Tom DeWeese
What the protests are really about...
By Tom DeWeese
June 11, 2020

The forces of totalitarianism never stop.

It seems the virus lockdown had a double purpose as it became a trial run to see what they could get away with and what tactics worked best to get the American people to submit to government control.

For years the main goal has been to change our culture, system of government, and our free enterprise system of economics to a top-down globalist control. For over 25 years the tool of choice has been the threat of climate change.

Just over a year ago, the tactic was changed to the Green New Deal. It has become the focus of all of their efforts. But how could they finally push that agenda passed our growing efforts to expose the Climate Change lies?

That’s where the Coronavirus Pandemic comes in.

A few weeks ago I was one of the very first to send out the alarm that the Green New Deal forces were planning to use the Coronavirus pandemic to ram through their radical totalitarian agenda.

It’s obvious they see the global panic as their opportunity to rush this radical takeover of our society into place while most of us are distracted.

Nancy Pelosi rushed to put Green New Deal plans into the emergency stimulus legislation originally designed to help Americans survive the lock down. She dumped sections into the legislation calling for the universal pay scheme, Medicare for all, affordable housing, and tuition-free education – all from the first pillar of the Green New Deal.

Now the plan to use the coronavirus crisis as the opportunity to reorganize human society under the Green New Deal agenda is growing more rapidly with each passing day.

Now, the most dangerous details have been uncovered.

I have also recently learned that the George Soros funded Sunrise Movement is deeply involved in organizing the riots that have taken place across the nation under the excuse of protesting the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis.

Less than two days after Floyd’s murder, the Sunrise Movement was swinging into action – initiating already-prepared plans and tactics.

They didn’t call it protest, they called it RESISTANCE, saying burning buildings and violence are legitimate resistance.

They announced that their goal was to “prepare for the Green New Deal or make way for leaders who will!”

Clearly the international forces see the chaos of the Covid-19 pandemic, and now the riots, as the starter’s gun to launch the final effort to put the anti-free enterprise, anti- private property, anti-freedom Green New Deal agenda over the finish line.

The immediate target is your local government and they have already trained another cadre of players to begin the assault through legislative means to make it law in your community.

As a result of the panic-driven pandemic – you and I are now seeing first- hand the disaster of global governance.

We were shocked to discover that almost all American drugs are made in China. A nation cannot be free and secure unless it’s self-sufficient. The opposite of globalism!

Now, through the violence in our streets, a new wave of fear is leading to

control, shortages, local and state dictators, and economic collapse. These are our future if we don’t stop the drive to enforce the Green New Deal.

You are witnessing the trial run. Now is when it must be stopped!

The American Policy Center (APC) is one of the only national organizations that understands the full agenda and is prepared to fight it. I’ve been issuing these warning for almost 30 years.


Now I’m warning you about how they intend to make it reality in America.

During this pandemic, governments at all levels have grabbed massive powers to control our lives. Government rarely lets go of those powers. You and I must rise up with a strong voice to restore those freedoms.

We have before never faced such a threat to American liberty.

The Left intends to continue to use fear to sneak in the Green New Deal piece by piece. We must prepare now to stop them.

You and I must not back away from this fight. We must be prepared to fight a huge battle to restore American freedom. That battle must be in the city council chambers, the county commissions, and the state legislatures. And it must be in robust election campaigns.

Your support is the only reason APC can keep fighting. I have never needed your help more than now.

You and I have got to fight and we’ve got to stop them! Please stand with me and APC now as we face the greatest threat to our freedom our nation has ever experienced.

I will not stop. I will not back down. And I will not let you down.

Please stand with me!

Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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