Matt C. Abbott
Cupich: pastor incited hatred against church hierarchy
By Matt C. Abbott
Father Paul Kalchik is presently "in hiding" after being ousted from his Chicago parish by Cardinal Blase Cupich, but he's still able to make his voice heard via Church Militant.
That hasn't sat well with Cupich, who doesn't need much of a reason to persecute faithful priests who are even remotely outspoken in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
(Lest we forget, Father C. Frank Phillips is another casualty of Cupich's devilish leadership, exiled from Illinois, while left-wing activist Father Michael Pfleger continues to flourish. Yeah, Cupich was a little ticked at Pfleger for inviting Louis Farrakhan to speak at St. Sabina. Farrakhan's presence and speech at the supposedly Catholic parish received some bad local press and was embarrassing to the archdiocese. But, hey, it's all good now.)
Proceedings have reportedly begun in Rome with Kalchik's canonical case against Cupich presented to the Congregation for Clerics. According to a very reliable source, Cupich presented 123 pages of documentation to support his ousting of Kalchik. One document Cupich included in the packet was Kalchik's commentary "What Happened to Shame," published by Church Militant on Sept. 4, 2018. Cupich asserts that Kalchik incited hatred against the hierarchy in his commentary.
Kalchik wrote (excerpted):
On a related note, earlier this year, veteran Catholic activist Stephen Brady publicly expressed his goal of ousting Cupich from Chicago by the end of 2019. Cupich is, of course, a favorite of Pope Francis.
I asked Brady if he's still hopeful that Cupich can be ousted by the end of this year, to which Brady responded: "I'm aware of some state and federal investigations going on regarding Cupich. Hopefully they will pan out, but I'm not at liberty to tell the details yet."
Stay tuned.
© Matt C. Abbott
June 19, 2019
Father Paul Kalchik is presently "in hiding" after being ousted from his Chicago parish by Cardinal Blase Cupich, but he's still able to make his voice heard via Church Militant.
That hasn't sat well with Cupich, who doesn't need much of a reason to persecute faithful priests who are even remotely outspoken in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
(Lest we forget, Father C. Frank Phillips is another casualty of Cupich's devilish leadership, exiled from Illinois, while left-wing activist Father Michael Pfleger continues to flourish. Yeah, Cupich was a little ticked at Pfleger for inviting Louis Farrakhan to speak at St. Sabina. Farrakhan's presence and speech at the supposedly Catholic parish received some bad local press and was embarrassing to the archdiocese. But, hey, it's all good now.)
Proceedings have reportedly begun in Rome with Kalchik's canonical case against Cupich presented to the Congregation for Clerics. According to a very reliable source, Cupich presented 123 pages of documentation to support his ousting of Kalchik. One document Cupich included in the packet was Kalchik's commentary "What Happened to Shame," published by Church Militant on Sept. 4, 2018. Cupich asserts that Kalchik incited hatred against the hierarchy in his commentary.
Kalchik wrote (excerpted):
In psychological terms, these individuals [complicit priests, bishops, cardinals] are psychopaths and should not be in any position of governance whatsoever, neither in civil society nor the Church. However, we are cursed with these men in leadership positions today and, unlike Judas, they cling to what little power they have left and surround themselves with sycophants, like offal gathers flies. How do we end this immediately? By voting with our feet.
If, God forbid, a character like [Cardinal Donald] Wuerl shows up to say Mass at your church, walk out. And take a cue from the holy men and women who shouted 'shame on you' this past Sunday and call the charlatan to task for his actions! And take for your inspiration in your holy disobedience the Old Testament Prophet Daniel, who never sucked up to attain human adulation or political acclaim; he said and did what was right, regardless of how politically correct it was or was not.
So let's, as the Body of Christ, get moving; let's totally boycott the Wuerls and the Cupichs of the Church and their like! There are many good priests and good parishes around our country and around the world to go to receive the sacraments; there is no need to fulfill your Sunday obligation by going to a Mass with one of the yahoos officiating.
On a related note, earlier this year, veteran Catholic activist Stephen Brady publicly expressed his goal of ousting Cupich from Chicago by the end of 2019. Cupich is, of course, a favorite of Pope Francis.
I asked Brady if he's still hopeful that Cupich can be ousted by the end of this year, to which Brady responded: "I'm aware of some state and federal investigations going on regarding Cupich. Hopefully they will pan out, but I'm not at liberty to tell the details yet."
Stay tuned.
© Matt C. Abbott
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