Liberals' illegitimate war on women
By Jeannieology
August 26, 2012

Originally posted at American Thinker

Willingness or unwillingness to prevent or terminate a pregnancy appears to be the sole criterion upon which liberal women judge how well they're being treated. It's stunning that the left actually embraces the idea that taking a stand for life instantly translates into hostility toward, or contention with, the female gender.

The right to abort the unborn is so precious to left-leaning women that they are even willing to overlook the fact that 50% of the fetuses losing their lives in abortion clinics are of the gender they believe Republicans are currently waging war against. The truth is that it's pro-choice women who discriminate; they're fine with liberal men being womanizers, perverts, and adulterers, and if women like Juanita Broderick consider what Bill Clinton did to her a "legitimate rape," then the men they admire can even be alleged rapists .

But if the offender is a Republican, liberal women react quite differently. Take for instance the beleaguered Republican congressman from Missouri, Todd Akin , who messed up big time when he attempted to explain his pro-life position by saying that it's never right to abort a child conceived as a result of a rape.

When asked to explain, Akin fumbled and, in the process, suggested that oftentimes pregnancy does not result from rape. Asked to elaborate, Akins explained his flawed logic: "It seems to me first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

As a result, the same liberals who refuse to acknowledge the racial undertones in Joe Biden's "they gon' put y'all back in chains" remark immediately interpreted "legitimate rape" to mean that Republicans don't take rape seriously and that the right is truly at war with women.

It's certainly perplexing how pro-death liberals, all of whom choose to believe the lie that an infant growing in its mother's womb isn't a living human being, are now attempting to reinforce the case for their fictional Republican war on women based on one man assuming that the trauma of violent rape could prevent pregnancy.

Scientific verification or not, there's nothing that gets liberal ire up more than perceived disrespect for the sacrosanct right to choose. That's when abortion-loving leftists like Barbara Boxer sprout horns and breathe fire.

Therefore, it wasn't surprising that at a Planned Parenthood event in California, radical abortion advocate Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) referenced Akin's "legitimate rape" statement and used it as gotcha fodder to stir up the abortion-obsessed women in attendance, saying, "There is a war against women, and Romney and Ryan — if they are elected — would become its top generals."

Boxer linking Akin's poorly thought-out comment to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is as ridiculous as Republicans claiming Joe Biden's "chains" rant implies that Southern Democrats want to reinstate slavery.

Absurdity doesn't matter, because even logic couldn't stop Babs from exploiting Todd Akin's faux pas and using his misstatement to whip up the girls' outrage by calling the remark a "direct outgrowth" of the "extreme positions on abortion held by Republicans."

In Barbara Boxer's irrational pro-choice world, wanting to save the lives of the innocent is "extreme," and the desire to add to the 60 million human beings who have already been aborted since 1973 is considered measured "moderation."

Warming up the crowd in anticipation of the big pro-abortion celebration due to take place in Charlotte, NC, Barbara inserted snarkiness into the discussion when she said, "There is a sickness out there in the Republican Party, and I'm not kidding." Barbara Boxer is correct; the extreme "sickness" she's referring to is called respect for the sanctity of life.

Senator Boxer finished up her down-with-Republicans comments by asking: "Where's the outrage by Mitt Romney?" Democrats may not be aware that Republicans are outraged, all right, and have been for decades. The difference is that, unlike liberals, most Americans disgusted with the ubiquity of violence don't differentiate, and are just as outraged over the vicious horror of rape as they are the unnecessary savagery of abortion.

© Jeannieology


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