Tom DeWeese
Printers involved in Florida voter fraud?
By Tom DeWeese
October 31, 2022

Written By Kat Stansell, an associate of Tom DeWeese

Activists find Startling “Coincidences” and Relationships

A team of researchers from the Florida Republican Assembly have revealed some incredible “coincidences” in the relationships of Florida officials to the printing companies which print the ballots for Florida voters.

This investigation into Florida election systems began when analysts now working with the FRA went to learn just how and why the fraud occurred in 2020. As mail-in ballots have long been a vehicle for questionable voting accuracy, (Judicial Watch has found that there are over 28 million still floating around the nation from different elections!) the team from FRA chose to begin with them. They surveyed the state to see where those ballots were being sent. They learned that Pinellas County (Tampa/St. Pete) had the most mail-in ballot voters per sq. mi. in the state. By far. In Pinellas, 80- 90% of the residents of high-rise apartment buildings in the county were registered to vote by mail. Only 1 in ten residents living in high rises voted in person or early? This smelled a bit odd, so they dug further.

The printing company, Runbeck, was found to be the one printing all ballots for Pinellas (and Hillsborough) County. So? Well, Runbeck is the same printer connected to allegations of election fraud in both Georgia and Arizona in the 2020 election.

Hmmmm. Coincidence? Maybe…

Checking further, the FRA team found a printing company that prints election supplies and ballots for 42 of the other 65 Florida counties. Its name is Fidlar Elections, once a Florida-based company. In 2017, Fidlar was purchased by a big national printer, Cathedral Printing, based in Rome NY. Cathedral provides services to municipalities and election authorities which include voter id cards, sample and actual ballots.

In 2014, Cathedral Printing had also purchased a Florida company named Axis Data Solutions. So what? Here’s what. Axis was the developer of software to track ballots – which worked with Fidlar Elections’ printing systems. The two were merged after the 2017 Fidlar purchase by Cathedral. This allowed Fidlar to act a bit like ERIC, the electronic registration database, and gather massive amounts of information on Florida voters, under the auspices of voter roll maintenance. Fidlar’s Axis-assisted files included who had moved away and who didn’t voted, two valuable categories for phantom voting. No rules exist to “maintain” these voter rolls, which, in Florida are at 101.6% of all possible citizens of voting age – which statistic is provided by the USEAC. More coincidence?

Why, then, are Florida election authorities allowing our ballots to be printed and our voter information to be collected by out-of-state concerns? Shouldn’t this be an instate function to support local businesses? It would certainly help to assure security of our elections if the printer(s) were under close scrutiny by state officials. Wouldn’t it? Keep in mind that 2017 purchase date. Trump was inaugurated that year. Surely THAT was just a coincidence…

Back to the big out-of-state printer. Who are they, with whom we are trusting our voting integrity?

Cathedral Printing’s Chairman and CEO is a woman named Marianne Gaige, a member of the printing industry hall of fame and a Harvard MBA graduate. She has been with Cathedral for 27 years.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Ms. Gaige is also a regular contributor to Democrat candidates and PAC’s, including the campaign and victory funds for both Obama and Biden. She also contributes monthly to ActBlue, a donation pass-through organization that, distributes money to whomever ActBlue thinks needs it. We can surmise, then, that any donor to ActBlue supports anything and everything Left, with little discretion.

Marianne Gaige also sends monthly donations to Democratic Action/Democratic Governors’ Action (both listed at the same DC address) which is focused on electing Democrat governors for all 50 states. Act Blue also supports this cause. THIS IS THE WOMAN PRINTING AND TRACKING 64% OF FLORIDA’S BALLOTS. Ok, well anyone is free to contribute to political organizations as they see fit. Right? Absolutely. But, read on.

Another Cathedral/Fidlar Elections employee, Stacy Rodriguez, earned certification in 2018 as “Master Florida Elections Vendor”, an award from the Florida Association of Supervisors of Elections. A man named Mark Earley is president of this group.

In checking the posting of Ms. Rodriguez’s award, up pops another coincidence.

When the link to her name is clicked, it takes the reader to “Stacey Earley!”

Stacy Rodriguez turns out to be Stacy Earley, wife of Mark Earley who is currently Leon County (Tallahassee) Supervisor of Elections and president of the Florida Supervisors of Elections Assn. Photographs from Mark Earley’s 2020 social media reelection campaign show the same woman who, on Fidlar’s page, is holding a plaque with the name, “Stacy Rodriguez”.

Why the two names? “Rodriguez” is not her maiden name. Why not just call herself Stacey Earley in her professional life? Again, something smells.

Mark Early is also chair of the Florida SOE Assn’s Cybersecurity Committee and Vice-Chair of its Legislative Committee. Just fyi.

Mr. Earley serves (or disserves) Floridians in two other interesting rolls. He is on the Executive Committee of of EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) which is contracted by the federal Department of Homeland Security to provide “cybersecurity services’ for state election entities.” This union of EI- ISAC and the DHS may well be unconstitutional in addition to being another step towards federalizing our election infrastructure! The DHS has NO business whatsoever in state election matters. Several documents of agreement between counties in other states were featured in this revealing article.

Mark Earley also serves on the Local Leadership Council of the USEAC (Election Assistance Commission), which has always been a favorite of mine for its home page banner, which offers instant translation into many foreign languages. Check it out! The need for this begs the entire question of US election integrity This is the organization that has Florida’s voter roll numbers at the above mentioned 101.6%.

Even more importantly, Mrs. Stacey Earley, in her position at Fidlar Elections, has a wide-ranging ability to access to voter information in the state of Florida. Whenever anyone in the state of Florida signs up to receive a vote-by-mail ballot, Fidlar Elections, gets an electronic notice Then, Fidlar not only prints that ballot and mails it to the address on file, it also TRACKS the ballot through the mail. Every request. As the one at Fidlar who has earned certification as Master Florida Vendor – from her husband’s organization – Stacey “Rodriguez” Earley has complete access to everything in the states’ voter rolls, and can track any voter’s information statewide.

This is no longer coincidence. This is something more, and it smells even worse.

First, why does the state of Florida allow a private out-of-state company consisting of two former Florida businesses to both print AND track ballots?

Second, how it is allowed that a wife of Florida’s President of Election Supervisors and SOE of Leon County be given access to the rolls of the state, through earning an “ “award” granted by the state organization of which her husband is president? Also, her employer is making millions from a contract granted by her husband. A BIG hmmmmm.

Let’s go back and look at some 2020 numbers, to show you the impact of mail-in votes, and why they are so important. According to the Leon County website, election day and early votes were “reasonably close” for Trump and Biden. (Remember, Leon is a blue county) On election day, Trump led by 287 votes. Biden had the edge in early voting, by 13,147. However, of the mailed votes, 74% went to Biden. The same kind of lopsided results happened in counties across the state (and states across the nation.) Those mail-in voters are a different bunch alright. OH, wait. It’s just coincidence.

Another problem/coincidence is that Leon County uses Poll Chief, the poll worker software company whose Chinese CEO was just arrested a few weeks ago, for sending US data to China. The other Florida county using Poll Chief is Hillsborough County (Tampa). They began using the system in 2011. As you may have learned in recent days, Poll Chief gathers the personal data of all election workers including home addresses, schools attended by their children, bank account numbers and the like. This information is then used to make poll workers do as they are told, whether or not it is legal or moral.

According to Red State, the Poll chief app also can be easily repurposed for ballot harvesting and delivery. In a Chinese company with this much access to sensitive data, , we can pretty much expect the worse.

WHY does a good red state like Florida allow the use of these tools of Election fraud??

WHY does Florida just sit back and ignore all of this?? This is a matter for the highest official in the state, and we are providing him with all of this.

You can choose to check the “coincidence” box in every one of these areas of information. But you cannot ignore the stink. Something smells rotten in the state of Florida, and the Florida Republican Association is asking our officials to take a whiff and explain.



Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.


Phone: (540) 341-8911

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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