Bryan Fischer
Social conservatives beware: Liz Cheney supports homosexual agenda
By Bryan Fischer
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Liz Cheney has declared her intention to run against Mike Enzi in the Republican primary for Enzi's senate seat in Wyoming. Given the overwhelming registration advantage Republicans have in Wyoming, the primary will be the de facto general election.
Enzi doesn't excite conservatives. He's not a fighter, and assiduously avoids talk shows so he won't have to criticize feckless colleagues on either side of the aisle. He has just a 67% rating on the Heritage scorecard, so he clearly leaves much to be desired.
But at least he recently voted against ENDA, the bill that will shred what is left of the First Amendment for values-driven business owners and subject them to career- and business-ending lawsuits every time they make personnel decisions based on their most deeply held and constitutionally-protected values.
(ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, provides special workplace protections for those who engage in sexually aberrant behavior, and authorizes legal action against any employer who takes such behavior into account in hiring and firing.)
Liz Cheney, in contrast to Enzi, lights a fire under many conservatives, particularly on national defense and foreign policy issues. She's a fighter, like her father. The apricot has not fallen far from the tree.
The massive problem is that on values issues, which matter most right now for America's future, she will fight for the team wearing lavender instead of the team wearing red, white and blue.
In 2009, she inartfully dodged two attempts to press her to declare her position on sodomy-based marriage, which in the end means just one thing: she's for it.
Although I'm not aware that she has declared a position on ENDA, in 2009 she supported the State Department's decision, in flagrant violation of DOMA, the law of the land at the time, to extend benefits to same-sex partners.
Said Ms. Cheney, "I think it's wrong to discriminate, in those relationships, based on someone's sexual preference." Homosexual activists prefer her to Enzi for the sole reason that she just might be a "sleeper vote for LGBT rights."
She supported the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which is driving values-based members of the military out of the service and ushering in militant homosexuals. Currently, 55-60% of all sexual assaults in the military now, thanks in part to the DADT repeal, are committed by homosexuals.
Liz Cheney will be an undeniably appealing candidate, and conservatives will be tempted to turn a blind eye toward her support for the deviancy cabal. But we do so not only at our peril but at the peril of the future of our country.
George Washington famously said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness."
The bottom line: Liz Cheney is not, under Washington's definition, a patriot. She will throw her weight behind those who are placing improvised explosive devices beneath both of Washington's indispensable pillars. When the roof collapses on us all, those who supported Liz Cheney will be partly to blame.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
July 19, 2013
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Liz Cheney has declared her intention to run against Mike Enzi in the Republican primary for Enzi's senate seat in Wyoming. Given the overwhelming registration advantage Republicans have in Wyoming, the primary will be the de facto general election.
Enzi doesn't excite conservatives. He's not a fighter, and assiduously avoids talk shows so he won't have to criticize feckless colleagues on either side of the aisle. He has just a 67% rating on the Heritage scorecard, so he clearly leaves much to be desired.
But at least he recently voted against ENDA, the bill that will shred what is left of the First Amendment for values-driven business owners and subject them to career- and business-ending lawsuits every time they make personnel decisions based on their most deeply held and constitutionally-protected values.
(ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, provides special workplace protections for those who engage in sexually aberrant behavior, and authorizes legal action against any employer who takes such behavior into account in hiring and firing.)
Liz Cheney, in contrast to Enzi, lights a fire under many conservatives, particularly on national defense and foreign policy issues. She's a fighter, like her father. The apricot has not fallen far from the tree.
The massive problem is that on values issues, which matter most right now for America's future, she will fight for the team wearing lavender instead of the team wearing red, white and blue.
In 2009, she inartfully dodged two attempts to press her to declare her position on sodomy-based marriage, which in the end means just one thing: she's for it.
Although I'm not aware that she has declared a position on ENDA, in 2009 she supported the State Department's decision, in flagrant violation of DOMA, the law of the land at the time, to extend benefits to same-sex partners.
Said Ms. Cheney, "I think it's wrong to discriminate, in those relationships, based on someone's sexual preference." Homosexual activists prefer her to Enzi for the sole reason that she just might be a "sleeper vote for LGBT rights."
She supported the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which is driving values-based members of the military out of the service and ushering in militant homosexuals. Currently, 55-60% of all sexual assaults in the military now, thanks in part to the DADT repeal, are committed by homosexuals.
Liz Cheney will be an undeniably appealing candidate, and conservatives will be tempted to turn a blind eye toward her support for the deviancy cabal. But we do so not only at our peril but at the peril of the future of our country.
George Washington famously said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness."
The bottom line: Liz Cheney is not, under Washington's definition, a patriot. She will throw her weight behind those who are placing improvised explosive devices beneath both of Washington's indispensable pillars. When the roof collapses on us all, those who supported Liz Cheney will be partly to blame.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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