The secret to understanding liberals
By Jeannieology
April 20, 2011

Personal perception is everything, especially when it comes to liberals. Barack Obama is a perfect case in point. Here you have an individual with minimal qualifications and expertise who thinks so highly of himself, and so little of the American people, that he had the impudence to run for a leadership position that he had no business seeking.

Unfortunately, in American politics as well as in personal relationships, the least qualified are the most driven to control. Those lacking authentic confidence are the braggadocios in the group, reminding everyone how ahead-of-the-pack they are regardless of the topic, circumstance or discussion. That is precisely how someone of Barack Obama's character made an unbelievable move from a highchair to the Oval Office chair.

Liberals gain power through a finely tuned mix of self-exaltation and subjugation — traits not exclusive to politics. Ordinary self-exalting subjugators are found everywhere. In day-to-day life, you meet them on the street and sit next to them at Thanksgiving dinner. They busily push self-important weight around in the business world and, to the detriment of America, have recently taken up residence in the White House.

The President is a liberal subjugator. The definition of subjugation is: the act or process of bringing someone or something under one's control. Rest assured, Barack Obama is a master of subdue-and-conquer. The way Obama maintains power is to woo detractors to a front-row seat at a speech and then proceed to do what liberals do by nature: castigate, publicly humiliate, and attempt to crush.

Liberals are notorious for corralling the herd, scrambling to the self-erected balcony seat, and standing apart from the ignorant. In the delusional mind of a liberal, self-righteous authority becomes the justification to be an abusive — albeit seemingly empathetic — disciplinarian.

The excuse for targeted abuse? Liberals are charity champions, the self-styled protectors of the downtrodden, self-aggrandizing deliverers of the destitute, and protectors of the neglected.

Think of it — Obama is possessed of a subtle cruelty and displays it on a regular basis. The Supreme Court justices, Pete Hoekstra and Aaron Schock (R-IL), and most recently deficit whiz kid Paul Ryan (R-WI) were all taken to task by Obama. Like most liberal subjugators, Barack makes no apology for lifting a leg over a situation to mark territory and maintain aggressive control.

As mentioned before, subjugators aren't limited to politics; they expand the effort into every venue and toward all the 'little people,' regardless of location. If common folk want a better understanding of Obama's style, look to the liberals in everyday life and soon the spirit presently governing the nation will be better understood.

Most normal people have experienced the controlling tendency of a liberal. Always the upbeat friend, initially a liberal will cozy up in a sociable way. Without fail, things quickly devolve and eventually casual banter is peppered with demeaning innuendos, snide remarks, self-exalting commentary, and perfectly placed put-downs. Obama does it from the podium; Uncle Chester does it at the family picnic.

Over the course of any encounter, there's at least one inappropriate "correction" or hostile outburst to remind the dupes of the superiority of the liberal in charge. Correction is always coupled with a firm, chiding reminder of who is smarter and more compassionate. It's pervasive. It's endemic to their species. If Liberals aren't emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and physically dominating, they're either under the weather or not an authentic liberal.

For our own good, the left dictates how much of our own money we can keep, what doctor to go to, and which causes are worthy of support. Subjugators take it so far that they even have the temerity to define the boundaries of what others say and do. Liberals are deluded into perceiving themselves as the kindest people on the planet. However, if the uninformed dare step outside the designated boundary of thought, word or deed, a bona fide liberal will find a way to vilify, mock, deride, and publicly rebuke, and then to drive home a point, a la Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, proceed to stomp out of the room.

Another deceptive liberal ploy is to feign personal angst for the less fortunate. To prove caring concern, the left heavily publicizes every act of altruism. Liberals notoriously seek face time on live-aid telethons, weep the loudest at funerals, march in gay parades, adopt African babies, and volunteer for inner city organizations. It is upon that sanctimonious foundation; those on the left are able to rationalize verbal mistreatment and dictator-like attitudes those who choose to keep philanthropic outreach private.

Liberal benevolence is fodder for billboards and former recipients of liberal kindness are beholden to express undying gratitude, because liberals expect to be repaid with lifelong worship expressed through mindless votes at election time. The loving, compassionate liberal will choose downtrodden victims to support and then proceed to make a public display of personal goodness, because helping the weak is more about liberals being lauded than not letting "the right hand know what the left hand is doing."

America witnesses it yearly in the balcony of the House chambers at the annual State of Union address. It's the "Everybody, please look at me I hug people with HIV/AIDS" syndrome.

But ultimately, it's really about power. If Michelle Obama didn't drive home her acute concern for the health of children, then the supreme child authority could not point an authoritative finger in America's face when instituting policy that prohibits parents from sending their own children to school with a peanut butter and fluff sandwich in a non-recyclable lunch bag.

After awhile, from the White House to the backyard greenhouse it's impossible to deny that liberals believe they know more about things than certified experts in diverse fields. Regardless of the venue or subject, those on the left believe they are wiser, more knowledgeable, more savvy and, above all, able to see the bigger picture. In the liberal mind they can run any type of business and are convinced, on day one, they should be CEO. Uneducated liberals believe they can academically manage educational institutions, raise other people's children, and organize low-income communities, after which the natural progression is to follow Obama's example and segue into "saving" the nation and then conquering the world.

It's a simple formula, applicable on both a micro and a macro level. Liberals establish themselves as the world's benevolent caretakers, authorities on all subjects, and based on an overwhelming need to subjugate attempt to gain superiority through humiliation and chastisement. Then liberals demand the right to dictate based on a perverted sense of moral supremacy, self-enhanced dominance, and an obsessive need to control everyone and everything.

It doesn't take much experience to figure out that couched within every demagogic comment uttered from the lips of a liberal contains is an underlying message of judgmental disdain and mocking dismissal. The propensity is identifiable from Barack Obama to the lady next door with the Hope and Change sign on her lawn. Liberals are predictable and all the same.

Author's content:

© Jeannieology


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