Michael Bresciani
Obama and the liberals meet - - the 40 year factor
By Michael Bresciani
The best Biblical teachers in the world have been forecasting big trouble for America over the last 40 years. While largely ignored the "great pay-day someday," a phrase coined by the late Rev R. G. Lee (1886–1974) has finally arrived in our time.
The 40 year factor is based in the Bible's repeated use of the number forty, used over 146 times, as the "time of ample proof." Whether associated with days or years the bible uniformly engages this number to show that a thing has been completely tested. It is a period that signifies a chastisement, trial or probation that always ends with a judgment, usually summary in nature.
Examples are too numerous to list here, but some of the most famous uses of the number 40 are as follows.
Many prophecies from every kind of preacher, prophet and priest have been cast for the period of time we are coming to. One alone stands out far above them all and will reach its 40 year long period in 2013. Needless to say we are referring to the deeply evil scourge we call abortion.
Passages of scripture like this, "That innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee," (De 9: 10) are found throughout the bible and while they are totally ignored, God is counting every precious soul that we are discarding like so much refuse and waste material. By 2013 America's death toll for unborn children will be well over 60,000,000 that is — sixty million. Say it out loud and ponder it for a few minutes before going on to anything else. If you can see this in your mind's eye you should tremble.
The theory of evolution, that pseudo-science introduced by welcoming the fairy tale cogitations of Charles Darwin has spun out its 40 year course having been accepted as part of normal curriculum in our schools since the sixties. Huge advances in creation science that have hammered the evolutionary model are being ignored along with the fact that God is being portrayed as a dunce and a liar.
The introduction of the gay agenda and the formation of the politically activist LGBT has run its forty years since Carl Whitman wrote his "Gay Manifesto" in 1970 and then died of AIDS.
Countless preachers have warned and proclaimed that we are approaching the full spectrum of God's patience, voices like Billy Graham who recently said America's shameless indulgence into everything prurient and sleazy is about to meet up face to face with God's wrath.
Editor Joseph Farah of WND has recently warned that if we vote Mr. Obama and his liberal cadre back into power America will be facing the end of its history, not just as a world power, but as a nation.
Conservative radio talk giant Rush Limbaugh says we will undergo a collapse from which we will not recover if we stay on this present path and allow Obama and the liberals to fundamentally change the nation.
Hundreds of churches, faith based groups and organizations are joining together in a call to pray and fast during the last 40 days before Election Day on November 6, 2012. Both churches and individuals have been invited to sign up and participate in the movement known as "40 Days to Save America." The sense of urgency about changing our direction shows that those who have taken the time to carefully weigh what has happened in the last four years are fully cognizant that it will not end well if it is not corrected immediately.
Over 1,000 churches have signed up for what is called, "PULPIT FREEDOM SUNDAY — OCTOBER 7, 2012." They are calling for all churches to speak out on political issues with an eye to making the people of God fully aware of what is at stake in this election. They are advising churches to ignore the 1954 uncontested Johnson amendment which straps 501-C tax exempt organizations from speaking out on political issues. The time has come to speak up.
The weakness of our political view comes from two equally important factors. One is earthly, which is the idea that a man's personal idea of morality has no effect on his ability to make policy or wage war. Mr. Obama's idea of same sex marriage, abortion and other issues is bolstering the immorality of our citizens, but we will all suffer the consequences together. His viewpoint will cost all of us — dearly.
The other factor comes from the biblical message, but surprisingly it is not just the moral message, it is the prophetic message we are ignoring at our own peril. Everything that is happening today has been predicted by the bible, but now we are walking directly into the last stages the bible calls a state of "reprobation."
The bump in the polls for Obama since the DNC Convention and the now infamous "vote against God" at the convention serve to bolster what the best voices have long been proclaiming, to wit:
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." (Ro 1: 28)
Reprobation comes with a very short shelf life stamped all over it. We want the prophets to tell us of wars and rumors of war, natural disasters and how they read into the picture, but the morality of any nation and the world can tell us much more about God's timing. America's sense of time, her comparison of theology and the evidence of homeostasis is so weak that almost everyone is missing the most important fact of all.
Two great examples, one from the past and the other from the future speak volumes to the present. From the past we see that Adolph Hitler's final rise to power took a mere seven years, not an entire generation. From the future we see that the world's final dictator (The antichrist) will conquer, suppress and nearly destroy the entire world, all in a period of seven years.
We may think another four years will just be a "chance" for Mr. Obama to try again to correct his dismal failures. But because the historical record and the prophetic record both agree, eight years is one year more than is needed to completely destroy a nation.
At this point I will sharply diverge from mere information to serious warning. I don't need nor do I seek any power, fame, fortune or following, but I will respond to the ministry and calling to which I was appointed and for which I was born. My message is simple, but may be the most serious you will ever hear.
America is at the most important crossroads of her entire history. Our 40 years of testing and proving is over. If we carry this deepening immorality, socialistic political policy and general Godlessness beyond the year 2012, we will cease as a world power, we will be drawn into a worldwide decline from which we will not recover. Our economy will collapse like a house of cards and our enemies will take full advantage of our reduced capacity. Judgment will have begun for us as a nation.
We must decide now if our love for God and our country will take precedence over our love of our respective candidates. For the undecided voter and those who are still reticent to vote for Mitt Romney I will respectfully add this advice. Don't let Mitt Romney become your Ross Perot. Change your frame of thinking as quickly as you can. It is perfectly OK to see it as a vote against Barack Obama, rather than a vote for Mitt Romney. Consider what is at stake.
Other candidates will come along, but we have only one country.
© Michael Bresciani
September 12, 2012
The best Biblical teachers in the world have been forecasting big trouble for America over the last 40 years. While largely ignored the "great pay-day someday," a phrase coined by the late Rev R. G. Lee (1886–1974) has finally arrived in our time.
The 40 year factor is based in the Bible's repeated use of the number forty, used over 146 times, as the "time of ample proof." Whether associated with days or years the bible uniformly engages this number to show that a thing has been completely tested. It is a period that signifies a chastisement, trial or probation that always ends with a judgment, usually summary in nature.
Examples are too numerous to list here, but some of the most famous uses of the number 40 are as follows.
- For forty days and nights Jesus was fasting in the desert which ended in the great temptation by the devil. (Mt 4: 2)
- Jesus was seen of his disciples and as many as 500 people at one time after his resurrection for a period of 40 days. (Ac 1: 2)
- It took forty days for Moses to receive the law on the mount. (Ex 24: 18)
- The tribes of Israel roamed in the wilderness before taking possession of the Promised Land. (De 8: 2-5) (Ps 95: 10) (Acts 13: 18)
Many prophecies from every kind of preacher, prophet and priest have been cast for the period of time we are coming to. One alone stands out far above them all and will reach its 40 year long period in 2013. Needless to say we are referring to the deeply evil scourge we call abortion.
Passages of scripture like this, "That innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee," (De 9: 10) are found throughout the bible and while they are totally ignored, God is counting every precious soul that we are discarding like so much refuse and waste material. By 2013 America's death toll for unborn children will be well over 60,000,000 that is — sixty million. Say it out loud and ponder it for a few minutes before going on to anything else. If you can see this in your mind's eye you should tremble.
The theory of evolution, that pseudo-science introduced by welcoming the fairy tale cogitations of Charles Darwin has spun out its 40 year course having been accepted as part of normal curriculum in our schools since the sixties. Huge advances in creation science that have hammered the evolutionary model are being ignored along with the fact that God is being portrayed as a dunce and a liar.
The introduction of the gay agenda and the formation of the politically activist LGBT has run its forty years since Carl Whitman wrote his "Gay Manifesto" in 1970 and then died of AIDS.
Countless preachers have warned and proclaimed that we are approaching the full spectrum of God's patience, voices like Billy Graham who recently said America's shameless indulgence into everything prurient and sleazy is about to meet up face to face with God's wrath.
Editor Joseph Farah of WND has recently warned that if we vote Mr. Obama and his liberal cadre back into power America will be facing the end of its history, not just as a world power, but as a nation.
Conservative radio talk giant Rush Limbaugh says we will undergo a collapse from which we will not recover if we stay on this present path and allow Obama and the liberals to fundamentally change the nation.
Hundreds of churches, faith based groups and organizations are joining together in a call to pray and fast during the last 40 days before Election Day on November 6, 2012. Both churches and individuals have been invited to sign up and participate in the movement known as "40 Days to Save America." The sense of urgency about changing our direction shows that those who have taken the time to carefully weigh what has happened in the last four years are fully cognizant that it will not end well if it is not corrected immediately.
Over 1,000 churches have signed up for what is called, "PULPIT FREEDOM SUNDAY — OCTOBER 7, 2012." They are calling for all churches to speak out on political issues with an eye to making the people of God fully aware of what is at stake in this election. They are advising churches to ignore the 1954 uncontested Johnson amendment which straps 501-C tax exempt organizations from speaking out on political issues. The time has come to speak up.
The weakness of our political view comes from two equally important factors. One is earthly, which is the idea that a man's personal idea of morality has no effect on his ability to make policy or wage war. Mr. Obama's idea of same sex marriage, abortion and other issues is bolstering the immorality of our citizens, but we will all suffer the consequences together. His viewpoint will cost all of us — dearly.
The other factor comes from the biblical message, but surprisingly it is not just the moral message, it is the prophetic message we are ignoring at our own peril. Everything that is happening today has been predicted by the bible, but now we are walking directly into the last stages the bible calls a state of "reprobation."
The bump in the polls for Obama since the DNC Convention and the now infamous "vote against God" at the convention serve to bolster what the best voices have long been proclaiming, to wit:
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." (Ro 1: 28)
Reprobation comes with a very short shelf life stamped all over it. We want the prophets to tell us of wars and rumors of war, natural disasters and how they read into the picture, but the morality of any nation and the world can tell us much more about God's timing. America's sense of time, her comparison of theology and the evidence of homeostasis is so weak that almost everyone is missing the most important fact of all.
Two great examples, one from the past and the other from the future speak volumes to the present. From the past we see that Adolph Hitler's final rise to power took a mere seven years, not an entire generation. From the future we see that the world's final dictator (The antichrist) will conquer, suppress and nearly destroy the entire world, all in a period of seven years.
We may think another four years will just be a "chance" for Mr. Obama to try again to correct his dismal failures. But because the historical record and the prophetic record both agree, eight years is one year more than is needed to completely destroy a nation.
At this point I will sharply diverge from mere information to serious warning. I don't need nor do I seek any power, fame, fortune or following, but I will respond to the ministry and calling to which I was appointed and for which I was born. My message is simple, but may be the most serious you will ever hear.
America is at the most important crossroads of her entire history. Our 40 years of testing and proving is over. If we carry this deepening immorality, socialistic political policy and general Godlessness beyond the year 2012, we will cease as a world power, we will be drawn into a worldwide decline from which we will not recover. Our economy will collapse like a house of cards and our enemies will take full advantage of our reduced capacity. Judgment will have begun for us as a nation.
We must decide now if our love for God and our country will take precedence over our love of our respective candidates. For the undecided voter and those who are still reticent to vote for Mitt Romney I will respectfully add this advice. Don't let Mitt Romney become your Ross Perot. Change your frame of thinking as quickly as you can. It is perfectly OK to see it as a vote against Barack Obama, rather than a vote for Mitt Romney. Consider what is at stake.
Other candidates will come along, but we have only one country.
© Michael Bresciani
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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