Tom DeWeese
Secure your vote
By Tom DeWeese
October 20, 2020

As you know, I’ve been very concerned with ballot security and efforts to make this a fair and honest election. I fully believe those of us who are fighting to preserve our freedom will win at every level of government if the ballots are cast and counted honestly. But you and I know fully well that the other side is doing everything possible to cheat and steal this election.

I’ve done everything I can to make this a major issue to build awareness and encourage everyone to take action to protect our votes.

APC has gathered several thousand petitions to President Trump to urge him to pressure the Republican Party to make ballot security a major priority.

I must say I am seeing some positive activity with a push for poll workers, training of volunteers to help spot problems, and more focus on the dangers of mail-in ballots.

On the national level we’ve done what we can do.

We are now down to the wire for the election. Early voting has begun and, of course, the Democrats are pushing hard for the mail-in ballots.

Now it’s up to you to do what you can do personally in your local community.

Here are a few suggestions that you can follow:

  1. Go to vote in person on Election Day. Voting early is dangerous. The longer your vote sits there waiting to be counted the greater the chance of fraud or theft.

  2. Don’t use mail-in ballots. Don’t let the COVID scare tactics be an excuse to stay home. There is no validity to that threat at all. If you can go to the grocery, you can go to vote.

  3. If you feel you must use the mail-in ballot – check the return envelope for any strange marking or code. There have been reports in some areas that return envelopes have been found to contain codes that reveal the voter to be a Republican or Democrat. This is a huge danger to ballot security. There have been reports of Republican ballots being thrown in the trash. If you find such a code – do not mail that ballot. This is a major reason to vote in person.

  4. If you do vote in person and the poll worker happens to write anything on your ballot before they give it to you to put in the voting machine – request a new ballot. The mark could be a letter, a checkmark, a star, an R or a D – any writing of any kind. Such a mark could disqualifyyour ballot if it is written on.

  5. Volunteer to be a Poll Worker or a Poll Watcher. In many cities there just are not enough volunteers for these positions. I have heard of situations where only Democrats show up to work at the polls. We can’t allow that this time. A Poll Watcher is someone who observes the vote count to assure it is honest. Ask your local party leaders about volunteering for such a task. It’s important. Let them know we are watching!

  6. Starting right now, put pressure on your local election board to make sure voter rolls are clean and free of fake names and those of the deceased. It’s a little late to start this effort, but if you are part of an organized group this would be a good use of your time. Make your voice heard – again let them know you are watching!

  7. One more thing you can do. Take a look at the link from Judicial Watch. If your county is listed please share this information with local candidates you support. Ask them to demand that voter rolls be cleaned now, before election day.

Again, ballot security is the most important issue we face for this election. If we are to win, we have to fight to the very end. These are a few suggestions you can do personally to help defeat tyranny.

Stay strong – stay positive. Let’s win!

Yours in Freedom,

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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