Barack 'bad fruit' Obama redefines Christianity
By Jeannieology
February 24, 2012

Originally posted at American Thinker

Jesus told His followers that the way to recognize Christian brethren is by inspecting fruit. Jesus said, "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit." Thus, "by their fruit you will recognize them."

At the National Prayer Breakfast, partial "bitter clinger" Barack Obama, missing only a gun, tried to tell the crowd of 3,000 that he was a Scripture-quoting, Bible-toting Christian. Using the Word of God to justify the advancement of liberal policy, the president linked left-wing economic policy with obedience to Scripture and, by doing so, dared critics to disagree with God.

As the foundation of his faith, Obama referenced a key Scripture from Genesis wherein God asked Cain, after Cain killed his own brother, "Where is your brother Abel?" to which Cain replied, "I don't know, am I my brother's keeper?"

The president said his faith is based on "[l]iving by the principle that we are our brother's keeper. Caring for the poor and those in need." He maintained that those values are the ones that define his "faith journey," which has also translated into "policies that support research to fight disease and support foreign aid."

Seems the president hasn't read the Scripture that says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much," because Obama-style Christianity is yet to acknowledge the glaring contradiction in wanting to be trusted with the world's poor while disregarding the "very little" needs of a blood brother, impoverished and living in squalor in a Kenya slum.

Nonetheless, the president said that his faith also inspires him to voluntarily "give up some of the tax breaks" he enjoys. If Obama has his way, the rest of America will not be afforded the gratification of similar voluntary charitable contributions. In essence, establishing governmental mandates to support liberal causes is a religion unto itself, whose dogma redirects tithing from the faith community to the federal government, where alms gathered under compulsion are distributed through benevolent bureaucracy.

After the collection plate is filled, give-up-the-tax-break proceeds fund brother's-keeper essentials like abortion, contraception, sterilization, and fighting disease with an ever-expanding food stamp program.

Barack Obama deciding to openly declare that Jesus applauds the "yes we can" brand has opened him up to public scrutiny. By exploiting biblical Christianity for political gain, he has invited examination from, among others, Republican presidential hopeful and devout Christian Rick Santorum, who dared broach the subject of the president's innovative "theology."

More recently, on Morning Joe, Reverend Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, a man Obama allegedly prayed with, also compared the president's words against the backdrop of his actions. Based on the condition of some wormy fruit, as diplomatically as he could, Graham cast serious doubt on the state of Barack Obama's tree and expressed uncertainty as to whether the latter is really a Christian.

Graham did confirm his belief that Rick Santorum was "a man of faith ... because his values are so clear on moral issues." About Santorum, Graham said, "I just appreciate the moral stances he takes on things," a sentiment Reverend Graham did not express when speaking about Barack Obama.

Under close examination, America's self-described "Christian" president's fruit includes anti-Christian stances such as condoning and supporting gay marriage, calling Romans 1:26-27 an "obscure passage," and being vehemently pro-choice. The president even opposes saving the lives of infants born alive during botched abortions, which translates into infanticide.

To Christian brethren who deem contraceptive and abortion anathema, in lieu of God's will, Obama has instituted governmental doctrine by foisting his will on people of faith, denying those with whom he supposedly identifies the constitutional right to freedom of religion.

Someone should remind the president that immediately following the "my brother's keeper" verse in Genesis, when Cain claimed he didn't know the whereabouts of the brother he had murdered, the Lord knew and said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

Besides the blood of unborn children crying out from the ground, in addition to being a champion of choice, the "peacemaker" president has condoned and helped spread racial division. While claiming to be a follower of Christ, Obama criticizes, disrespects, and has all but turned his back on Israel, the "apple of God's eye." Against Isaac and the nation of Israel, Barack Hussein Obama has sided almost exclusively with Ishmael.

On his first Christmas in the White House, Barack Obama requested that the Nativity scene be removed from the East Room — a request that was overridden. Shockingly, when speaking in Christian venues, he has also requested that the crucifix, the universal symbol of Christianity, be obscured from view. On more than one occasion, the president has misquoted Scripture, and while he often decries injustice toward Muslims, he has yet to speak on behalf of Christians being persecuted worldwide.

Franklin Graham rightly pointed out that under close inspection Obama appears to have some problematic fruit. Graham said, "Under President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems more concerned about them than the Christians being murdered in the Muslim countries."

Caring for the poor, fighting disease, supporting foreign aid, and publicly declaring the sanctimonious attitude of being willing to give up tax breaks are the noble aspirations that President Obama claims define his pick-and-choose religion. Barack Obama's customized Christianity is such that it discounts and mockingly downplays the Sermon on the Mount and then, in order to advance gay rights, resurrects and convolutes Jesus' teaching of the Beatitudes.

Clearly, the President feels at ease redefining everything from "fairness" to the "American dream" to "traditional marriage," all the way to the foundational tenets that define America. But fear not — in due time, the God of the Bible will surely expose the folly of those who, in an attempt to justify a liberal agenda, exploit Scripture and attempt to redefine Christianity.

© Jeannieology


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