Michael Bresciani
Thank God: Donald Trump is alive after assassination attempt
By Michael Bresciani
July 16, 2024

America is shocked to learn of the failed attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life.

Marjorie Taylor Green said on X, “Someone just tried to ASSASSINATE President Trump. The Democrats and the media are to blame for every drop of blood spilled today. For years and years, they’ve demonized him and his supporters. Today, someone finally tried to take out the leader of our America First and the greatest President of all time.”


Thousands of Trump supporters were gathered in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday to hear what their candidate had to say. The U.S. Secret Service rushed to usher Trump off the platform even as they risked their own lives in that action

From the stage, the former president was heard asking those Secret Service agents to pause and let him put his shoe back on. Following that request, they raised him to his feet, and he struggled to force his arm to be free. He boosted his arm three times as far as he could reach with his fist clenched. The crowd cheered uproariously in relief.

With blood on his ear and his face he was still thinking of the America Trumpsters who gathered to listen to, and honor him, as their chosen political candidate.

It was a terrible sight, but it was also a scene of reciprocated love and mutual honor. It provided a picture in real time of why some are willing to say: he is the greatest President in history.

News sources are declaring that the shooter is dead, and one attendee of the rally has also died. The former president is now safe and has received care in a local medical facility. It is also reported that it was not a bullet, but a piece of glass that grazed Mr. Trump.

As details unfold in the coming days, we will learn who and why this attempt was made on Donald Trump’s life, but in the meantime we must take serious warning to curb the pathological Trump hatred before is manifested yet again.

This is the time in America for both accountability and serious prayer. Those who demonize and show open hatred for Donald Trump are planting seeds in the minds of unstable and dangerous people. The media also pose Mr. Trump as Hitler or as a threat to democracy and an existential threat to everyone. It is time to hold them accountable.

This disgusting act of political violence is also a call to prayer. Those who believe they have the ear of the Almighty God should be petitioning him daily for the protection of Donald Trump regardless of their political affiliation.

Take this sage and ancient advice from Apostle Paul.

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1Timothy 2:1-3).

To read more articles by Michael Bresciani click here.

© Michael Bresciani


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