Drake Dunaway column
Drake Dunaway was born in Kettering, Ohio, in 1982, and currently works in Atlanta for a large company doing semi-important tasks. Drake enjoys classical history and literature, studies pertaining to Western Civilization, cartooning, and unapologetically believes in American Exceptionalism.

Graduating from the University of Georgia with a dual degree in both Spanish and Economics, Drake speaks fluent Spanish. He loves life but hates his job, and his job hates him back. He is described by close associates as a social, economic, constitutional, and defense conservative.

All that said, he holds a reserved demeanor and avoids heated arguments with friends, guests, and others. Most people note him to be too awkward to hold a steady relationship, and given his hobbied life in cartooning, politics, and ballistics, it's probably for the best. He considers it well worth it to crack the extra joke that turns people off, and he cherishes a welcome mat that reads "GO AWAY." Drake runs and target shoots, but not at the same time.

Drake is not a citizen of the world. Rather, he is a cartoon. A cartoon that had dreamt the American dream as a living citizen.

Visit his website at http://www.thedrakingpoint.com

Ghost malls
Drake Dunaway
February 10, 2010

Welcome to The Draking Point >>, where my opinion costs 2 cents and all the outrage is manufactured in the USA! Around the Western United States . . .

One of us
Drake Dunaway
December 15, 2009

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I . . .

Our enduring heartstrings
Drake Dunaway
November 6, 2009

In downtown Lawrenceville, GA is a pizzeria called "Little Italy's." And every week I would head down and grab a slice or two of the thin crust (because . . .

An inconvenient tax
Drake Dunaway
October 1, 2009

In such a cataclysmic year, Michael Moore has released a new documentary, where he cavorts around with a megaphone and police tape to reign in the robber barons . . .

Conservative Woodstock
Drake Dunaway
September 23, 2009

Throughout classical history, victorious armies would parade back to their capitals in glory and pomp, much like the generals of Rome, the Nazis of the Reich, . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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