Alan Keyes knocked by two 'progressive' media sites for saying many conservatives want Obama impeached because of their Christian faith
RenewAmerica staff
January 13, 2014

Amid headlines like "CNN head Jeff Zucker: Fox News is Republican Party 'masquerading as a news channel,'" and "Gun nuts: Perhaps you should just stop acting oppressed by the dead children," unabashed Democratic media exponent featured a front-page piece belittling Alan Keyes for claiming many Americans who want Barack Obama impeached do so because of their Christian faith, trusting that God has the power to "restore their nation."

The unintended compliment – inspired by a similar over-the-top piece at – portrayed Keyes as out of touch for attributing much of the motivation behind the growing movement to impeach the president to faith in Christ.

Here's a link to the Jan. 10 Raw Story piece (which in turn is linked to the Right Wing Watch story):
The Keyes column that triggered the inadvertently positive publicity (to any rational Christian) is titled "Obama's Marxist coup: ending the nightmare," and can be found here.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31