Linda Kimball
Mouthpieces for the Father of Lies: conservative leaders and pundits who prohibit truth
By Linda Kimball
The conservative website Lucianne.com has removed a link to the Western Journalism Center where a challenge to Sen. John Kyl was posted regarding Barack Obama's eligibility to be president. According to Lucianne Goldberg the removal of the link was based on procedural rules not content.
Conservative writer Floyd Brown, President of Western Journalism Center, does not buy Goldberg's' explanation, noting that Goldberg became famous opposing Bill Clinton, so why not Obama?
"She was instrumental in bringing the Monica Lewinsky scandal to public attention," he wrote. But "she won't be accused of doing the same for President Obama." ("Eligibility vanishes from conservative website," wnd.com/ April, 2012)
For a variety of ulterior motives certain conservative leaders and pundits refuse to allow discussion regarding Obama's eligibility, mainly its' lack thereof. Some have bought into the fallacious notion that the only candidate able to win against Obama is Mitt Romney, Obama's Progressive Liberal twin. For some, the desire for popularity and success trump truth while for others the thought of electing Rick Santorum, a man of moral integrity is utterly distasteful. For these conservatives, inconvenient truth must be disallowed. Floyd Brown comments:
"Like Horatio on the bridge, conservative pundits that early on dismissed the eligibility issue continue [to] do everything they can to keep a vast army of activists from even discussing the fraudulent documents released by Barack Obama," he wrote. "In this case Lucianne or someone working for her hit the big delete button and removed a post about ForgeryGate, after nearly 500 of her readers eager to learn the truth followed the link." (ibid)
"The truth," said Jesus Christ, "will make you free."
Truth is an objective social good meant to be freely shared by all mankind, even when truth is unpleasant, wrote Vincent P. Miceli, S.J., author of "The Roots of Violence." Miceli points out that the lie is the father of violence, of treachery, distrust, betrayal and confusion, and those who tell lies to get what they want are guilty of all of these sins.
In the case of Obama's questionable eligibility, truth is unpleasant for a variety of personal reasons therefore certain conservative leaders and writers are not only withholding and censoring truth, as with Goldberg, but relentlessly ridiculing all who dare speak it.
In censoring truth and demonizing all who come too close to it these arrogant conservative leaders amply demonstrate both their dislike of truth and their disrespect for the common man, thus they elevate their ulterior motives above truth.
Wherever ulterior motives predominate, lies, half-truths, Big Lies, and other deceptions will replace truth.
The greatest Big Lie of our age is the lie that the Triune God does not exist. This lie has not only engulfed whole nations in fire and brimstone but has created a climate and mentality favorable to massively inflated pride, atheism, extreme skepticism, moral relativism, rebellion against authority and tradition, hedonism, perversion, occultism, spiritism, superstition, utopian fantasies and genocidal totalitarianism.
Of the many God-killers, two of the most infamous are Karl Marx and the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Both men were Big Liars fueled by dissatisfaction with self, the world, society, and God the Father Almighty, hence they devoted their infernal energy toward "hope and change" as Obama likes to say, or as Marx bluntly put it, toward the destruction of everything that exists:
"The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed." (Karl Marx, Marx and Satan, p. 59)
The nature of their infernal revolt is the antithesis of the Christian faith. Whereas Christian faith is joy, patience, love, truth, humbleness, perseverance, submission in all things to the Will of God, and blessed eternal life, the infernal counterfeit is full of skepticism, lies, sophistry, revulsion, burning envy, impatience, seething hatred, jealousy, rebelliousness, blasphemy, and eternal life in Hell.
In his classic work, "Science, Politics, and Gnosticism," distinguished political philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-85) contends that modern movements, including positivism, pantheist Hegelianism, materialist Marxism, scientism, Progressivism, and the "God is dead" schools are variants of the pre-Christian Gnostic traditions. Voegelins' thorough-going examination of these schools reveals that rebellion against the supernatural Biblical God is the ultimate motive for disallowing truth and all questions that come too close to it. Voegelin observes:
"The phenomenon of the prohibition of questions (is on behalf of) an intellectual swindle and (the God-killers) know it....at the deepest reach of persistence in the deception (revolt) against God is revealed to be its motive and purpose." (p25)
Not only did the God-killers lie about His death but their revolutionary followers — even into our own time — have continued to perpetrate, deceive and build upon the foundation of lies set down by the God-killers.
Deception necessitates lies and their perpetration, which in turn requires the censorship of truth, the prohibition of questions and the demonization of all who seek truth, an "objective social good meant to be freely shared by all mankind." It is just here that we can see that certain conservative leaders and pundits, having departed from Truth, have become lieutenants of the Father of Lies. Like the God-killers they have become his mouthpieces. They are doing his work.
© Linda Kimball
April 11, 2012
The conservative website Lucianne.com has removed a link to the Western Journalism Center where a challenge to Sen. John Kyl was posted regarding Barack Obama's eligibility to be president. According to Lucianne Goldberg the removal of the link was based on procedural rules not content.
Conservative writer Floyd Brown, President of Western Journalism Center, does not buy Goldberg's' explanation, noting that Goldberg became famous opposing Bill Clinton, so why not Obama?
"She was instrumental in bringing the Monica Lewinsky scandal to public attention," he wrote. But "she won't be accused of doing the same for President Obama." ("Eligibility vanishes from conservative website," wnd.com/ April, 2012)
For a variety of ulterior motives certain conservative leaders and pundits refuse to allow discussion regarding Obama's eligibility, mainly its' lack thereof. Some have bought into the fallacious notion that the only candidate able to win against Obama is Mitt Romney, Obama's Progressive Liberal twin. For some, the desire for popularity and success trump truth while for others the thought of electing Rick Santorum, a man of moral integrity is utterly distasteful. For these conservatives, inconvenient truth must be disallowed. Floyd Brown comments:
"Like Horatio on the bridge, conservative pundits that early on dismissed the eligibility issue continue [to] do everything they can to keep a vast army of activists from even discussing the fraudulent documents released by Barack Obama," he wrote. "In this case Lucianne or someone working for her hit the big delete button and removed a post about ForgeryGate, after nearly 500 of her readers eager to learn the truth followed the link." (ibid)
"The truth," said Jesus Christ, "will make you free."
Truth is an objective social good meant to be freely shared by all mankind, even when truth is unpleasant, wrote Vincent P. Miceli, S.J., author of "The Roots of Violence." Miceli points out that the lie is the father of violence, of treachery, distrust, betrayal and confusion, and those who tell lies to get what they want are guilty of all of these sins.
In the case of Obama's questionable eligibility, truth is unpleasant for a variety of personal reasons therefore certain conservative leaders and writers are not only withholding and censoring truth, as with Goldberg, but relentlessly ridiculing all who dare speak it.
In censoring truth and demonizing all who come too close to it these arrogant conservative leaders amply demonstrate both their dislike of truth and their disrespect for the common man, thus they elevate their ulterior motives above truth.
Wherever ulterior motives predominate, lies, half-truths, Big Lies, and other deceptions will replace truth.
The greatest Big Lie of our age is the lie that the Triune God does not exist. This lie has not only engulfed whole nations in fire and brimstone but has created a climate and mentality favorable to massively inflated pride, atheism, extreme skepticism, moral relativism, rebellion against authority and tradition, hedonism, perversion, occultism, spiritism, superstition, utopian fantasies and genocidal totalitarianism.
Of the many God-killers, two of the most infamous are Karl Marx and the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Both men were Big Liars fueled by dissatisfaction with self, the world, society, and God the Father Almighty, hence they devoted their infernal energy toward "hope and change" as Obama likes to say, or as Marx bluntly put it, toward the destruction of everything that exists:
"The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed." (Karl Marx, Marx and Satan, p. 59)
The nature of their infernal revolt is the antithesis of the Christian faith. Whereas Christian faith is joy, patience, love, truth, humbleness, perseverance, submission in all things to the Will of God, and blessed eternal life, the infernal counterfeit is full of skepticism, lies, sophistry, revulsion, burning envy, impatience, seething hatred, jealousy, rebelliousness, blasphemy, and eternal life in Hell.
In his classic work, "Science, Politics, and Gnosticism," distinguished political philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-85) contends that modern movements, including positivism, pantheist Hegelianism, materialist Marxism, scientism, Progressivism, and the "God is dead" schools are variants of the pre-Christian Gnostic traditions. Voegelins' thorough-going examination of these schools reveals that rebellion against the supernatural Biblical God is the ultimate motive for disallowing truth and all questions that come too close to it. Voegelin observes:
"The phenomenon of the prohibition of questions (is on behalf of) an intellectual swindle and (the God-killers) know it....at the deepest reach of persistence in the deception (revolt) against God is revealed to be its motive and purpose." (p25)
Not only did the God-killers lie about His death but their revolutionary followers — even into our own time — have continued to perpetrate, deceive and build upon the foundation of lies set down by the God-killers.
Deception necessitates lies and their perpetration, which in turn requires the censorship of truth, the prohibition of questions and the demonization of all who seek truth, an "objective social good meant to be freely shared by all mankind." It is just here that we can see that certain conservative leaders and pundits, having departed from Truth, have become lieutenants of the Father of Lies. Like the God-killers they have become his mouthpieces. They are doing his work.
© Linda Kimball
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