Dual threat quarterback: Tim Tebow
By Jeannieology
December 22, 2011

Originally posted at American Thinker

Tim Tebow, committed Christian, football phenomenon, and son of a woman who said "no" to abortion, must really be riling up the Demon-American community. When threatened, for lack of a better tactic liberal drones typically display a high level of hysteria, often in the form of contempt directed toward the righteous.

Exhibiting unabashed, unapologetic public devotion to God, miracle QB Tim Tebow is leading the Denver Broncos on what can only be described as a supernatural winning streak. Against both the odds and naysayer predictions, Touchdown Tim is proving to be a champion quarterback who appears to be improving with each game.

In addition to his gridiron prowess, Tim's Christianity has become the source of great controversy. Recently, after complimenting Tebow's success on the football field, former Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer complained that the football star should tone down the overt God stuff and stick to sports.

Tebow responded by telling ESPN that backing off his faith was not an option, saying "That's how it works because Christ comes first in my life, and then my family, and then my teammates." Courteously clarifying further, Tebow said, "I respect Jake's opinion, and I really appreciate his compliment of calling me a winner. But I feel like anytime I get the opportunity to give the Lord some praise, He is due for it."

Recently, the dual threat of Tim's Christianity, coupled with his 2010 Super Bowl commercial, and the story of his mother Pam's willingness to lay down her own life to give birth to a baby doctors predicted would be less than perfect, has transformed frustrated ridicule of religion into outright mockery from an outspoken pro-abortion group.

Being as open about their displeasure with Tebow's pro-life stance as Tim is about his Christianity, a group of "unapologetic abortion activists for reproductive justice" stepped forward with a suggestion on how to trip up Tebow: by tying the football star, against his will, to furthering their mission to kill babies.

Sophia, proud blogger and contributor at, has issued a satanically-inspired suggestion that she almost certainly hopes will either thwart Tim Tebow's ongoing desire to be successful on the football field, or poke fun at his image as a pro-life spokesperson.

Caught 'between a rock and a hard place' herself, Sophia has had to admit that, try as she might to resist because she always "feels a bit, well, wrong" supporting a "guy that's openly anti-choice," she's been "rooting for [Tim]" because according to her, "Yeah, he's that damn good."

So in an effort to neutralize her remorse (for supporting someone who supports life), the "do what [you] want...with [your] uteri" activist/Broncos fan came up with a creative way to marry scoffing at Tebow and supporting abortion on demand.

The Sophia solution: Pro-choice sports fans cheer on Tim and every time he makes a touchdown in the game against the New England Patriots, donate $5 or $10 to finance disposing of unborn babies. That way Tim Tebow, whether he likes it or not, is working in a roundabout way to support abortion.

If the Broncos continue their winning streak, Sophia plans to keep up with the campaign directed at Tebow by promoting the 'Help Pay for an Abortion' pledge throughout the NFL playoffs.

The idea is, if Tim succeeds by scoring, instead of doing the wave, pro-choicers would celebrate by dropping a couple of bucks into the baby-killing fund at the local abortion clinic. Thus, Tebow touchdowns will instantly translate into more money to end the very lives that Tebow lobbies to save.

In a very clever message entitled "When sports and anti-abortion messages collide and what to do about it," committed abortion activist Sophia, clearly still peeved by the Super Bowl commercial Tim Tebow made in 2010, voiced her mockery-based logic in the following way:

In his commercial (funded by Focus on the Family) he reminded everyone that his mother was a missionary whose life was threatened by her pregnancy — or more specifically, the pregnancy that would turn into the child who would become the man who would become Tim Tebow.

This line of reasoning is not a new one for anti-choice groups. The message is, "if you abort, just think, that could be the next President of the United States in there, the next scientist that cures cancer, or the next greatest football player alive!" Never mind the fact that Tebow's mother made the decision despite the risk to her health for herself — something denied to women seeking or supporting abortion — it is clear to everyone (or should be, anyway) with a brain that 99.9% of the fetuses gestating right now are not, in fact, going to become gifted athletes like Tim Tebow.

Or, for that matter, another Beethoven, Albert Einstein, or a pro-choice pharmacist who could one day come up with the perfect morning-after pill.

Nonetheless, despite Sophia's failure to mention that Tebow's mother's "risk to her health" resulted in her giving birth to a perfectly healthy child, even secularists would be hard-pressed to deny that with each passing play, it appears as if angels are guarding Tim Tebow and lifting him "up in their hands," to prevent the young NFL star from "striking [his] foot against a stone."

Based on what Denver Bronco number 15Œs critics have accomplished thus far, mockery as a ploy to raise money for abortion mills will instead call attention to the unflinching testimony of the committed sports hero.

New England Patriot head coach Bill Belichick summed it up perfectly when he said, "There's not another quarterback in the league who has Tim Tebow's skills." Whether realizing it or not, Belichick's observation revealed the continuing folly of those who attempt to hinder Tebow, whether on or off the football field — an effort that is proving futile by anyone that tries it.

As despicable as it is for a vile group like to exploit Tebow's touchdowns in an attempt to score dollars for the anti-life cause, Tim Tebow will likely meet their open disdain with the same level of poise and gracious composure he has exhibited towards all who disparage his pro-life activism and open profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

© Jeannieology


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