Was Michelle Obama behind the attack on Ann Romney?
By Jeannieology
April 26, 2012

The "powerhouse of the White House," Michelle Obama, is one busy woman. When she's not dancing on Nickelodeon, she's planting seeds on Sesame Street, revving up the "I'm in" troops at campaign fundraisers, "Joining Forces" with military families, or in the makeup chair getting gussied up to appear on one late-night talk show or another.

Just ask her — before moving to the White House, first lady Michelle Obama got in shape for the job by juggling home and career.

Right out of Harvard Law School, Michelle became an associate at Sidley Austin, a famous law firm that once happened to employ Weather Underground leader Bernardine Dohrn. After her law license was placed on court-ordered inactive status, Mrs. Obama then served as an assistant to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daly. She also assisted the Commissioner of Planning and Development; founded Public Allies Chicago, which Investor's Business Daily called a "boot camp for radicals;" was the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago; and was given the inexplicably lucrative position of Executive Director of Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Hospital .

Since the president rescued the country in 2008 by bringing us "out of the dark and into the light," besides her official duties Michelle has also become a virtual tornado of expertise. In addition to putting vacationing with her daughters high on her list of parenting priorities, so far Michelle Obama has shared her proficiency in organic gardening, fashion, entertaining, health, breastfeeding, childrearing, exercise, and how to pack the perfect bag lunch.

Michelle Obama is "Let's Moving" all over America, and now the National Enquirer has the sheer gall to accuse America's most-televised first lady of teaming up with a left-wing feminist to come up with ideas on how to expose lazy stay-at-home types like Ann Romney.

The accusation just doesn't jibe, because after Hilary Rosen declared that stay-at-home mother/MS sufferer/breast cancer survivor Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life," without mentioning Romney's name directly Michelle Obama promptly jumped to "every mother's" defense by saying: "Every mother works hard, and every woman deserves to be respected."

With that in mind, how could the National Enquirer point the finger at Michelle and alleged frequent White House visitor Hilary Rosen and accuse them of having "brain-stormed [a] scheme to sic [Hilary the] pit bull strategist on the GOP contender's wife?"

How desperate is the Enquirer to stoop so low as to suggest that Michelle Obama would ask a Democrat strategist to head out into battle, take a shot at the enemy and then be prepared to publicly fall on her sword? Whoever it was doesn't understand how benign and fun-loving Michelle Obama really is. In order to identify with America's youth she even allowed herself to be splashed with green slime on the Kids' Choice Awards!

Here's the real reason why the first lady's involvement in the Rosen/Romney ruckus seems unlikely: with her busy vacation schedule, how in the world could she have found the time to scheme and plan an attack against the wife of her husband's political opponent?

Besides, Michelle is very sensitive to the plight of politicians' wives being targets of attacks. In 2008 Barack Obama instructed the media that his wife was off-limits and should stay off-limits. With that in mind, being a churchgoing woman and all, Mrs. Obama must surely "do unto others" as she would have them do unto her.

The Enquirer article claims their sources told them that "Behind the scenes [Michelle] vented" that before her law license was placed on court-ordered inactive status, in addition to being a mom (with a personal chef), "she worked hard as a lawyer." The National Enquirer, trying to stir up a political catfight, is now smearing a first lady who, God knows, has been working just as hard lately, albeit eating with 'Dinner with Obama' raffle winners — so much so that she's barely had time to have her well-arched eyebrows shaped and tweezed.

The Enquirer also made another outrageous claim, alleging that Michelle, a woman who identifies with a middle-class standard of living, made mean-spirited "jokes about Ann Romney 'working at leading a rich lifestyle.'"

In the past, Hilary Rosen did go to the White House and met with the President privately on five separate occasions. She also spent loads of time in the East Wing, where the first lady's office is located, chatting it up with top Obama communications and political strategists, including bigwigs Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod, Anita Dunn, and Jim Messina.

But there is not one scintilla of proof that Michelle Obama met one-on-one with Hilary Rosen even once. Therefore, to surmise that Hilary and Michelle conjured up a plan to malign a political opponent's wife is downright absurd.

This is the same kind of accusation that was previously lobbed against the transparent Obama White House concerning Reverend Jeremiah Wright, domestic terrorist William Ayers, and National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz. When those names showed up on the White House visitor logs, it was later it was explained away as schoolchildren on White House field trips that coincidentally had famous names.

Therefore, taking into consideration Michelle Obama's reputation for warmth and generosity, together with what are probably misconstrued White House visitor logs, the evidence points away from the "I'm so in" first lady conspiring with Hilary Rosen to do anything she can think of to stay in the White House, and directly toward another example of slanderous tabloid fiction.

Say what you will National Enquirer, no one in America will ever believe that Michelle Obama, in order to ensure that her ample designer wardrobe is transported to vacation spots around the globe on AF1 for another four years compliments of the American taxpayer, would accuse another political wife of being an affluent layabout.

© Jeannieology


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