URGENT: The time to defund and derail Obamacare is NOW! Get involved!
Stephen Stone, RenewAmerica President
Dear American patriot,
RenewAmerica is proud to support DefundDerailObamacare.com, a website created to help stop Obamacare dead in its tracks.
The site, launched Sept. 5, is sponsored by our friends at Americans United for Freedom.
Like similar websites, DefundDerailObamacare.com features a PETITION citizens can sign demanding both houses of Congress refuse to fund Obamacare when the matter comes up for a vote later this month in connection with a Continuing Resolution. (Note: The petition feature has been improved even further.)
But unlike other defund Obamacare sites, the AUF project offers a unique FAX feature that enables busy citizens to FAX a copy of the site's carefully-crafted petition to all 535 congressmen and senators for a modest donation. Sending such a FAX can be highly effective.
The site's FAX option is a great tool!
The premise of the AUF petition is that Republicans who cave to pressure from Obamacare defenders and vote to provide tax dollars for this draconian measure "own it because they've funded it" – no matter any claims they might make to the contrary.
When the Continuing Resolution comes up for a vote in the House and Senate by the end of the month, Republicans of both chambers who profess to oppose Obamacare MUST VOTE TO DEFUND it if they are serious. If they fail to do so, their opposition is feigned, and their excuses are but empty words.
We further wish to declare that specious claims by Democrat and Republican leaders alike that conservatives who insist on defunding Obamacare are threatening to "shut down the government" are demonstrably false. If President Obama chooses to shut down the government rather than accept a Continuing Resolution that omits funding for Obamacare, he alone will be responsible for that decision – not opponents of his devastating and destructive "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."
It's his choice, and his consequence. That is the position of RenewAmerica, and of Americans United for Freedom.
The time for timid, pragmatic calculations is past. Our elected representatives and senators NEED TO ACT if our nation is to have a future of fundamental liberty. AND THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU, to know you want them to defund the president's enslaving socialized healthcare plan.
As Sen. Ted Cruz said two weeks ago on CNN, "Now is the single best time to stop Obamacare. If it doesn't happen now, it's never going to happen."
We agree, and urge all thinking Americans to get behind this historic effort by pressuring their senators and congressmen to DEFUND OBAMACARE NOW!
Please visit DefundDerailObamacare.com, sign the petition, send a FAX, and enlist your friends in doing the same. Time is short.
© Stephen Stone
September 9, 2013
Dear American patriot,
RenewAmerica is proud to support DefundDerailObamacare.com, a website created to help stop Obamacare dead in its tracks.
The site, launched Sept. 5, is sponsored by our friends at Americans United for Freedom.
Like similar websites, DefundDerailObamacare.com features a PETITION citizens can sign demanding both houses of Congress refuse to fund Obamacare when the matter comes up for a vote later this month in connection with a Continuing Resolution. (Note: The petition feature has been improved even further.)

The site's FAX option is a great tool!
The premise of the AUF petition is that Republicans who cave to pressure from Obamacare defenders and vote to provide tax dollars for this draconian measure "own it because they've funded it" – no matter any claims they might make to the contrary.
When the Continuing Resolution comes up for a vote in the House and Senate by the end of the month, Republicans of both chambers who profess to oppose Obamacare MUST VOTE TO DEFUND it if they are serious. If they fail to do so, their opposition is feigned, and their excuses are but empty words.
We further wish to declare that specious claims by Democrat and Republican leaders alike that conservatives who insist on defunding Obamacare are threatening to "shut down the government" are demonstrably false. If President Obama chooses to shut down the government rather than accept a Continuing Resolution that omits funding for Obamacare, he alone will be responsible for that decision – not opponents of his devastating and destructive "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."
It's his choice, and his consequence. That is the position of RenewAmerica, and of Americans United for Freedom.
The time for timid, pragmatic calculations is past. Our elected representatives and senators NEED TO ACT if our nation is to have a future of fundamental liberty. AND THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU, to know you want them to defund the president's enslaving socialized healthcare plan.
As Sen. Ted Cruz said two weeks ago on CNN, "Now is the single best time to stop Obamacare. If it doesn't happen now, it's never going to happen."
We agree, and urge all thinking Americans to get behind this historic effort by pressuring their senators and congressmen to DEFUND OBAMACARE NOW!
Please visit DefundDerailObamacare.com, sign the petition, send a FAX, and enlist your friends in doing the same. Time is short.
© Stephen Stone