal ingredients have been identified as Gnosticism, the Hermetic treatises on alchemy and magic, Neo-Platonism, and the Kabbalah, all originating in the eastern Mediterranean area during the first few centuries AD." (The Occult Roots of Nazism, Good-Rick-Clarke, p. 17)
Under cover of 'modern science,' evolutionary biology is actually arcane gnosis arising from a religious outlook based in a philosophy of naturalism and programmatic alchemy. When asked why the layman should be interested,"in so esoteric a subject as evolutionary biology," one of the leading evolutionists of our day, Professor S.J. Gould, candidly responded:
"Because it tells us where we came from, how we got here, and perhaps where we are going. Quite simply, it is science's version of Roots, except it is the story of us all." (The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity, John G. Leslie and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D, creation.com)
Evolutionary biology's genesis account is an ages old alchemical vision holding that billions of years ago lifeless chemicals were magically birthed from 'nothing' when a fiery Cosmic Egg (Big Bang) inexplicably exploded. Then these dead things magically combined and transcended themselves after a hundred or a thousand identical operations thereby allowing the miraculous transmutation of dead things (chemicals) into life. Once life miraculously arose from the dead, natural processes (occult powers) were set in motion that after passage of vast ages supposedly eventuated in the arrival of man:
"If man has arrived at his present state as a result of natural processes rather than a supernatural will, he can learn to control these processes...The concept of evolution, which is now basic to the life sciences, has provided new and in some ways revolutionary answers to questions men have been asking for centuries. The two most important of these are, 'Why am I here, what is the purpose of human existence, and what is the nature of the world of life that surrounds us?" (Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F.J., Stebbins, G.L. and Valentine, J.W., Evolution, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1977)
The Magician
Teilhard's goal was not the mere control of hidden powers but the ancient quest of alchemy to perfect the material world or cosmos thereby transmuting (deifying) himself by way of his own fusion with the Divine Energy variously known throughout the ancient and modern world as divine Mens, Omega, Brahman, Ein-sof, Watery Abyss, Void, and Quantum Void – the energy field,
"...from which all material energies emanate." (The Meaning of the Magicians, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, p. 118)
Pauwels and Bergier's book heralded a new dawning of an age of alchemy. Like Carl Jung and Teilhard they understood the religious impulse of alchemy:
"For the alchemist, it must never be forgotten that power over matter and energy is only a secondary reality. The real aim of the alchemist's activities, which are perhaps the remains of a very old science belonging to a civilization long extinct, is the transformation of the alchemist himself, his accession to a higher state of consciousness...Everything is oriented towards the transmutation of man...his deification, his fusion with the divine energy... (and) as Teilhard put it: 'The real aim of physics should be to integrate Man as a totality in a coherent representation of the world." (ibid)
Alchemy is above all the ancient royal occult science of the secret initiates, the gnostic magicians who sought esoteric knowledge in their quest to perform the great work. Mircea Eliade explains:
"The aim of the opus magnum (great work) was at once the freeing of the human soul and the healing of the cosmos....In the eyes of the alchemists, observes Jung, Christianity saved man but not nature. It is the alchemist's dream to heal the world in its totality; the Philosopher's Stone is conceived as the Filius Macrcosmoi who heals the world...The ultimate goal of the opus is Cosmic Salvation; for this reason, the Lapis Philosophorum is identified with Christ." (The Forge and the Crucible: The Origin and Structure of Alchemy, 1956, p. 225)
Teilhard began his great work by conjuring a New Religion:
"As you already know, what dominates my interest and my preoccupations is the effort to establish in myself and to spread around a new religion (you may call it a better Christianity) in which the personal God ceases to be the great Neolithic proprietor of former times, in order to become the soul of the world; our religious and cultural stage calls for this." (Lettres a Leontine Zanta, quoted by von Hildebrand in Trojan Horse in the City of God, 1967, p. 239)
He consciously abandoned the 'old' unscientific, anti-evolutionary form of Christian theism which held that Jesus Christ "...is the beginning of the creation of God" (Apoc. 3:14), "the firstborn of every creature: For in Him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...He is before all, and by Him all things consist...that in all things He may hold the primacy." (Col. 1:15-18)
He had nothing but contempt for Scripture's six day creation account, fall of Adam and Eve, Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, His bodily resurrection and ascension, and hope of eternal life in Paradise:
"...all those goody-goody romances about the saints and the martyrs! Whatever normal child would want to spend eternity in such boring company?" (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 584)
We need a 'new definition of holiness,' said Teilhard, one that is predicated upon science and evolutionary change rather than the outdated, restrictive "for other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid; which is Christ Jesus." (1Cor 3:11) Henceforth, all theories, hypotheses, systems, Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself must bow before esoteric science and evolution if they are to be thinkable and true:
"The modern world is a world in evolution; hence the static concepts of the spiritual life must be rethought and the classical teachings of Christ must be reinterpreted." (ibid)
Toward the goal of Cosmic Salvation Teilhard subsumed Jesus Christ (John 1:1) into His own creation and secularized and paganized Christian theism to become the prophet of alchemy who has discovered that through fusion of universal evolutionism and the Genesis account of creation the cosmos becomes divine. In this way the magician promises to fulfill the ancient quest: the opus magnum. With this great power, said Teilhard:
"...I can increase the density of the divine atmosphere...that atmosphere in which it is always my one desire to be immersed...." (ibid)
Now that the cosmos is God, and the cosmos is evolving, then God too is in process of evolving, therefore,
"...the World...endomorphizes God, and that God....transforms himself as He incorporates us...All around us and within our own selves, God is in the process of changing...." (The Heart of the Matter, de Chardin, pp. 52-53)
In place of 'the earlier conception that God could create instantaneously,' the magician now teaches that God is both the Evolver and the object of evolution and,
"...cannot create except evolutively." (Christianity and Evolution, de Chardin, p. 179)
Teilhard's 'God' is not the omnipotent, omniscient, living, personal God Who called everything into existence in six days, but an "it:"
"...God's power has not so free a field for its action as we assume; on the contrary...it labors to produce...it is always obliged, in the course of its creative effort, to pass through a whole series of intermediaries and to overcome a whole succession of inevitable risks..." (ibid, p.31)
The evolving "it" has deified human consciousness through three great leaps of evolution:
1. Cosmo genesis (Big Bang): the explosive birth of energy then matter from nothingness
2. Biogenesis: alchemical transmutation of life from chemicals eventually followed by living forms
3. Noogenesis: the evolution of human consciousness which heralds the emergence of "cosmogenesis-God," the impersonal "it" that replaces,
"...the Father-God of two thousand years ago..." (ibid, p. 202)
Teilhard encouraged Christians to submit to the process of evolution because the promise of this living force is godhood through fusion with the substance of God:
"Though frightened for a moment by evolution, the Christian now perceives that what it offers him is a magnificent means of feeling more at one with God. In (the old, traditional form of Christianity), the universal domination of Christ could...still be regarded as an extrinsic and superimposed power. In a spiritually converging world, this 'Christic' energy acquires an urgency and intensity of another order altogether." (Seraphim Rose, p. 590, emphasis added)
Teilhard's Golden Calf
As a son of the Roman Catholic Church, Teilhard describes the fusion or convergence of God with both cosmos and man as "transubstantiation" of the earth,
"As our humanity assimilates the material world, as the Host (i.e., Roman Catholic Eucharist) assimilates our humanity, the eucharistic transformation goes beyond and completes the transubstantiation of the bread on the altar. Step by step it irresistibly invades the universe...The sacramental Species are formed by the totality of the world, and the duration of the creation is the time needed for its consecration." (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 587)
According to Teilhard, transubstantiation of the earth is the great event which we are awaiting, the act of adoration in which we are allied and mutually exalted in the passionate desire to conquer the World (God) and fuse ourselves with the Cosmic Christ. This is the vital act,
"....corresponding to a new age of Earth." (ibid, p. 590)
Teilhard's cosmogenesis-god (Cosmic Christ) is a cosmic principle, a spiritual presence whose divine substance infuses and appears in various ways in all of today's fashionable evolutionary religions dressed up as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and Evangelical Christianity. The common denominator of them all, particularly the most popular, such as Teilhard's New Religion, Leonard Sweet's Quantum Spirituality and Hugh Ross's progressive creationism, is elevation of the golden calf – the spirit of this world and the wisdom of natural man and his arcane science-gnosis – above the Revealed Word and Authority of God.
In a penetrating analysis and Biblical refutation of Teilhard's heretical New Religion, the Catholic Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation finds that evolution is nothing but a fable and Teilhard's Cosmic Liturgy a golden calf:
"The true Book of Creation, Christ, predicted Chardin's ideas in the lives of the Israelites making their way through in the desert of Sinai. King David relates in Psalm 105: "They made a calf in Horeb: and they adored the graven thing. ... they changed their glory into the likeness of a calf that eateth grass..." (19-20). In making and worshipping the golden calf, these Israelites radically departed from the theme of creation's book, the Word made flesh, by trying to write, as it were, "we are made in the image of beasts...because we came from the beasts; and we are, therefore, like the beasts. There is some equality between us." We know the outcome. They proceeded to act like beasts, became beastly, and were destroyed." (Christ, the Exemplar Cause Of Creation, Excludes the Possibility Of Evolution, Kolbe Center)
Cosmic Liturgy: New Mystery Babylon?
Teilhard is almost without question the spiritual father of the rising tide of spiritual, economic, religious and political globalism (totalitarianism) now taking the West and America by storm, for as his Opus Magnum required total fusion of opposites, he believed that he saw in totalitarianism the germ of a fused world order:
"Teilhard....admired any form of totalitarianism simply because it seemed to prove his theory of convergence, whether it was Hitler or Stalin or the early Mao Tse-Tung did not seem to worry him very much." (Zen, Drugs, and Mysticism, R.C. Zaehner, p. 181)
Teilhard formulated the dominant conceptual framework for a planetary occult pantheist religion and spiritually totalitarian social order. Describing himself as a mystic and an evolutionary scientist, Teilhard taught that the spiritual, religious, economic and political unification of the earth was the next great evolutionary leap to come and that this fusion was as necessary for the survival of mankind as the fusion of all polar opposites (i.e., good with evil, light with dark, male with female) and the transformation and integration of the Hindu god Shiva (The Destroyer) by Christ:
"It is not enough to refuse or ridicule Shiva: for he exists. What is necessary is to Christify him. Christ would not be complete if he did not integrate Shiva (as a component), whilst transforming him." (Towards a New Mysticism: Teilhard de Chardin and Eastern Religions, Ursula King)
In his book, "One World," Tal Brooke, President of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project writes that Teilhard's golden calf is worshipped here in America at New York City's Cathedral of Saint John the Divine and at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral:
"..the high priestly celebrant and innovator of the Planetary Mass was Matthew Fox, the renegade New Age Catholic priest....Now it was time for main line Protestantism, open-minded and liberal, to welcome the heretical Catholic priest into its ranks..." (p. 185)
These two Cathedrals are preparing the way for the New Age Cosmic Millennium (Cosmic Liturgy). They are the gateways through which all of the world's religions, modern philosophies, the West's natural science and evolutionary thinking, Jungian psychology, secular religious systems (i.e. trans-humanism), burgeoning cults, and evolutionary 'Christian' religions converge into a new Mystery Babylon, the Western gesture towards syncretism,
"(and) spiritual disarmament – involving abandonment of history, tradition, and religious sovereignty." (ibid, p. 187)
The mystery religion of Babylon is the root of all mystery religions promising the keys to immortality and divinity. Babylon embraced the Great Lie. Like all modern idolaters who worship Teilhard's golden calf in eager anticipation of the New Age Cosmic Millennium, Babylon's idolaters claimed the title of "I AM" and identified self with God. (Isaiah 45, 47)
Revelation reports that at some point during these last days the whole world will become drunk on the potent wine of Mystery Babylon, which from all accounts may well be Teilhard's Cosmic Liturgy. According to New Age insiders, all enlightened self-lovers are invited to partake of this heady wine except for backwards, unscientific, anti-evolution 'fundamentalists,' the thoroughly despised faithful Christians and Jews who refuse to converge with the Cosmic Christ. These despicable ones are incapable of fusion, thus are being separated out even now because only the 'good' evolve:
".....'good' meaning that which is capable of aligning with the whole emerging systems...A Quantum transformation is the time of selection of what evolves from what devolves....We are now in a sorting-out phase. Those who elect to transform are now being magnetized by their attraction to the next phase. Those who do not elect to transform are being turned off by their repulsion to the next phase. By attraction and repulsion the selection is being made." (New Age globalist Barbara Marx Hubbard, ibid, p. 197)
© Linda Kimball
March 20, 2014
On July 24, 2009 Pope Benedict XVI delivered a homily in northern Italy's Cathedral of Aosta before Vespers. Toward the end of his homily he praised the French Jesuit heretic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin as a model for priests, attributing to him the idea of a cosmic liturgy, which he said was something they should aim to achieve:
"So our address to God becomes an address to ourselves: God invites us to join with him, to leave behind the ocean of evil, hatred, violence and selfishness and to make ourselves known, to enter into the river of his love...."Let Your Church offer herself to You as a living and holy sacrifice. This request, addressed to God, is made also to ourselves. It is a reference to two passages from the Letter to the Romans. We ourselves, with our whole being, must be adoration and sacrifice and, by transforming our world, give it back to God." (Benedict XVI Praises Cosmic Liturgy of Teilhard de Chardin; traditioninaction.org)
Teilhard (1881-1955) was an evolutionary scientist, New Age Hindu-style pantheist and occult Hermetic and alchemical magician who, on behalf of his Great Work, sought fusion of opposites, for example, of Jesus Christ with both Shiva (The Destroyer) and Lapis Philosophorum (enlightenment, elixir of life, the Omega Point), and man with Omega point, the very substance of God.
"Secrecy was a trait of all (occult organizations) and was inseparable from the very concept of esotericism, which flourishes among men who enjoy the distinction of possessing rare knowledge." Wayne Shumaker, "The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance"
Western esotericism, or occultism, is the search for and study of an unseen reality. It is arcane knowledge of the hidden and its' powers. This arcane knowledge is meant only for certain people such as Teilhard de Chardin and fellow practitioners of the magic way.
Occult sciences include, but are not limited to, Hermetic magic, alchemy, astrology, divination, and spiritualism (contact with spirits). Interpretation of occultism and its concepts can be found in nature philosophies, esoteric evolutionary biology and occult pagan systems such as Gnosticism, Theosophy, Wicca, Satanism, Thelema and neo-paganism.
A general definition is offered by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:
"Occultism has its basis in a religious way of thinking, the roots of which stretch back into antiquity and which may be described as the Western esoteric tradition. Its principal ingredients have been identified as Gnosticism, the Hermetic treatises on alchemy and magic, Neo-Platonism, and the Kabbalah, all originating in the eastern Mediterranean area during the first few centuries AD." (The Occult Roots of Nazism, Good-Rick-Clarke, p. 17)
Under cover of 'modern science,' evolutionary biology is actually arcane gnosis arising from a religious outlook based in a philosophy of naturalism and programmatic alchemy. When asked why the layman should be interested,"in so esoteric a subject as evolutionary biology," one of the leading evolutionists of our day, Professor S.J. Gould, candidly responded:
"Because it tells us where we came from, how we got here, and perhaps where we are going. Quite simply, it is science's version of Roots, except it is the story of us all." (The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity, John G. Leslie and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D, creation.com)
Evolutionary biology's genesis account is an ages old alchemical vision holding that billions of years ago lifeless chemicals were magically birthed from 'nothing' when a fiery Cosmic Egg (Big Bang) inexplicably exploded. Then these dead things magically combined and transcended themselves after a hundred or a thousand identical operations thereby allowing the miraculous transmutation of dead things (chemicals) into life. Once life miraculously arose from the dead, natural processes (occult powers) were set in motion that after passage of vast ages supposedly eventuated in the arrival of man:
"If man has arrived at his present state as a result of natural processes rather than a supernatural will, he can learn to control these processes...The concept of evolution, which is now basic to the life sciences, has provided new and in some ways revolutionary answers to questions men have been asking for centuries. The two most important of these are, 'Why am I here, what is the purpose of human existence, and what is the nature of the world of life that surrounds us?" (Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F.J., Stebbins, G.L. and Valentine, J.W., Evolution, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1977)
The Magician
Teilhard's goal was not the mere control of hidden powers but the ancient quest of alchemy to perfect the material world or cosmos thereby transmuting (deifying) himself by way of his own fusion with the Divine Energy variously known throughout the ancient and modern world as divine Mens, Omega, Brahman, Ein-sof, Watery Abyss, Void, and Quantum Void – the energy field,
"...from which all material energies emanate." (The Meaning of the Magicians, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, p. 118)
Pauwels and Bergier's book heralded a new dawning of an age of alchemy. Like Carl Jung and Teilhard they understood the religious impulse of alchemy:
"For the alchemist, it must never be forgotten that power over matter and energy is only a secondary reality. The real aim of the alchemist's activities, which are perhaps the remains of a very old science belonging to a civilization long extinct, is the transformation of the alchemist himself, his accession to a higher state of consciousness...Everything is oriented towards the transmutation of man...his deification, his fusion with the divine energy... (and) as Teilhard put it: 'The real aim of physics should be to integrate Man as a totality in a coherent representation of the world." (ibid)
Alchemy is above all the ancient royal occult science of the secret initiates, the gnostic magicians who sought esoteric knowledge in their quest to perform the great work. Mircea Eliade explains:
"The aim of the opus magnum (great work) was at once the freeing of the human soul and the healing of the cosmos....In the eyes of the alchemists, observes Jung, Christianity saved man but not nature. It is the alchemist's dream to heal the world in its totality; the Philosopher's Stone is conceived as the Filius Macrcosmoi who heals the world...The ultimate goal of the opus is Cosmic Salvation; for this reason, the Lapis Philosophorum is identified with Christ." (The Forge and the Crucible: The Origin and Structure of Alchemy, 1956, p. 225)
Teilhard began his great work by conjuring a New Religion:
"As you already know, what dominates my interest and my preoccupations is the effort to establish in myself and to spread around a new religion (you may call it a better Christianity) in which the personal God ceases to be the great Neolithic proprietor of former times, in order to become the soul of the world; our religious and cultural stage calls for this." (Lettres a Leontine Zanta, quoted by von Hildebrand in Trojan Horse in the City of God, 1967, p. 239)
He consciously abandoned the 'old' unscientific, anti-evolutionary form of Christian theism which held that Jesus Christ "...is the beginning of the creation of God" (Apoc. 3:14), "the firstborn of every creature: For in Him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...He is before all, and by Him all things consist...that in all things He may hold the primacy." (Col. 1:15-18)
He had nothing but contempt for Scripture's six day creation account, fall of Adam and Eve, Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, His bodily resurrection and ascension, and hope of eternal life in Paradise:
"...all those goody-goody romances about the saints and the martyrs! Whatever normal child would want to spend eternity in such boring company?" (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 584)
We need a 'new definition of holiness,' said Teilhard, one that is predicated upon science and evolutionary change rather than the outdated, restrictive "for other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid; which is Christ Jesus." (1Cor 3:11) Henceforth, all theories, hypotheses, systems, Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself must bow before esoteric science and evolution if they are to be thinkable and true:
"The modern world is a world in evolution; hence the static concepts of the spiritual life must be rethought and the classical teachings of Christ must be reinterpreted." (ibid)
Toward the goal of Cosmic Salvation Teilhard subsumed Jesus Christ (John 1:1) into His own creation and secularized and paganized Christian theism to become the prophet of alchemy who has discovered that through fusion of universal evolutionism and the Genesis account of creation the cosmos becomes divine. In this way the magician promises to fulfill the ancient quest: the opus magnum. With this great power, said Teilhard:
"...I can increase the density of the divine atmosphere...that atmosphere in which it is always my one desire to be immersed...." (ibid)
Now that the cosmos is God, and the cosmos is evolving, then God too is in process of evolving, therefore,
"...the World...endomorphizes God, and that God....transforms himself as He incorporates us...All around us and within our own selves, God is in the process of changing...." (The Heart of the Matter, de Chardin, pp. 52-53)
In place of 'the earlier conception that God could create instantaneously,' the magician now teaches that God is both the Evolver and the object of evolution and,
"...cannot create except evolutively." (Christianity and Evolution, de Chardin, p. 179)
Teilhard's 'God' is not the omnipotent, omniscient, living, personal God Who called everything into existence in six days, but an "it:"
"...God's power has not so free a field for its action as we assume; on the contrary...it labors to produce...it is always obliged, in the course of its creative effort, to pass through a whole series of intermediaries and to overcome a whole succession of inevitable risks..." (ibid, p.31)
The evolving "it" has deified human consciousness through three great leaps of evolution:
1. Cosmo genesis (Big Bang): the explosive birth of energy then matter from nothingness
2. Biogenesis: alchemical transmutation of life from chemicals eventually followed by living forms
3. Noogenesis: the evolution of human consciousness which heralds the emergence of "cosmogenesis-God," the impersonal "it" that replaces,
"...the Father-God of two thousand years ago..." (ibid, p. 202)
Teilhard encouraged Christians to submit to the process of evolution because the promise of this living force is godhood through fusion with the substance of God:
"Though frightened for a moment by evolution, the Christian now perceives that what it offers him is a magnificent means of feeling more at one with God. In (the old, traditional form of Christianity), the universal domination of Christ could...still be regarded as an extrinsic and superimposed power. In a spiritually converging world, this 'Christic' energy acquires an urgency and intensity of another order altogether." (Seraphim Rose, p. 590, emphasis added)
Teilhard's Golden Calf
As a son of the Roman Catholic Church, Teilhard describes the fusion or convergence of God with both cosmos and man as "transubstantiation" of the earth,
"As our humanity assimilates the material world, as the Host (i.e., Roman Catholic Eucharist) assimilates our humanity, the eucharistic transformation goes beyond and completes the transubstantiation of the bread on the altar. Step by step it irresistibly invades the universe...The sacramental Species are formed by the totality of the world, and the duration of the creation is the time needed for its consecration." (Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 587)
According to Teilhard, transubstantiation of the earth is the great event which we are awaiting, the act of adoration in which we are allied and mutually exalted in the passionate desire to conquer the World (God) and fuse ourselves with the Cosmic Christ. This is the vital act,
"....corresponding to a new age of Earth." (ibid, p. 590)
Teilhard's cosmogenesis-god (Cosmic Christ) is a cosmic principle, a spiritual presence whose divine substance infuses and appears in various ways in all of today's fashionable evolutionary religions dressed up as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and Evangelical Christianity. The common denominator of them all, particularly the most popular, such as Teilhard's New Religion, Leonard Sweet's Quantum Spirituality and Hugh Ross's progressive creationism, is elevation of the golden calf – the spirit of this world and the wisdom of natural man and his arcane science-gnosis – above the Revealed Word and Authority of God.
In a penetrating analysis and Biblical refutation of Teilhard's heretical New Religion, the Catholic Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation finds that evolution is nothing but a fable and Teilhard's Cosmic Liturgy a golden calf:
"The true Book of Creation, Christ, predicted Chardin's ideas in the lives of the Israelites making their way through in the desert of Sinai. King David relates in Psalm 105: "They made a calf in Horeb: and they adored the graven thing. ... they changed their glory into the likeness of a calf that eateth grass..." (19-20). In making and worshipping the golden calf, these Israelites radically departed from the theme of creation's book, the Word made flesh, by trying to write, as it were, "we are made in the image of beasts...because we came from the beasts; and we are, therefore, like the beasts. There is some equality between us." We know the outcome. They proceeded to act like beasts, became beastly, and were destroyed." (Christ, the Exemplar Cause Of Creation, Excludes the Possibility Of Evolution, Kolbe Center)
Cosmic Liturgy: New Mystery Babylon?
Teilhard is almost without question the spiritual father of the rising tide of spiritual, economic, religious and political globalism (totalitarianism) now taking the West and America by storm, for as his Opus Magnum required total fusion of opposites, he believed that he saw in totalitarianism the germ of a fused world order:
"Teilhard....admired any form of totalitarianism simply because it seemed to prove his theory of convergence, whether it was Hitler or Stalin or the early Mao Tse-Tung did not seem to worry him very much." (Zen, Drugs, and Mysticism, R.C. Zaehner, p. 181)
Teilhard formulated the dominant conceptual framework for a planetary occult pantheist religion and spiritually totalitarian social order. Describing himself as a mystic and an evolutionary scientist, Teilhard taught that the spiritual, religious, economic and political unification of the earth was the next great evolutionary leap to come and that this fusion was as necessary for the survival of mankind as the fusion of all polar opposites (i.e., good with evil, light with dark, male with female) and the transformation and integration of the Hindu god Shiva (The Destroyer) by Christ:
"It is not enough to refuse or ridicule Shiva: for he exists. What is necessary is to Christify him. Christ would not be complete if he did not integrate Shiva (as a component), whilst transforming him." (Towards a New Mysticism: Teilhard de Chardin and Eastern Religions, Ursula King)
In his book, "One World," Tal Brooke, President of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project writes that Teilhard's golden calf is worshipped here in America at New York City's Cathedral of Saint John the Divine and at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral:
"..the high priestly celebrant and innovator of the Planetary Mass was Matthew Fox, the renegade New Age Catholic priest....Now it was time for main line Protestantism, open-minded and liberal, to welcome the heretical Catholic priest into its ranks..." (p. 185)
These two Cathedrals are preparing the way for the New Age Cosmic Millennium (Cosmic Liturgy). They are the gateways through which all of the world's religions, modern philosophies, the West's natural science and evolutionary thinking, Jungian psychology, secular religious systems (i.e. trans-humanism), burgeoning cults, and evolutionary 'Christian' religions converge into a new Mystery Babylon, the Western gesture towards syncretism,
"(and) spiritual disarmament – involving abandonment of history, tradition, and religious sovereignty." (ibid, p. 187)
The mystery religion of Babylon is the root of all mystery religions promising the keys to immortality and divinity. Babylon embraced the Great Lie. Like all modern idolaters who worship Teilhard's golden calf in eager anticipation of the New Age Cosmic Millennium, Babylon's idolaters claimed the title of "I AM" and identified self with God. (Isaiah 45, 47)
Revelation reports that at some point during these last days the whole world will become drunk on the potent wine of Mystery Babylon, which from all accounts may well be Teilhard's Cosmic Liturgy. According to New Age insiders, all enlightened self-lovers are invited to partake of this heady wine except for backwards, unscientific, anti-evolution 'fundamentalists,' the thoroughly despised faithful Christians and Jews who refuse to converge with the Cosmic Christ. These despicable ones are incapable of fusion, thus are being separated out even now because only the 'good' evolve:
".....'good' meaning that which is capable of aligning with the whole emerging systems...A Quantum transformation is the time of selection of what evolves from what devolves....We are now in a sorting-out phase. Those who elect to transform are now being magnetized by their attraction to the next phase. Those who do not elect to transform are being turned off by their repulsion to the next phase. By attraction and repulsion the selection is being made." (New Age globalist Barbara Marx Hubbard, ibid, p. 197)
© Linda Kimball
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