Pete Riehm
Has the LGBTQ+ rebellion jumped the shark?
By Pete Riehm
June 25, 2024

Pride month is mercifully coming to a close and it seems this year’s spectacle was milder and perhaps even more muted than some. In recent years, the LGBTQ+ onslaught was inescapable every June. Advertising and entertainment were over-saturated with everyone and everything emphasizing all manner of perversion from shaving to snacks to sports, but this year with a few notable exceptions, it seems many companies side-stepped or soft-pedaled the freak shows.

Cox Cable, Disney, and Legos still pervade their June advertising with relentless LGBTQ+ flourishes, but most companies settled on just supportive statements and spared their consumers the incessant obnoxious ads. Perhaps they have found, like Bud Light learned, that it doesn’t help sales and may seriously damage a brand to shove militant LGBTQ+ propaganda down their consumers’ throats. Further, some LGBTQ+ supporters may also be realizing that in-your-face assaults lose more support than they gain.

The transgender phenomenon, like a virus, is feeding on the LGBTQ+ rebellion and weakening it. Transgender athletes incorporated fraud into their fetish. Biological men found great success competing with and pummeling women in almost every sport, so now women are losing their identity because any man can be a better woman. Democrats immersed themselves in this nonsense and can no longer even define a woman.

Men parading as women is certainly disorder, but Americans are offended by the sheer unfairness of cheating women and girls out of being able to excel in sports. Leftists and LGBTQ+ militants defend this scam, but Americans are incensed and demand action. Red legislatures are banning males from female sports. LGBTQ+ advocates refuse to heed average Americans, but the tide is turning. Male swimmer William Thomas, who won several NCAA women’s swimming meets as “Lia Thomas,” has been denied a spot the women’s Olympic team.

Even Martina Navratilova, an iconic tennis player, also known for being bisexual or lesbian, has had enough of the transgender lunacy. She may be homosexual, but she is proud of being perhaps the best female tennis player in history. So she has strongly advocated for only females in women’s sports. Eating their own, some callous sportswriter has attacked her as “transphobic,” but Navratilova is fighting back.

Even Hollywood is feeling the heat. Leslye Headland, the lesbian creator of Disney’s new Star Wars series “Acolyte” was elated when the Hollywood Reporter described the “Acolyte” as “the gayest ever” Star Wars. That was until the series flopped because no one was interested in her lesbian fantasy world. Now she scolds audiences and critics for noticing that she purposefully imbued the series with queerness. She insists that the queerness she created should not detract from the story—but it does. The poor ratings tell the story.

The biggest problem for the LGBTQ+ rebellion is that it has dropped the pretense that children are not their focus; now they openly solicit children, particularly with transgenderism. Lego is a toy company with products designed for children, so why would they target kids with LGBTQ+ propaganda if they are not recruiting them? Lego went further this year, including an abundance of “Furries” in their premier LGBTQ+ ad. “Furries” are people who identify as animals, but worse, the “Furries” fetish is rooted in people who are sexually aroused by dressing as animals. So, why would Lego use “Furries” to lure children to their products?!

Most Americans find LGBTQ+ excesses awkward and distasteful, but the aggressive campaign for children is repulsive. Americans across the country have been shocked to find public and school libraries stocking LGBTQ+ propaganda books for children, and many of them are downright pornographic. When concerned parents simply asked that these filthy books be removed from the children’s section, they were met with vitriolic resistance. Many Americans suddenly realized their tolerance had been abused and the price was the indoctrination of their children into perversion.

The LGBTQ+ rebellion is far from over, but its collapse may be on the horizon. It all started as just a demand for gay rights, and that has been achieved. It’s illegal to discriminate against homosexuals, gay marriage is legal, and LGBTQ+ is extolled by entertainment and government. However, the LGBTQ+ rebellion has jumped the shark with transgenderism and pedophilia. Men cannot be women and should not be in female sports. But the more pernicious problem is the failure to reject pedophilia.

The militant transgender movement insists they must have access to our children so they can help them explore their sexuality. They are quite simply grooming them to join their perversion. This predation of children will ultimately not stand. Many homosexuals are also disgusted by the militant transgender agenda, but like any sin, it always takes you farther than you want to go.

Homosexuality will never go away, but its cultural dominance must eventually fade or it will take western society down with it. Pray for those lost in the LGBTQ+ deception but cast-off those that persist. And pray that Americans will protect our children and restore biblical morality to our culture.

“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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