Alan Keyes
Do Romney RINOs cause a political form of AIDS?
By Alan Keyes
AIDS is one of the deadly diseases of our time because it attacks the body's immune system, making it prey to opportunistic infections. So the AIDS virus, itself, may not appear to be the immediate cause of death. But because it reduces the body's capacity to fight the infections that will be, once active it makes death a veritable certainty.
When I was U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, I was briefed on AIDS while visiting the World Health Organization. In an effort to make the effect of AIDS understandable to a non-scientist, they explained it to me this way. The disease syndrome develops because more and more of the body's cells are reprogrammed to mistake the disease-causing agent for a disease-fighting product of the immune system. It's as if the people assigned to man the defenses of a city were to be replaced by loafers with no will or capacity to do so. They consume the rations set aside for military personnel, but when the enemy shows up, they never leave the mess hall.
Barack Obama is like a deadly bacterial infection attacking the body politic of the American Republic. Once he was recognized for what he is, the body began to mobilize to resist the infection, first with a view to preventing its successful growth, then with a view to suppressing it altogether.
Mitt Romney is like the disease vector for AIDS. He makes the elements of the body politic that naturally mobilize against the Obama faction think he will lead the fight to stop and then eliminate Obama's damaging policies. But in fact, he means only to draw power from the body politic to service his own faction, effectively allowing any damaging infections to spread without opposition.
The key to understanding how this AIDS-like effect is produced is Romney's position regarding judicial power. When Romney was governor of Massachusetts, the state's Supreme Judicial Court expressed the opinion that, as a matter of right, homosexual couples should be allowed to marry. But the Massachusetts Constitution forbids any change in the state's laws that does not result from action by the legislature. Romney nonetheless took the view that the Court's opinion was "the law"; that as the State's CEO, he was obliged to enforce the law; and that therefore he had to order JP's in Massachusetts to marry homosexuals.
Recalling the AIDS analogy, the judiciary in this episode is the mechanism whereby an opportunistic infection (in this case the movement for homosexual marriage) sought to enter the Massachusetts body politic. Though elected to represent a party supposedly pledged to defend the natural rightness of the procreational family, Romney supinely submitted to the Court's opinion, even though the state's constitution (i.e., the persistent and overriding expression of the sovereign will of the people of Massachusetts) made it clear that the Court had no power to make law.
Romney has positioned himself to do exactly the same thing with the issue of homosexuality at the national level. He takes the position that homosexuals should be accepted (by the Boy Scouts for instance.) He also makes clear his intention to use the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief to continue Obama's policy of forcing military personnel (including, as things now stand, military chaplains) to accept, respect and honor homosexuals in the military. And then he awaits the inevitable progress of the issue through the federal courts, and the moment when some decision of the Court (which he will pretend must per se be treated as "the law") "forces" him to impose acceptance of homosexuality upon the states as one of the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.
The notion that homosexual behavior is a matter of such fundamental right discards the self-evident truth set forth in the Organic Law of the United States (specifically, the Declaration of Independence.) The Organic Law is the law that defines the constitutive principles of the civil society of the American people, through which in turn they become the sovereign authority that ordains and establishes the U.S. Constitution. According to that constitutive law, such fundamental rights are endowed by God, not fabricated by government. They are rights whose protection the national government may insist upon, as a matter of respect for the constraints required by the republican form of government (i.e., government based upon the consent of the governed.) Enforcing acceptance of homosexuality as a matter of such fundamental right thus abandons the principle that substantiates the concept of limited government as an indispensable requirement of natural justice, rather than an accident of material circumstance and discretionary power.
With this in mind, the insight that recognizes the Romney syndrome as a political version of an AIDS virus is complete, for we reach the logical conclusion that the Romney effect will be deadly to the perpetuation of the form of government that limits the use government power within boundaries defined by respect for God-endowed right.
In politics, therefore, the Romney syndrome weakens political resistance to liberty-destroying policies in a way that attacks the very idea of government that liberty requires. I ask again, how is this insidious threat, which deludes and thus overcomes the will to resist, less evil than the one we recognize and are urgently moved to expel? Since the Presidency is bound to be infected with such evil in one form or another, shouldn't the effort to resist be focused instead on building conservative strength in the Congress, the branch of government that has what it takes to thwart abuses of Executive power, no matter who perpetrates them? This is the strategic purpose of the Platform Republican approach to the November 6 vote. Won't you consider it?
[Will you say no to Obama? Will you say no to Romney? Will you say no to socialism, whatever party label it wears? Will you join in giving an unmistakable, visible political mandate to the GOP "Platform Republicans"? If you will consider the "Platform Republican" voter strategy for the 2012 election, just send me an email at Put "Yes I will" in the subject line. No further message is needed. Of course, your additional thoughts and suggestions will be welcomed. As the implementation of this approach develops, I'll send email updates to the reply address you use. Also, please share this idea with others so they can consider it for themselves.]
October 25, 2012
AIDS is one of the deadly diseases of our time because it attacks the body's immune system, making it prey to opportunistic infections. So the AIDS virus, itself, may not appear to be the immediate cause of death. But because it reduces the body's capacity to fight the infections that will be, once active it makes death a veritable certainty.
When I was U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, I was briefed on AIDS while visiting the World Health Organization. In an effort to make the effect of AIDS understandable to a non-scientist, they explained it to me this way. The disease syndrome develops because more and more of the body's cells are reprogrammed to mistake the disease-causing agent for a disease-fighting product of the immune system. It's as if the people assigned to man the defenses of a city were to be replaced by loafers with no will or capacity to do so. They consume the rations set aside for military personnel, but when the enemy shows up, they never leave the mess hall.
Barack Obama is like a deadly bacterial infection attacking the body politic of the American Republic. Once he was recognized for what he is, the body began to mobilize to resist the infection, first with a view to preventing its successful growth, then with a view to suppressing it altogether.
Mitt Romney is like the disease vector for AIDS. He makes the elements of the body politic that naturally mobilize against the Obama faction think he will lead the fight to stop and then eliminate Obama's damaging policies. But in fact, he means only to draw power from the body politic to service his own faction, effectively allowing any damaging infections to spread without opposition.
The key to understanding how this AIDS-like effect is produced is Romney's position regarding judicial power. When Romney was governor of Massachusetts, the state's Supreme Judicial Court expressed the opinion that, as a matter of right, homosexual couples should be allowed to marry. But the Massachusetts Constitution forbids any change in the state's laws that does not result from action by the legislature. Romney nonetheless took the view that the Court's opinion was "the law"; that as the State's CEO, he was obliged to enforce the law; and that therefore he had to order JP's in Massachusetts to marry homosexuals.
Recalling the AIDS analogy, the judiciary in this episode is the mechanism whereby an opportunistic infection (in this case the movement for homosexual marriage) sought to enter the Massachusetts body politic. Though elected to represent a party supposedly pledged to defend the natural rightness of the procreational family, Romney supinely submitted to the Court's opinion, even though the state's constitution (i.e., the persistent and overriding expression of the sovereign will of the people of Massachusetts) made it clear that the Court had no power to make law.
Romney has positioned himself to do exactly the same thing with the issue of homosexuality at the national level. He takes the position that homosexuals should be accepted (by the Boy Scouts for instance.) He also makes clear his intention to use the President's authority as Commander-in-Chief to continue Obama's policy of forcing military personnel (including, as things now stand, military chaplains) to accept, respect and honor homosexuals in the military. And then he awaits the inevitable progress of the issue through the federal courts, and the moment when some decision of the Court (which he will pretend must per se be treated as "the law") "forces" him to impose acceptance of homosexuality upon the states as one of the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.
The notion that homosexual behavior is a matter of such fundamental right discards the self-evident truth set forth in the Organic Law of the United States (specifically, the Declaration of Independence.) The Organic Law is the law that defines the constitutive principles of the civil society of the American people, through which in turn they become the sovereign authority that ordains and establishes the U.S. Constitution. According to that constitutive law, such fundamental rights are endowed by God, not fabricated by government. They are rights whose protection the national government may insist upon, as a matter of respect for the constraints required by the republican form of government (i.e., government based upon the consent of the governed.) Enforcing acceptance of homosexuality as a matter of such fundamental right thus abandons the principle that substantiates the concept of limited government as an indispensable requirement of natural justice, rather than an accident of material circumstance and discretionary power.
With this in mind, the insight that recognizes the Romney syndrome as a political version of an AIDS virus is complete, for we reach the logical conclusion that the Romney effect will be deadly to the perpetuation of the form of government that limits the use government power within boundaries defined by respect for God-endowed right.
In politics, therefore, the Romney syndrome weakens political resistance to liberty-destroying policies in a way that attacks the very idea of government that liberty requires. I ask again, how is this insidious threat, which deludes and thus overcomes the will to resist, less evil than the one we recognize and are urgently moved to expel? Since the Presidency is bound to be infected with such evil in one form or another, shouldn't the effort to resist be focused instead on building conservative strength in the Congress, the branch of government that has what it takes to thwart abuses of Executive power, no matter who perpetrates them? This is the strategic purpose of the Platform Republican approach to the November 6 vote. Won't you consider it?
[Will you say no to Obama? Will you say no to Romney? Will you say no to socialism, whatever party label it wears? Will you join in giving an unmistakable, visible political mandate to the GOP "Platform Republicans"? If you will consider the "Platform Republican" voter strategy for the 2012 election, just send me an email at Put "Yes I will" in the subject line. No further message is needed. Of course, your additional thoughts and suggestions will be welcomed. As the implementation of this approach develops, I'll send email updates to the reply address you use. Also, please share this idea with others so they can consider it for themselves.]
To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and
© Alan KeyesThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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