Q&A regarding RenewAmerica's 'activist pledge'
RenewAmerica staff
June 22, 2009

As RenewAmerica undertakes to quickly expand the number of grassroots Americans who are willing to sign the "Pledge for America's Revival," we think it might be helpful for us to elaborate on the purposes behind this signature drive.

So we're all on the same page, we're providing the following Q&A.

Question: Is there an additional agenda behind the "Activist Pledge drive"?

Answer: RenewAmerica has just one purpose for sponsoring the pledge drive — and indeed for sponsoring America's Revival, itself — and that is to help build grassroots strength for retaking America upon true principles. That is our only interest, and we have no other agenda or motivation.

Question: Is America's Revival connected with any national public figure, candidate, or aspiring candidate?

Answer: America's Revival — like RenewAmerica — is completely independent of all public figures, including those who may be running for office, or contemplating doing so now or in the future. During the 2008 presidential election, both organizations were affiliated with Alan Keyes, but they have since become unaffiliated with him. Both organizations are beholden to no one beyond the core of independent-minded, dedicated individuals who lead and guide these organizations, and to the many principled conservatives who support and appreciate their efforts.

Question: Is the "Activist Pledge drive" intended to raise funds for either America's Revival or RenewAmerica?

Answer: No. The commitment that Pledge signers make to "donate what [they] can to build this principled, patriotic cause, and other worthy causes, according to [their] individual ability and circumstances," implies no particular obligation to help fund America's Revival — or its sponsor, RenewAmerica.

This language in the Pledge is intended merely to reflect the final words in the Declaration of Independence, in which the Founders stated:

    And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. (emphasis added)

Any true commitment to help save our country includes sharing our financial means — otherwise, the commitment is empty and meaningless. But we've carefully worded the Pledge so signers would feel free to donate to any worthy cause they choose. We're not deliberately trying to raise money for America's Revival (or RenewAmerica) through our Pledge drive.

We're fully aware of the seemingly endless pitches for donations that active conservatives receive from a wide range of sources, and we respect each citizen's judgment as to what merits their financial support — especially in these difficult economic times.

Question: Does signing the Pledge require signers to do anything specific to support America's Revival or RenewAmerica?

Answer: No. Signers make no commitment to support either organization — or any other organization. They commit merely to "stand with" other likeminded patriotic citizens — as their time and means allow — in making a difference in saving our country, and to doing so as God individually directs them.

There's no implied "pressure" in such a commitment for signers to do anything they don't wish to do, in their dealings with other citizens, or with any groups or organizations.

Bear in mind that America's Revival is not a standard "top-down" organization run by a group of aggressive promoters. It's a broadly-defined grassroots effort — encouraged by RenewAmerica — that places responsibility for its success or failure directly on interested grassroots Americans. The real leaders of the effort are those who sign the Pledge — not those of us at RenewAmerica who want to help take back our country.

If America's Revival succeeds in helping to preserve our country, it will be because of the righteous endeavors of God-fearing Americans — and the grace of God — not anything we directly do. We're just trying to build unity, commitment, and activism among patriotic citizens who are willing to take the initiative to get involved.

Why is it so important to quickly grow the numbers of Pledge signers?

Answer: Because our nation is crumbling fast — and we all need to jump in immediately and do all we can to oppose the socialist agenda of the Obama administration and steer our country aright. Time is of the essence!

We also want to do our part to support the Tea Party movement, and that movement needs all the participants it can get — to send a message to the Marxists in Washington that grassroots America is watching them.

There is great urgency to immediately expand our numbers so we can help stem the tide of destruction well under way in our country. This is all very serious business, and we each need to do our share to save our nation.

Question: What can I do most effectively to boost the number of Pledge signers?

Answer: We just created a flier that we think effectively encourages patriotic Americans to sign the Pledge. The more these fliers are disseminated (both on paper and electronically), the more God-fearing citizens will be aware of this meaningful opportunity to pledge to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor — "with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence" — much as our Founders did in laying the foundation of our country.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31