Tom Hoefling
Abolish abortion?
By Tom Hoefling
August 28, 2017

In terms of God's law, which the founders of our republic called "the laws of nature and nature's God," abortion is already abolished. His strict command "you shall not murder" contains no exceptions based on the age of the victim, or anything else. No murder means no murder, period.

Our founders rightly asserted this as self-evident truth in our national charter, the Declaration of Independence. All men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator, from the moment of their creation, with the unalienable right to live. "That to secure these rights," starting with the right to life, "governments are instituted among men...." Fundamentally, abortion is a coup d'etat against legitimate government – which means that abortion is already abolished.

In terms of all of the stated purposes of our Constitution – the supreme law of our land – abortion is already abolished. Among other things, that great document exists, it says, to "establish justice," and to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to our Posterity." Nothing is more unjust than to murder somebody. And you can't secure Blessings to a Posterity you've annihilated.

The Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments to that Constitution absolutely require equal protection under the law for the right to life of every innocent person, in every state in the Union. No exceptions.

Abortion is completely immoral and absolutely unconstitutional. Therefore it is not legal. It is already abolished.

Courts have no legitimate jurisdiction to violate the natural moral law or to violate the Constitution. They also have no constitutional authority to make laws. So, in terms of any involvement by the judiciary in this life-and-death matter, abortion is already abolished. Any court opinion to the contrary is a legal nullity. That means it does not exist, in the true legal sense.

So, what does that leave that needs to be abolished? State and federal codes that in any way grant governmental permission to abort/murder babies. In other words, almost all of what has been put into the statutes, at both the state and the federal levels of government, by regulationist, "pro-life" Republicans over the course of the last half-century. Any code section that, in effect, ends with "and then you can kill the baby."

Finally, more than anything else, what is absolutely necessary is that we put men and women in executive offices who will actively provide equal protection for the right to life of every innocent person, as their solemn oaths require. In other words, we need executive officers who will again put God's law, and the natural law, and our Constitution, into practical effect, no matter what lawless judges, or oath- breaking legislators, choose to say or do.

© Tom Hoefling


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Tom Hoefling

Tom Hoefling is a long-time conservative political activist.

In 2000 and 2008, he served as Alan Keyes' national political director.

Tom founded America's Party in 2008, and in 2012 ran as the party's presidential nominee... (more)


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