Clenard Childress
They had their entire lives ahead of them
President Obama's Erratic Logic
By Clenard Childress
The heinous and unconscionable acts of violence witnessed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, remind us of the reality of the culture-of-death we as a society are comprised of. The severe emotional devastation from tragic events such as these humbles us to the core. It is in these times we recognize the reality of good and evil and our analysis often attributes cause and involvement to either or both. It was rightfully assessed by the Governor that, "evil has come to Newton this Friday."
America must understand and remember there has been the systemic effort to erode the Sanctity of Life in the consciousness of its citizens and thus devalue human beings. Today we teach this generation your worth and privilege to exist is predicated entirely upon a woman's choice; and for the aged and handicapped, "the quality of life," not the will of the Creator. For many who know the president's record legislatively, when it comes to children within the womb — or the classroom for that matter — we were somewhat baffled and perplexed by his sentiment as expressed to the nation after the Sandy Hook Massacre. The President's remark, which I concur and completely agree with, has been mine and others of like mind, for many, many years. "Can we say that we're truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose?" The president then said if we were honest, we would have to answer, no.
Unfortunately, I saw the well-scripted president attempting to give a convincing performance, but was so visibly disconnected from his words by his acts, the attempt at emotion was somewhat sickening. (Hillary still holds the Academy Award performance) I immediately thought of the testimony of Jill Staneck, the Nurse from Christ Hospital in Chicago, who testified before then Illinois State Senator, Barack Obama, that children who survived a late term abortion attempt, were being left to die on the operating table without any medical assistance and that she had personally held one child for 45 minutes before the child breathed its last breath and was then ushered into the waste area for garbage disposal. She then explained that all that was needed would have been traditional medical care that would have saved these children's lives but they were being denied that and she decided to go public and expose these barbaric, sadistic, and inhumane acts against innocent children.
Jill Staneck, and anyone with a conscience, wanted laws to protect these children, while Barack Obama, now forty-forth president of the United States, did not. For even while in the Illinois State Senate, he did everything within his power to stymie, and then vote down, the Born Alive Victims Act, which his pro-death, Democrat co-conspirators voted for Federally. From 1996 through 2003, Barack Obama made at least seven controversial votes against bills mandating medical care for newborn children after late-term, botched abortions known as D&E (Dilation & Evacuation) Procedures. In 2002 the Federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act made it a U.S. crime to let children die like this, and the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was passed outlawing the specific D&E Procedures making them possible, even declaring this to be "Infanticide." But let us not forget this salient fact, Obama's view was this: if the mother willed for the child to die, then the child should be left to die. So I ask you — somewhat cynically — how can this same man, who claimed after he had reflected upon the Sandy Hook Massacre respond
Unfortunately there is more concern with whom the public will be blaming for the Fiscal Cliff crisis looming just days ahead. Thus, in the words of his former Chief-of-Staff, Ron Emmanuel, "they couldn't let a crisis go to waste..." Hey, why not. When most Americans are either blaming George Bush or the Republican Congress for the present abysmal economic conditions, America has given them no reason to stop the charade.
So... Lights! Camera! Action! Roll 'em...!
© Clenard Childress
January 2, 2013
The heinous and unconscionable acts of violence witnessed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, remind us of the reality of the culture-of-death we as a society are comprised of. The severe emotional devastation from tragic events such as these humbles us to the core. It is in these times we recognize the reality of good and evil and our analysis often attributes cause and involvement to either or both. It was rightfully assessed by the Governor that, "evil has come to Newton this Friday."
America must understand and remember there has been the systemic effort to erode the Sanctity of Life in the consciousness of its citizens and thus devalue human beings. Today we teach this generation your worth and privilege to exist is predicated entirely upon a woman's choice; and for the aged and handicapped, "the quality of life," not the will of the Creator. For many who know the president's record legislatively, when it comes to children within the womb — or the classroom for that matter — we were somewhat baffled and perplexed by his sentiment as expressed to the nation after the Sandy Hook Massacre. The President's remark, which I concur and completely agree with, has been mine and others of like mind, for many, many years. "Can we say that we're truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose?" The president then said if we were honest, we would have to answer, no.
Unfortunately, I saw the well-scripted president attempting to give a convincing performance, but was so visibly disconnected from his words by his acts, the attempt at emotion was somewhat sickening. (Hillary still holds the Academy Award performance) I immediately thought of the testimony of Jill Staneck, the Nurse from Christ Hospital in Chicago, who testified before then Illinois State Senator, Barack Obama, that children who survived a late term abortion attempt, were being left to die on the operating table without any medical assistance and that she had personally held one child for 45 minutes before the child breathed its last breath and was then ushered into the waste area for garbage disposal. She then explained that all that was needed would have been traditional medical care that would have saved these children's lives but they were being denied that and she decided to go public and expose these barbaric, sadistic, and inhumane acts against innocent children.
Jill Staneck, and anyone with a conscience, wanted laws to protect these children, while Barack Obama, now forty-forth president of the United States, did not. For even while in the Illinois State Senate, he did everything within his power to stymie, and then vote down, the Born Alive Victims Act, which his pro-death, Democrat co-conspirators voted for Federally. From 1996 through 2003, Barack Obama made at least seven controversial votes against bills mandating medical care for newborn children after late-term, botched abortions known as D&E (Dilation & Evacuation) Procedures. In 2002 the Federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act made it a U.S. crime to let children die like this, and the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was passed outlawing the specific D&E Procedures making them possible, even declaring this to be "Infanticide." But let us not forget this salient fact, Obama's view was this: if the mother willed for the child to die, then the child should be left to die. So I ask you — somewhat cynically — how can this same man, who claimed after he had reflected upon the Sandy Hook Massacre respond
"...The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10-years-old..." he said... pausing to wipe away a tear..."...They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own..". ."..Our hearts are broken today, for the parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children..." Obama added, "...as well as the families of the adults who were lost..."
Unfortunately there is more concern with whom the public will be blaming for the Fiscal Cliff crisis looming just days ahead. Thus, in the words of his former Chief-of-Staff, Ron Emmanuel, "they couldn't let a crisis go to waste..." Hey, why not. When most Americans are either blaming George Bush or the Republican Congress for the present abysmal economic conditions, America has given them no reason to stop the charade.
So... Lights! Camera! Action! Roll 'em...!
© Clenard Childress
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