Strauss-Kahn shares the love
By Jeannieology
May 17, 2011

Originally posted at American Thinker blog

If there is one thing socialists can pride themselves on, no matter where they come from, it's putting the best interests of workers first. That is why the alleged sexual assault of a hard-working unionized chambermaid perpetrated by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French Socialist Party bigwig and managing director of the International Monetary Fund, is probably just a huge misunderstanding.

This is a bad time for Strauss-Kahn to be involved in a sex scandal. The "French political world has been buzzing with speculation that the man popularly known as 'DSK' would bring a premature end to his tenure" at the "helm of the IMF in Washington," and "throw his hat in the ring" to run against Sarkozy for the highest office in France. "Some opinion polls suggest he would win," which would remove France's right-wing barrier and annoying political obstacle, the burqa-banning Nicolas Sarkozy, and be enhanced by the impending reelection of socialism-friendly Barack Obama.

That is why it seems improbable that leading global socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who hails from a nation supposedly populated with the world's greatest lovers, would chance doing anything other than spreading love around when he's not working hard to liberalize international exchange rates or defending the rights of workers.

All one has to do is look at the French logo for the Socialist Party, which is a fist grasping a single rose — a universal symbol for expressing love — to see why a naked Dominique was pursuing a fleeing chambermaid.

The accusation is that the man of the people, staying at a $3,000-a-night suite in the Sofitel luxury hotel, emerged nude from his bathroom, startling a female hotel worker. At which point Strauss-Kahn, quite possibly with a single rose in hand, "chased her down a hallway" and pulled her into a bedroom, where the unwilling-to-'share' woman claimed that DSK, the best hope for returning France to socialism, then dragged her into the bathroom and "jump[ed] her."

In the past, Strauss-Kahn, a thrice-married father of four and eternal lover at heart, "was briefly investigated over whether he had an improper relationship with a subordinate female employee. The IMF board found his actions 'regrettable' and said they 'reflected a serious error of judgment.'" DSK's indiscretion did nothing to jeopardize his position at the IMF, his promising career in politics, or his aspiration to assume the role of France's president.

Thus far, Dominique's "reputation as a charmer of women has not hurt his career in France, where politicians' private lives traditionally come under less scrutiny than in the United States." The French media even dubbed Strauss-Kahn "the great seducer."

Dominique's seduction skills may have passed in Paris' Hotel Meurice, but three years after a "serious error in judgment," the 'great seducer' hit a wall in NYC when a 32 year-old hotel worker claimed she was forced to pull "away from" Strauss-Kahn as he attempted to sodomize her on the bathroom floor of a luxury suite.

The explanation may be a simple one. Maybe Dominique felt the chambermaid should be more willing to 'share' and was merely attempting to school her in how, for the 'common good,' sharing is done. Allegedly, when the obstinate hotel worker refused his advances, Mr. Strauss-Kahn employed a tried-and-true socialist tactic called "drag and force."

Then, according to NYPD spokesman Paul Brown, Dominique hastily dressed and headed off "to JFK for a flight to Paris." Brown said "It looked like he got out of there in a hurry," because "he left his cell phone and other personal items in the room," which again may have been an innocent attempt to avail himself of another opportunity to "share the wealth."

Dominique, a recipient of "an arrangement with Air France that allows him to get on any flight and sit in first class," when approached by Port Authority cops on the plane asked, "What is this about?"

Strauss-Kahn found out what it was about after being arrested for "sodomizing [the] Manhattan hotel maid," and then spent time in the NYPD "Special Victim's Unit's uptown squad room." At least the socialist was among PBA workers — one segment of the American working class whose best interest, much like hotel workers, Strauss-Kahn has proven to always have in mind.

While Dominique Strauss-Kahn awaited "arraignment on charges of a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment," the alleged victim, still unaware that the French politician took what he wanted for her own good, was being "treated for trauma" at NYC's Roosevelt Hospital.

Dominique's "thunderbolt" arrest came hours after a "Socialist Party ally of Strauss-Kahn accused Sarkozy of kicking off a smear campaign against his longtime rival — focusing on his lavish lifestyle, including his preference for suits from the same tailor favored" by Barack Obama.

Jean-Marie Le Guen, socialist politician and "DSK" ally, accused Sarkozy, who was nowhere in the vicinity of the Sofitel Hotel, let alone New York City, of a "totally structured and orchestrated campaign, attack the character of Strauss-Kahn." If Dominique was "trapped," as reported by independent news source Huliq, it's an impressive "right-wing conspiracy" on Sarkozy's part since DNA evidence linking Strauss-Kahn to the incident has already been discovered.

Nevertheless, union workers, subordinate employees, and hotel chambermaids worldwide — with the exception of the one from the Sofitel — are probably of the belief that a man so dedicated to the ideal of equality and workers' rights could never be guilty of such oppressive behavior.

In due time it will likely be proven that what happened was an ungrateful hotel worker selfishly refused to share her resources with a passionate member of society. Instead of sharing, the chambermaid chose to retain her personal "wealth" rather than "consider the needs" of Dominique Strauss-Kahn who, red rose in hand, was then obliged to respond by lawfully exercising the socialist right to forcibly "seize" the woman's assets.

Author's content:

© Jeannieology


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