Matt C. Abbott
Website tracks 'pro-choice' violence
By Matt C. Abbott
(A version of the following article, written by Brian W. Clowes, Ph.D., appeared in a recent issue of The Wanderer.)
Human Life International Launches New 'Pro-Choice' Violence Website
By Brian W. Clowes
Human Life International is launching its expanded and improved "pro-choice" violence website on July 5, 2011. Pro-lifers all over the world can use this tool to document the frequent and extreme violence committed by "pro-choicers," and to prove that pro-lifers belong to the most peaceful social movement of its kind in history.
The main body of the site consists of a state-by-state and city-by-city listing of more than eleven thousand documented incidents of "pro-choice" violence and lawbreaking, from mass murder, rape, arson, cannibalism, kidnapping and maiming to cheating in sports events, animal neglect and cruelty, indecent exposure, child sexual molestation and bank robbery. Each incident is backed up by references so that "pro-choice" people cannot claim the site is mere "anti-choice propaganda."
In addition to more than 1,200 pages of descriptions and documentation, the site includes:
But, of course, all we hear about in the press is the people killed by allegedly "pro-life" people. Not surprisingly, abortionists, whose entire business is killing, are the most violent members of the "pro-choice" movement. They have murdered their wives, butchered women during abortions and walked away to let them die; some have even committed such hideous crimes as cannibalism and the production of child pornography. This database provides detailed information on the crimes committed by more than 350 abortionists, from Mehrdad Aalai to Theresa Zumwalt.
The site comes with a warning, as it relates often gruesome details of crimes that might not be suitable for young or sensitive readers. It thoroughly investigates and presents many aspects of the abortion mentality that most pro-lifers are not even aware of:
The "pro-choice" violence website is located at www.prochoiceviolence.com. Every pro-lifer should bookmark the site so that they can use it to refute errors encountered on the Internet. It's about time we put to rest the myth that pro-lifers are the violent ones in the struggle over abortion.
© Matt C. Abbott
July 5, 2011
(A version of the following article, written by Brian W. Clowes, Ph.D., appeared in a recent issue of The Wanderer.)
By Brian W. Clowes
Human Life International is launching its expanded and improved "pro-choice" violence website on July 5, 2011. Pro-lifers all over the world can use this tool to document the frequent and extreme violence committed by "pro-choicers," and to prove that pro-lifers belong to the most peaceful social movement of its kind in history.
The main body of the site consists of a state-by-state and city-by-city listing of more than eleven thousand documented incidents of "pro-choice" violence and lawbreaking, from mass murder, rape, arson, cannibalism, kidnapping and maiming to cheating in sports events, animal neglect and cruelty, indecent exposure, child sexual molestation and bank robbery. Each incident is backed up by references so that "pro-choice" people cannot claim the site is mere "anti-choice propaganda."
In addition to more than 1,200 pages of descriptions and documentation, the site includes:
- An spreadsheet summarizing the types of "pro-choice" violence;
- A list of hundreds of women killed by so-called "safe and legal" abortion;
- Short summaries of the stories of pregnant women who were murdered by their boyfriends or husbands because they refused to get abortions;
- A PowerPoint document that can be used for presentations.
But, of course, all we hear about in the press is the people killed by allegedly "pro-life" people. Not surprisingly, abortionists, whose entire business is killing, are the most violent members of the "pro-choice" movement. They have murdered their wives, butchered women during abortions and walked away to let them die; some have even committed such hideous crimes as cannibalism and the production of child pornography. This database provides detailed information on the crimes committed by more than 350 abortionists, from Mehrdad Aalai to Theresa Zumwalt.
The site comes with a warning, as it relates often gruesome details of crimes that might not be suitable for young or sensitive readers. It thoroughly investigates and presents many aspects of the abortion mentality that most pro-lifers are not even aware of:
- It proves that abortion is essential to covering up child molestation, giving nearly one hundred detailed accounts of how older men have molested very young girls and, when they get pregnant, have taken them to abortion mills where the abortionists ask no questions. All they do is take the man's money, perform the abortion, and send the girl home to be raped over and over again.
- The "pro-choice" mentality leads not only to deadly violence, but to sexual violence as well. HLI has documented more than 2,500 sex crimes by "pro-choicers," including more than 200 cases of rape, more than 500 incidents of sexual assault of children, and more than 700 cases of sexual abuse and assault.
- Abortionists have committed more than 3,000 medical crimes, from gross negligence and incompetence to grave robbery and forced abortions. In fact, since abortionists occupy the lowest rung of the medical profession, it is almost impossible to find one who has not committed such crimes in their mad dash to accumulate as much cash as quickly as possible.
- Abortion is also the sex slave trader's best friend, and this database gives information on how "pro-choicers" use it to keep their sex slaves "in line."
- When abortionists murder or sexually molest women, the "pro-choice" groups always take the side of the [usually male] abortionist against the victims. This proves once and for all that the "pro-choice" movement values the availability of abortion above the health and the very lives of women it claims to care about.
- The site shows that murderous "pro-choice" violence does not only occur in North America, but all over the world. It presents dozens of examples of abortion supporters committing violence in other countries.
- Not only have "pro-choicers" murdered pro-lifers (Jim Pouillon being only the latest victim), but they have attempted to murder pro-lifers more than thirty times. This database also documents nearly 400 "pro-choice" physical assaults against pro-lifers, including nearly fifty by abortionists. "Pro-choice" people have violently attacked pro lifers with guns, cars, acid, hypodermic syringes, and baseball bats, and other "pro choicers" have actually applauded and supported these actions.
- There are many particularly hideous and depraved crimes committed by "pro-choicers," crimes committed to frame pro-lifers to make us look violent, detailed accounts of many disgusting and dangerous "front-alley" abortion mills, and the racism and hate crimes committed by "pro-choicers."
- Throughout history, many of the worst mass murderers and fiends have been "pro-choice." For example, the Marquis de Sade ¯ whose novels celebrated the torture and murder of pregnant women ¯ advocated the legalization of abortion in France more than two centuries ago. After he escaped Germany at the end of World War II, one of the most notorious Nazis of all, Josef Mengele, known as the "Angel of Death" from the Auschwitz concentration camp, moved to Argentina and set up shop as an abortionist. And Chicago abortionist Henry Howard Holmes, known as "America's Arch-Fiend," was our nation's first serial killer, murdering more than fifty people by slowly burning them to death and dissolving them in acid.
The "pro-choice" violence website is located at www.prochoiceviolence.com. Every pro-lifer should bookmark the site so that they can use it to refute errors encountered on the Internet. It's about time we put to rest the myth that pro-lifers are the violent ones in the struggle over abortion.
© Matt C. Abbott
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