The Trenton toilet paper shortage
By Jeannieology
March 17, 2012

Originally posted at American Thinker blog

Presently, there is a crisis afoot in New Jersey that is symbolic of government incompetence and indicative of the fate that awaits every American if ObamaCare is implemented. In Trenton, the Health Department may be forced to shut down city buildings due to a toilet paper shortage. That's right: Trenton is so fiscally squeezed that in city restrooms Charmin® is nowhere to be found.

Seems in the city of Trenton the toilet paper and paper towel inventory is depleted in about a dozen buildings, including City Hall. According to Harold Hall, Acting Public Works Director, there are presently only 15 rolls of toilet paper available; after that, lavatory visitors are, shall we say, left to their own devices.

Public Works Director Harold Hall, conveying a potential healthcare reform/bureaucratic logjam warning that should be heeded, said that a "City Council resolution to order more paper supplies, including paper cups, was voted down. According to Harold, some council members didn't think the cash-strapped city needed to buy the cups." That mentality is kind of like Obama saying, 'Give Granny a cheap pain pill and forget the expensive pacemaker.'

Right now in Trenton, it's just toilet paper. What happens when a federally appointed healthcare panel spends precious time discussing whether a "cash-strapped" country can still afford chemotherapy, or long-term dialysis? It's inconvenient when you can't get any toilet paper, but it can be fatal when you run out of health care.

Northward Councilwoman Marge Caldwell-Wilson of Hamilton Township explained the process this way: "Once you bid and give in a contract, you can't remove something from a bid." In which case, to deal with the paper cups the city would have to pull back the original bid, cancel it, and then re-bid for just the toilet paper. In other words, if one is left sitting paperless on a city-owned commode, paper cups may be to blame.

Talking toilet paper, Mayor Tony Mack put it all into perspective when he said, "I think some council members are full of blank."

The moral of the story is this: If the government cannot supply toilet paper on the local level, how is the federal government going to adequately provide for the extraordinarily intricate healthcare needs of 300 million people?

© Jeannieology


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