Michael Bresciani
Sen. Rubio's earth - - it isn't about science it's about silence
By Michael Bresciani
Huff-Po and the pop-culture scoffers seem un-nerved of late over Sen. Marco Rubio's statement about the mystery of the age of the planet earth. He told GQ's Michael Hainey that many theories have been put forth and all of them might be worthy of a look see. GQ spends more time on deciding who will make the list of 'men of the year' and the plague of erectile dysfunction, so, just when did they take up the deep scientific question of origins?
The criticism of Sen. Rubio's statements is at best, hyper-dismissiveness, wrapped in a thin veneer of intellectual pride, posing as reason. It is not simply pop-science that the emerging creation science speaks to, but it is every assertion of science that is accepted without deeper or even other scrutiny. For any science to be legitimate it must grow up as it were and be willing to undergo a greater scrutiny; today's Darwinism is not in any way allowing an alternate view or considering the latest discoveries and pertinent data, in this, and the slights against Rubio, the word dilettante comes to mind.
Perhaps the readers of Huff and GQ have little time between school, cool and deciding who is a fool to actually question the speculated 4.5 billion years scientists have announced as the right number of years to create and age the earth. Is scoffing now an element of empiricism? Have the heady taken up juvenile sliming to polish the rust spots in highly disputable scientific speculation? Creation Science has a lot to say about bloated, untested, un-witnessed speculation, but the Darwin train left the station long ago and the evolutionists won't be back to better reasoning for a long time.
It is nothing short of amazing that evolutionists need almost 5 billion years to explain or age one of the smallest planets in the universe, but only a three second blast to create the whole universe at the unlikely event known as — the big bang. That the uncreated gases should all come into the same neighborhood at the most propitious moment in history and react, sounds more like someone had a serious bang to the head and a theory emerged. If these are the people laughing at the God believers; we might want to just ignore them rather than wasting time in debate.
The greater likelihood is that the academically indoctrinated and dumbed down cookie cutter punch-outs are moving preemptively against a brilliant and popular Senator who after all may be on the republican list for a 2016 run at the White House. It isn't about science it's about silence.
Keeping anything Rubio says silent is obviously the goal. Rubio clearly stated "I'm not a scientist' but that is not what they care about. They didn't need to ask him if he was a politician, a statesman or a contender, that's understood.
Not understanding either divinity or the power divinity holds is part and parcel to all secularism, whether it is brought on by indoctrination, indifference or a need to stay within culturally accepted social parameters. It is what keeps the pseudo scientists from explaining how the gases for the big bang came into being in a creator-less universe.
It is what keeps the self-assured from knowing how eyes, withered limbs, missing flesh (lepers) and other maladies that would require months or years to re-invigorate, were replaced in seconds when Jesus Christ prayed over the diseased.
It is the absence of any explanation for the production of enough bread and seafood to feed 5,000 people coming from only a few loaves and fishes. No fishing vessels were sent out and no bakeries were engaged and the time to produce all these victuals was perhaps 15 minutes.
Nobody can remember when, where or how long it took to create the world, but Jesus invoked the power of memory to witness the lightning speed of the power of God in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. To wit:
"Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?" (Mt 6: 19)
I have taken the time to remember and have long since formed this opinion, and I have no intention to run for any office in my lifetime. Those who think God could not, and would not create our world in seven days or seven thousand years have yet once again underestimated the power of the almighty God. He could and would if he chose, create this world in seven seconds.
The extra time may have been taken just to make sure all the goods and gifts of creation were here for us, the unbelieving, the un-thankful and believer alike. Unlike the evolutionists I am willing to admit that this is purely speculative, but my guess is as good as theirs!
It is almost impossible to explain to those who will not hear, that man will always take the path of least resistance. Adding dignity and perhaps some credence to certain discoveries through science often is just manipulation of the facts and a lot of 'just trust me' coming from empiricisms authorities.
We look at all the facts to determine if they are correct, but when a predisposition driven by human pride is in play, we accept conjecture and speculation from science and the scientists become very authoritarian, priest-like, inquisitors and judges who sit and decide against those who not only dare to think, but whose empirical findings are in conflict with the status quo.
People of faith are not allowed to question any part of scientific conclusion, and scientific authoritarians refuse to accept any part of the faith message. The scientists seem to have won, at the very same time they have lost everything. Truth, subjective or objective cannot always be empirically determined. Thus when placed up against prophecy, (the forth telling of the will and counsel of God) science will always come up short.
This writer has always been amazed at the preponderance of speculation used by scientists today. No one dares to question them on the smallest matters much less the very creation of the universe. Any speculation about what took place billions of years past would be missing any eye witnesses and untold decayed, deterioration and non-existent proof for modern eyes to subject to repeatable observable scrutiny. It is the echo of God's answer to Job that comes to mind.
"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding." (Job 38: 2, 3, 4)
How pompous that now science has presumed to determine not just who is intelligent but who has character, who is qualified to be a statesmen or a leader. My answer to this nonsense is simple, the scientists are now cleared to come down out of the clouds and come in for a landing.
© Michael Bresciani
November 28, 2012
Huff-Po and the pop-culture scoffers seem un-nerved of late over Sen. Marco Rubio's statement about the mystery of the age of the planet earth. He told GQ's Michael Hainey that many theories have been put forth and all of them might be worthy of a look see. GQ spends more time on deciding who will make the list of 'men of the year' and the plague of erectile dysfunction, so, just when did they take up the deep scientific question of origins?
The criticism of Sen. Rubio's statements is at best, hyper-dismissiveness, wrapped in a thin veneer of intellectual pride, posing as reason. It is not simply pop-science that the emerging creation science speaks to, but it is every assertion of science that is accepted without deeper or even other scrutiny. For any science to be legitimate it must grow up as it were and be willing to undergo a greater scrutiny; today's Darwinism is not in any way allowing an alternate view or considering the latest discoveries and pertinent data, in this, and the slights against Rubio, the word dilettante comes to mind.
Perhaps the readers of Huff and GQ have little time between school, cool and deciding who is a fool to actually question the speculated 4.5 billion years scientists have announced as the right number of years to create and age the earth. Is scoffing now an element of empiricism? Have the heady taken up juvenile sliming to polish the rust spots in highly disputable scientific speculation? Creation Science has a lot to say about bloated, untested, un-witnessed speculation, but the Darwin train left the station long ago and the evolutionists won't be back to better reasoning for a long time.
It is nothing short of amazing that evolutionists need almost 5 billion years to explain or age one of the smallest planets in the universe, but only a three second blast to create the whole universe at the unlikely event known as — the big bang. That the uncreated gases should all come into the same neighborhood at the most propitious moment in history and react, sounds more like someone had a serious bang to the head and a theory emerged. If these are the people laughing at the God believers; we might want to just ignore them rather than wasting time in debate.
The greater likelihood is that the academically indoctrinated and dumbed down cookie cutter punch-outs are moving preemptively against a brilliant and popular Senator who after all may be on the republican list for a 2016 run at the White House. It isn't about science it's about silence.
Keeping anything Rubio says silent is obviously the goal. Rubio clearly stated "I'm not a scientist' but that is not what they care about. They didn't need to ask him if he was a politician, a statesman or a contender, that's understood.
Not understanding either divinity or the power divinity holds is part and parcel to all secularism, whether it is brought on by indoctrination, indifference or a need to stay within culturally accepted social parameters. It is what keeps the pseudo scientists from explaining how the gases for the big bang came into being in a creator-less universe.
It is what keeps the self-assured from knowing how eyes, withered limbs, missing flesh (lepers) and other maladies that would require months or years to re-invigorate, were replaced in seconds when Jesus Christ prayed over the diseased.
It is the absence of any explanation for the production of enough bread and seafood to feed 5,000 people coming from only a few loaves and fishes. No fishing vessels were sent out and no bakeries were engaged and the time to produce all these victuals was perhaps 15 minutes.
Nobody can remember when, where or how long it took to create the world, but Jesus invoked the power of memory to witness the lightning speed of the power of God in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. To wit:
"Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?" (Mt 6: 19)
I have taken the time to remember and have long since formed this opinion, and I have no intention to run for any office in my lifetime. Those who think God could not, and would not create our world in seven days or seven thousand years have yet once again underestimated the power of the almighty God. He could and would if he chose, create this world in seven seconds.
The extra time may have been taken just to make sure all the goods and gifts of creation were here for us, the unbelieving, the un-thankful and believer alike. Unlike the evolutionists I am willing to admit that this is purely speculative, but my guess is as good as theirs!
It is almost impossible to explain to those who will not hear, that man will always take the path of least resistance. Adding dignity and perhaps some credence to certain discoveries through science often is just manipulation of the facts and a lot of 'just trust me' coming from empiricisms authorities.
We look at all the facts to determine if they are correct, but when a predisposition driven by human pride is in play, we accept conjecture and speculation from science and the scientists become very authoritarian, priest-like, inquisitors and judges who sit and decide against those who not only dare to think, but whose empirical findings are in conflict with the status quo.
People of faith are not allowed to question any part of scientific conclusion, and scientific authoritarians refuse to accept any part of the faith message. The scientists seem to have won, at the very same time they have lost everything. Truth, subjective or objective cannot always be empirically determined. Thus when placed up against prophecy, (the forth telling of the will and counsel of God) science will always come up short.
This writer has always been amazed at the preponderance of speculation used by scientists today. No one dares to question them on the smallest matters much less the very creation of the universe. Any speculation about what took place billions of years past would be missing any eye witnesses and untold decayed, deterioration and non-existent proof for modern eyes to subject to repeatable observable scrutiny. It is the echo of God's answer to Job that comes to mind.
"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding." (Job 38: 2, 3, 4)
How pompous that now science has presumed to determine not just who is intelligent but who has character, who is qualified to be a statesmen or a leader. My answer to this nonsense is simple, the scientists are now cleared to come down out of the clouds and come in for a landing.
© Michael Bresciani
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