The next black president?
By Jeannieology
February 21, 2011

(Originally published at American Thinker)

When Barack Obama was sworn in as President of the United States, even those who opposed his liberal policies secretly had a fleeting moment of patriotic pride. America had elected our first African-American president. Finally, our nation had overcome the injustices of the past and "the dawn of a new day" had arrived where most Americans were no longer judging or being judged based on skin color.

Regrettably, the feeling of national dignity was short lived. As it turned out, Barack Obama's goal was to get "others to think [more] highly" of Barack Obama than the nation whose citizens he was elected to lead.

What a shame. Truth is, the most unfortunate aspect of having Obama as America's first black president is that it is Obama who is America's first black president.

If only the first choice had been an outstanding man of color like Allen West or the spectacular Herman Cain. Both are patriotic individuals who love and recognize their country's greatness. Moreover, despite the reality of past injustices, unlike Barack Obama, Cain and West choose to dwell on the benefits of individual responsibility, unlimited opportunity, and patriotic allegiance to America.

One thing is for sure: No one could ever accuse the outspoken Herman Cain of disagreeing with Barry purely because of skin color. Cain is bold as a lion and unafraid to debate Obama on the merits of conservative philosophy. In his 2011 CPAC speech, Mr. Cain rightly identified the three liberal tactics of "shifting the subject, ignoring the facts, and name-calling," which Cain "bundles together with the acronym 'SIN.'"

Many believe the man who some refer to as the "Hermanator" could be President Obama's "worst nightmare — a business mastermind, a natural problem solver and a black man of 'substance' who says he would 'take the race card off the table' in a challenge against Obama as the GOP presidential candidate in 2012."

Herman Cain is not in danger of being accused of prejudice because he called ObamaCare an "absolute disaster." As an African-American man, Herman cannot be labeled a racist just because he believes the nation he loves is being strangled by "too much regulation, legislation, and taxation."

When Herman Cain encourages all Americans to "stay informed," because "stupid people are ruining America," he's not wrong, and he's not saying it because he's prejudiced against blacks. Bigotry isn't what inspires Herman Cain to praise knowledge as "our greatest weapon in this fight." When Mr. Cain says "mediocrity is not in America's DNA," he isn't referring to whites only.

Besides the forthright Herman Cain, the other potential African-American Barack Obama-challenger is the newly elected freshman representative from Florida, Colonel Allen West. West is so impressive that he now "represents a district that voted for President Obama in 2008 and Sen. John Kerry in 2004."

Newly elected Allen West's conservative message has already made him a target of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. West's crime? Expressing what the left would define as a racist opinion: That America is presently in the business of making "more victims" and will not survive if we continue to foster Obama's "bureaucratic nanny state."

The keynote speaker at the 2011 CPAC, Colonel West did not exploit podium time to harp on racial, social or economic 'injustice,' but instead spoke of tried and true conservative concepts like "effective and efficient constitutional government, peace through strength, and staying true to...American values."

West's speech touched upon the tragedy of American culture being "subservient to multiculturalism," the need for America to promptly dispose of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the travesty of granting Constitutional rights to terrorists, and how the United States must always remain faithful to Israel.

During West's speech, the retired Army Lieutenant Colonel did not make his audience repeat catchy phrases or mislead anyone into believing he'd pay mortgages or fill their tanks with gasoline. West did not kowtow to unions, lobbyists, or abortion advocates, nor did he read from the Koran, make promises to discuss anything with any dictator "without preconditions," or depend on a teleprompter to jog his memory into recalling what were supposed to be the core convictions of his heart.

Instead, during his CPAC keynote speech Allen West focused on truths like how "liberal progressivism" has failed all over the world. He devoted a sizable portion of the discourse to social issues, and emphasized faith in God and opposition to liberal stances on abortion and gay marriage. West, whose people are presently being targeted by what is tantamount to black genocide, took a shot at Obama's sentiment toward unwanted pregnancy, saying, "I do not believe having a baby is punishment."

But perhaps the most insightful thing Allen West shared was his belief that "A dawn of a new America" yet awaits our nation as long as we remember "[h]istory has a way of teaching ... very bad lesson[s] if we don't listen."

The fact that Barack Obama was elected President of the United States was proof positive that the lessons of history, though hard and brutal, had been learned. Unfortunately, at the ballot box Americans yielded to the wrong influence and chose a president based on something besides character and substance. Many falsely believed that when America's first black president placed his hand on Lincoln's Bible, it was the "dawn of a new day." Instead, Obama ushered in new heights of racial division and a level of liberalism unprecedented in American history.

Now as 2012 approaches, new voices offer a message of genuine "hope" and positive "change." On the horizon, the "dawn of a new America" approaches and with it comes a unique opportunity to replace America's first black president with a man who, secondary to being a patriotic American, just happens to be black.

© Jeannieology


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