Barack Obama's 'doubtful' Easter message
By Jeannieology
April 10, 2012

Originally posted at American Thinker blog

As a group, liberals are experts on everything, so it's no surprise that part-time Christian/full-time champion of choice Barack Obama would feel comfortable preaching from the Scripture.

At the April 4th Easter Prayer Breakfast, zealous abortion advocate Barack Obama gave a room full of Christian ministers new insight into the One who ordains and gives life.

Taking to the pulpit, Obama said Jesus had "doubts." The President pontificated: "For like us, Jesus knew doubt. Like us, Jesus knew fear. In the garden of Gethsemane, with attackers closing in around him, Jesus told His disciples, 'my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.'"

Stressing the humanity of Christ, Obama shared his views of Jesus' struggles prior to being arrested the night before He was crucified, saying, "He fell to his knees, pleading with his Father, saying, 'If it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.' And yet, in the end, he confronted his fear with words of humble surrender, saying, 'If it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.'" Now there's a prayer Americans should be reciting daily.

Obama continued: "So it is only because Jesus conquered his own anguish, conquered his fear, that we're able to celebrate the resurrection."

The Bible says in Hebrews "Now [if] faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see," then fear, the opposite of faith, is the substance of things feared and fear — which is lack of faith — is sin and Jesus the spotless Lamb never sinned.

Maybe Barack Obama didn't realize that the Jesus he portrayed as fearful commanded his disciples to be 'anxious' for nothing. So, in preparation for next year's Easter Prayer Breakfast, instead of going to Martha's Vineyard the Theologian-in-Chief should spend the summer reviewing the Scriptures in remedial Bible school.

In the meantime, while preaching to the breakfasting ministers Obama said, "We all have experiences that shake our faith. There are times where we have questions for God's plan relative to us. But that's precisely when we should remember Christ's own doubts and eventually his own triumph."

Two questions come to mind here: Was Obama comparing his personal plans, doubts, and impending triumphs with Jesus' death and resurrection? The second is: Jesus doubted?

To doubt is to be "undecided or skeptical disbelieve and distrust." Sorry Mr. Obama, your foray into Biblical exegesis leaves a lot to be desired. Jesus never doubted, nor was He undecided about the mission set before Him. Jesus epitomized steely determination and unflinching certainty.

Alan Schreck, professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, addressed Obama's premise saying, "My question is what would [Jesus] be doubting? ... I don't think there is any real context that I could understand to say Jesus doubted."

True enough, Professor Schreck, but what you don't understand is that Barack Obama belongs to an exclusive sect of Christianity where liberal believers create their own personal religion. For example, champion-of-choice Barack Obama would probably preach Christ crucified and resurrected from the dead over breakfast and increased funding for Planned Parenthood over dinner.

Therefore, in light of his expertise, here's a question for Reverend Obama: If Jesus is God and was really sent from His father to the womb of a virgin so that He could redeem mankind, did redemption hinge solely on Mary choosing to forgo an abortion?

© Jeannieology


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